
Archive for the ‘Current Social Issues’ Category

30 Jun 2013 13:07:40 -0000



Although some radical fundamentalists do exist in every religion – they are comparatively few in number. Here the term radical refers to those who blindly follow negative and detrimental theories based on irrational ideas devoid of logic and reasoning. Strictly following bhagavad dharma is not radical as it is based on rationality and for universal well-being. If someone is an adherent of harmful dogmatic teachings from the religions, then surely they are radical.

Here Baba points out the defective mind-set of such persons.

“It is very difficult to persuade religious bigots to follow the path of logic because according to them even to listen to others is a sinful act. This is nothing but mere sentiment. According to some religions beef eating is forbidden but the killing of deer and goats is permissible. This is totally irrational.” (1)

Thus in this age of reasoning, most are not convinced or drawn in by religious leaders. Because when those religious leaders themselves do not follow the path of logic, then the common people just think such priests etc are outdated. For this reason the various religions are shrinking.


In comparison to a 100 years ago, religion on the whole is a much weaker force than it used to be. In the middle ages, millions were killed in the name of religion during the crusades. Today however, religion is no longer the dominating influence in peoples’ lives. Mostly it is just a namesake – i.e. something that people passively follow.

Most do not ardently adhere to the various religious rituals and mandates. People no longer base their lives on what the scriptures say. With the rise of science, people depend more on their logic and reasoning. They are no longer moved or swayed by irrational religious doctrines. Hence religion is fading away in most parts of the globe.


However, if an overtly offensive attack is launched against those religions on the sentimental plane – such as by burning their holy books etc – then there will be tremendous backlash. There will be a major uprising as waves of those followers will staunchly line up behind their religion.

“Through such religions it is next to impossible to establish unity in the society. Religious differences should be minimized as much as possible, but it should be remembered that blind faith in a religion cannot be forcibly eliminated. To strike at any type of sentiment will only cause that sentiment to grow stronger.” (2)

Why do we see – from time to time – profane language used by one religious follower to another? Because of some political gain. This has happened time and again. It has happened in the past and will recur in the future. Intelligent people should always be alert and aware of such tactics. Those not in power incite tense situations to get the power and thereby create chaos in the society. This unfortunate maneuver occurs all around the globe. When we see such incidents it means some political gain is at stake. Those not in power want to come in power by escalating the situation and creating differences.

One political party did this in the USA in 2009 & 2011 – before the upcoming elections – whereby they spoke out against Muslims to ignite the Christian fundamentalists. That political party thought that by this way the can regain their political might. And a similar event occurred in India surrounding the Babri mosque whereby Hindus clashed with Muslims to rally people and regain power. For more about these incident see the link at the bottom of this letter.

The key point here is that if we allow people to create religious conflicts by such ploys then fissiparious tendencies and divisive forces will rise and society will be torn apart. All remnants of peace will be gone.

Thus to lambaste any religion on sentimental grounds will only make matters worse. That is Baba’s pointed warning. Religious leaders can only rely on sentiment and emotion to rally their people – they cannot say “use your brain” because the religions do not adhere to rational teachings.

So if we attack their religious sentiment by insulting their holy texts then that will only invite a dogmatic resurgence of that religion. Everyone, inside and outside of Ananda Marga, must be careful about this.


Here Baba outlines what our approach must be in order to create peace and harmony in the society.

“Psychological methods will have to be employed to make people realize the irrational nature of blind religious faith. This requires a rational interpretation of philosophy through enlightened intellect. When the human mind is gripped by the fear psychology it gives indulgence to blind faith rather than logic and reason. If human fear is removed through logic and reason, the very basis for blind faith will be weakened. That is why human beings will have to be taught philosophical doctrines in a rational way.” (3)

Thus we are to generate interest in logic and reasoning within the common people. Gradually those believers will begin to use their brain and that is the most opportune time to teach them. So logic and reasoning are our faithful tools to combat religious dogmas. Resorting to insulting behaviours and / or belittling their faith will not do.

Furthermore in His teachings on neo-humanism, Baba guides us to fight against isms and dogmas with our logic & reasoning. And that logic and reasoning can only be successful if one has inherent love for all of humanity. Such persons are sadvipras. They only can wipe away dogmas and isms.

If politicians try to crush, suppress or push aside the religions then they will fail. The communists tried that scheme but they could not smother those religions. Rather such religions flourished underground.

“It should be remembered that there are certain differences in the society which should be taken into proper consideration. These differences are usually removed through natural fusion. It is not possible to eradicate them by force. When human beings come close to each other with a genuine feeling of unity, when they share the common joys and sorrows of life, those external differences gradually vanish as a matter of course. In the human society there are four main types of external differences: food, dress, language and religion.” (4)

That is why Baba encourages inter-caste, inter-race & international marriages. And indeed we see that in any metropolitan city around the globe where there is a wide representation of diverse ethnic groups living and working together, such as in New York, Sao Paulo, or London, etc such types of heated social problems are much less.

We should rally around similarities not differences. We can also encourage rational philosophical discussions as that will clear up the minds of students.


The most detrimental aspect of religion is that people stop using their brain. In any era, or country or place where religion is very dominant, people are forced to blindly follow dogmatic edicts and keep away from rational analysis. In that way, they degrade themselves to near animals.

This is not just limited to religious affairs but in all spheres of life those believers become accustomed to blindly following certain politicians and radio show hosts. A leader declares: “Vote for this candidate”, “support this proposition”, “buy this product”, and the people respond – blindly. So their habit to passively follow and obey – without using their brain or critical intellect – applies to social, political, and economic life as well. Verily that habit of not using their brain in other spheres of life is the by-product of religion.

Everyone knows that the rational intellect is the unique quality of being human yet the religions mostly force people not to use their intellect – they stifle the entire method of free inquiry and open discussion. If we gradually encourage logic and reasoning – especially with youths – then gradually the hateful religions will be a relic of the past.

That is why Ananda Marga is working hard to establish educational and neo-humanistic institutions around the globe.

The rate at which religion is fading now is staggering; it is on a big downturn. We must raise the slogan of intellectual freedom and rational thinking. Then we can get success because religion does not allow such logic and reasoning.

In contrast, if we allow impulsive and fiery preachers to burn the Koran, Bible, Torah, Giita etc, then that will only ignite the flames of religious outcry and rebellion. That will be counter-productive.



As margiis we should understand Baba’s guideline for discussing the religions.

In Ananda Marga, we appreciate healthy debates on philosophical grounds based on religious teaching and preachings. Hence we can respectfully speak about the loopholes of any of the religions in a very psychological manner. For instance in Christianity we can debate their positions on heaven, hell, and Satan etc, and with Hindus we can raise the point of idol worship etc. We can discuss why these things are right or wrong with regard to all the religions.

But these philosophical discussions must be carried out in a very respectful and dignified manner. There must not be one bit of hatred or disrespect towards any religion. On this very point Baba says in Caryacarya:

“Never attack the religious beliefs of anyone. Make the person understand gradually with logic. If you attack a person’s religious beliefs, it means you have attacked Ananda Marga.” (5)

So we do not appreciate any type of attack on one’s religious sentiments. That means no bible burning, no Koran burning, no destroying of idols, no cartoons about Mohammad, no wall writing about the religions using offensive language etc.

It is fine to politely discuss the defects of idol worship but we should not stand from afar and hurl rocks at those Hindu temples.

Debating the principles is very important, Baba says we should do that. But we must not hurt their emotional or sentimental feelings of their religion. That will only lead to social chaos and and rouse the followers behind those religions. Because at that time their rational brain is not functioning, rather their ego and emotions are dominating. That is why the problems will escalate.


The question comes: Why should we encourage philosophical debates? Because we believe in the liberation of intellect and free use of logic and reasoning. Before choosing any religion, one should use their brain as to how far it is logically meaningful.

We see in the society that when some people purchase anything they consider how they should spend their money. But when committing their entire heart and emotional feeling to a certain religion then they do not use their brain. They do not question its veracity.

For instance, Hindus believe that if you hold the tail of a cow on the bank of the Ganges in Varanasi and pay a priest 50 rupees to recite the rituals for “godana puja”, then you will go to eternal heaven and receive all kinds of luxuries and niceties.

Likewise in Catholicism, if a follower confesses their sin and gives money to the priest then their sin removed and a seat is reserved for them in heaven. And similar tactics are done in Islam and Judaism as well. Followers are led by tales and tall talks.

Such an approach is not good. Everyone should use their brain and logic and see how far it is rational to surrender to those religious beliefs and theories.

In any geographical region where education is prevalent, the grip of religious dogma is melting fast. But where people are not well educated, they are more prone to illogical beliefs, rituals and dogma. So education is very important. It should not be forgotten that even in America 14% of the population is illiterate – they cannot comprehend the newspaper. Thus we must work hard to raise the intellectual standard of all peoples in all countries – that will help promote an environment of all-round respect and cordiality.


With the rise of science, logic, and reasoning, the influence of religion is far less than it used to be. However, if anyone insults, taunts, and attacks any religion, then those blind religious followers will create an uproar. Unfortunately, some resort to desecrating and destroying religious symbols – as one religious preacher threatened & burned the Koran (Quran) etc – and that only creates more harm in society.

As in the case of all critical issues, as Ananda Margiis we should be crystal-clear about Baba’s teaching. We should know our stand – i.e. the stand of Ananda Marga. Thus if someone threatens to publicly burn the Bible or the Koran, or draws a caricature of Mohammed, or mocks Hindu idol worship etc, we should know how to respond and intervene.

Specifically, (a) what is our policy with regards to the burning of holy books from the various religions, (b) what are our weapons against such religions, and (c) on what level can we address religious claims.

To reach these answers, we must adhere to Baba’s, our Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji’s, aforementioned key guidelines about the various dogmatic religions.


Baba has graciously given us all the teachings to form a harmonious human society. We must pay heed to His guideline of not hurting anyone’s religious sentiment nor should we try and forcefully root out any dogma by methods of suppression, repression, or terror. We are all one people – brother and sisters – united in under the loving shelter of one God. Whatever differences we have must be sorted out in a respectful, safe, and diplomatic manner.

“The more human beings live in unity, shoulder to shoulder, the greater the welfare of the human race will be. Let no one try to suppress others on the basis of nationality, language, religion or anything else in any sphere of life. Let the path of full expression of human intelligence be kept open forever.” (6)

In Him,

1. Prout Nutshell – 7
2. A Few Problems Solved – 2
3. A Few Problems Solved – 2
4. Prout in a Nutshell – 7
5. CC-2, “Society”, pt #9
6. A Few Problems Solved – 3


For those who want to know more about how certain opportunists create rifts among the religions in order to gain power should read the below letter (click link.)



“Nijer chanda ha’riye phelechi toma’r chande na’cite ca’i….” (1400)


O’ Parama Purusa, by Your grace I have lost my own individual rhythm. Now I want to dance in Your Cosmic rhythm. I do not have any language, tune, or proper voice by which I can sing Your glory. So I sing Your name completely depending on Your grace.

O’ my Lord, whatever known or unknown things I had, big or small, everything I am surrendering at Your lotus feet – by Your grace. And I am doing sastaunga pranam countless times. O’ Dear Lord, please grace me.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I did not come here on this earth with any attributions, qualities, or wealth. I came empty-handed and I will go empty-handed. I will not go back with a huge treasury. Whatever sin or negative deeds I performed, those reactive momenta should remain along with me and I am ready to suffer the consequences. But whatever good things I did, making the garland of those virtues, I offer You the mala. So I am ready to face my sin but my virtue You please take. Baba, I am offering all my virtues as a mala…

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This post provides greater background into how on certain occasions those not in power create religious rifts to rile people in society just so that they can regain that power.

In every democracy, the party not in power wants to gain the power.

If any party not in power has a better policy to attract the common people in their favor, i.e. if they have a benevolent plan to resolve their miserable situation, then they will propagate their plan to attract the public and get their vote.

Whereas any party not in power that does not have any positive plans or programs then they will resort to negative and dirty sentiments to bring the public in their favour. That is why this Islamic mosque and Koran issues were brought forth in US recently.

Recent Case in The US:

Republicans Raise Anti-Muslim Sentiment

Why did they use this particular sentiment? Because Christians are in the majority in the US, so if they rallied people around the Christian sentiment so they may forget their economic anxiety. With unbridled emotion they will support their ploy. And that is what happened back in 2009.

And when the President’s name itself is Barack Hussein Obama, then they escalated the issue by saying that the ruling Democratic party is dominated my a Muslim leader.

The Republicans raised the banner: “Terrorists are Islamic; the President is Islamic; all the problems are related with Islam. Get rid of this president by voting in our favour and the problem will be solved.”

First Election Since Republicans Were in Power

Terrorists did not just attack the Twin Towers yesterday. The Twin Towers tragedy happened over a decade ago. In those years from 2001 – 2008, the mosque issue (i.e. proposal to build a mosque near ground zero) was not such a wild and nasty affair. Because earlier the Republicans were ruling. Since the Twin Towers attack, 2010 represented the first time an election was going to happen since those Republicans were in power. So republicans used this negative sentiment to stir the people.

In creating this negative sentiment while the Democrats were in power, the Republicans gained political clout and rattled the present administration. And in the 2010 mid-term elections they gain a lot of seats. However such a hate campaign spilled over into one pastor threatening to burn the Koran. It went beyond the boundaries of Republican control and riled people, like this pastor, to take harmful action.

Baba’s Warning

That is why Baba warns us that we should never rally people around a negative sentiment as it does not bode well for society.

More recently, such sentiments led to the Boston bombing whereby Islamic youths killed and injured innocent bystanders because of their own feeling that the western world was mistreating Muslims.

Even then Republicans remain pleased by their strategy – still today. Those in power never wish to disturb the peace, but the party not in power always tries to wreak havoc on the country – especially during an election year. In that sense the Republicans got what they wanted. By creating rifts between religious fronts, they were able to grab votes and carry more seats in Congress. This was their scheme.

In a democracy, the common public can be misguided by any sentiment. The above situation is the proof. That is why any democracy supported by adult franchise is foolocaracy. Because age alone does not give a person the requisite viveka to vote properly. Democracy, however, is OK if the voters have a socio-political consciousness.

And a similar tactic was employed in India surrounding the Babri mosque:

Demolition of Babri Masjid

(courtesy of Wikipedia)

The city of Ayodhya is regarded by Hindus to be the birthplace of the God-king Rama and is regarded as one of India’s most sacred and religious sites. In 1528, after the Mughal invasion, a mosque was built by Mughal general Mir Banki, who reportedly destroyed a pre-existing temple of Rama at the site, and named it after emperor Babur. For several years, the site was used for religious purposes by both Hindus and Muslims. After independence, several title suits were filed by opposing religious groups claiming possession of the site.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) used the Ayodhya debate as a major campaign issue in the 1989 elections. In September 1990, BJP leader L. K. Advani started Rath Yatra, a tour of the country to educate the masses about the Ayodhya struggle.


On 6 December 1992, the BJP and other supporting organizations organized a religious ceremony to symbolically start the building of a temple at the sacred site. About 150,000 karsevaks had assembled to witness the ceremonies, including speeches by BJP leaders L. K. Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi.

On that Sunday morning, LK Advani and others met at Vinay Katiyar’s residence. They then proceeded to the disputed structure, the report says. Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi and Katiyar reached the puja platform where symbolic Kar Seva was to be performed, and Advani and Joshi checked arrangements for the next 20 minutes. The two senior leaders then moved 200 metre away to the Ram Katha Kunj. This was a building facing the disputed structure where a dais had been erected for senior leaders.

The report notes that at this time Advani, Joshi and Vijay Raje Scindia made “feeble requests to the Kar Sevaks to come down… either in earnest or for the media’s benefit”. No appeal was made to the Kar Sevaks not to enter the sanctum sanctorum or not to demolish the structure. The report notes: “This selected act of the leaders itself speaks of the hidden intentions of one and all being to accomplish demolition of the disputed structure.” The report holds that the “icons of the movement present at the Ram Katha Kunj… could just as easily have… prevented the demolition.”

Photographs and video of the event show that an angry crowd soon stormed the site and attacked the structure. At noon, youths were seen at the top of one of the domes, attaching a flag and beating on the structure with a stick, signaling the breaking of the outer cordon. Using only hand implements, the crowd reduced the substantial structure to rubble.

Demolition Planned in Advance

In a 2005 book former Intelligence Bureau (IB) Joint Director Maloy Krishna Dhar claimed that Babri mosque demolition was planned 10 months in advance by top leaders of RSS, BJP and VHP and raised questions over the way the then Prime Minister P V Narasimha Rao, had handled the issue. Dhar claimed that he was directed to arrange the coverage of a key meeting of the BJP/Sangh Parivar and that the meeting “proved beyond doubt that they (RSS, BJP, VHP) had drawn up the blueprint of the Hindutva assault in the coming months and choreographed the ‘pralaya nritya’ (dance of destruction) at Ayodhya in December 1992… The RSS, BJP, VHP and the Bajrang Dal leaders present in the meeting amply agreed to work in a well-orchestrated manner.” Claiming that the tapes of the meeting were personally handed over by him to his boss, he asserts that he has no doubts that his boss had shared the contents with the Prime Minister (Rao) and the Home Minister (S B Chavan). The author claimed that there was silent agreement that Ayodhya offered “a unique opportunity to take the Hindutva wave to the peak for deriving political benefit.”

Communal Riots And Terrorism

The destruction of the Mosque sparked Muslim outrage around the country, provoking several months of intercommunal rioting in which Hindus and Muslims attacked one another, burning and looting homes, shops and places of worship. The ensuing riots which spread to cities like Bombay, Surat, Ahmedabad, Kanpur, Delhi and several others, eventually resulted in 1,500 deaths. The Mumbai Riots alone, which occurred in December 1992 and January 1993, caused the death of around 900 people, and estimated property damage of around INR 9,000 crore ($3.6 billion). The demolition and the ensuing riots were among the major factors behind the 1993 Mumbai bombings and many successive riots in the coming decade. Banned jihadi outfits like Indian Mujahideen cited demolition of the Babri Mosque as an excuse for terrorist attacks.


On 16 December 1992, the Union home ministry set up the Liberhan Commission to investigate the destruction of the Mosque, headed by retired High Court Judge M S Liberhan. Totalling 399 sittings over the span of sixteen years, the Commission finally submitted its the 1,029-page report to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on June 30, 2009. According to the report, the events of December 6, 1992, in Ayodhya were “neither spontaneous nor unplanned”.
(courtesy of Wikipedia)

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Recently there was a report about a sports fan who became so distraught after his favourite team lost that he could not go to work or interact in normal social situations. He became so depressed by “his team’s” loss that he could not even sleep, eat, or drink. His mind became fused and frozen; he was utterly sunk in woe and suffered from deep, deep melancholia. Such was his unfortunate fate and horrible condition.


Before going on further, two points should be clarified:

1) This depressed person was not actually on that defeated team. Nor was he present in the arena or stadium when the team lost. Nor were any of his personal friends or family members on the team that lost. Actually, he did not know anyone personally on that team. Not only that, the athletes themselves on that losing team did not become depressed because they lost. Yet this man, who was merely watching the game on TV far, far from the actual venue, suffered from a deep, dark depression because of the team’s loss.

2) This is not an isolated incident. Many avid sports fans suffer from depression when their team loses. This has garnered much attention lately amongst psychologists and doctors. Why do fans become so attached with their team that they become ill and diseased when their team loses.


Not just sports fans, but throughout materialistic societies and communities, there are countless people who fall prey to depression.

For instance, there was a father who had a 5-year-old daughter whom he loved very much. And the time had come for his daughter to go off for her schooling; she was to stay with her maternal grandmother. After living there and studying for years and years, at the age of 18 she returned back to visit her father. Seeing his daughter all grown-up, the father was quite disappointed and upset. He had remembered her as an innocent and sweet 5-year-old girl and now she was quite different.

Likewise, people become depressed because their own personal appearance has changed; they were so much attached with their youthful beauty and now that is gone so they are mentally disturbed.

Or they become depressed because they loved their house so much and now their house has fallen into decay or they themselves could no longer live in that house, for whatever reason. People do not own their house forever. One day it may be burned to ashes or the owner of the house may die. At some point there will be separation. In the same way, no one keeps their own physical body forever, and when that day nears they are in psychic turmoil.

Or people become depressed due to a loss in their financial standing or social status. They thought their money and prestige would last forever, and now that has dissipated; so they are in terrible angst over the loss.

Indeed, people become mentally imbalanced due to so many vacillations in the material sphere. Primarily because they were not prepared for their impending loss. So just as before any natural catastrophe or big storm, the authorities issue warnings so people can be prepared and best handle the situation, similarly Ananda Marga philosophy serves notice that this world is transient and one should set their priorities with this truth in mind: Nothing in this world lasts forever. Knowing this, one can plan accordingly and refrain from getting emotionally attached to ephemeral things and one can care for their body to make it last as long as possible.

Those looking for worldly causes will think that all the aforementioned cases are different. However, from the perspective of the spiritual philosophy of Ananda Marga, all these cases are the same. The root cause is one.


The question becomes: What is the operative factor? What is the real explanation behind such depression, and what is the solution.

In His vast body of teachings of Ananda Marga ideology, Baba has pin-pointedly identified the problem and given the solution.

Specifically, people become enamoured with various shapes and forms in this mundane world and want to hold onto them forever – they want to keep that expression permanently as is. Alas, it undergoes change, and when it does they become upset, sad, or even extremely distraught and depressed.

A man becomes deeply attached with his cherished house, yet he is not going to live in that house forever. Either his house will come under different ownership or one day he will leave that house. The house may be destroyed by an earthquake or tornado, or he may become sick and have to leave, or he may die. Inevitably, for one reason or another, he will have to part with that house. When the time of separation comes, he becomes depressed.

It is the same as in the above case examples:
(a) the father became disturbed by seeing the drastic change in his grown daughter; and,
(b) the sports fan became depressed by watching his favourite team lose.

The key theme in all these circumstances is that this relative world is constantly undergoing change. People become attracted or enamoured with the way a person or thing is at a particular point in time. They want it to remain like that forever. They view that as their shelter for all-time. So when it inevitably changes, they become sad and depressed; and, sometimes they are so shocked they become senseless.

One day a sports team is the champion and on top of the world, and the next moment they are miserable, bankrupt, sunk in scandal, or mocked by people all over. That is the nature of this transient world; everything is always undergoing change. But this is not properly understood in materialistic societies. Superficially they may say, “I know it will not be like this forever.” But practically speaking, they plan their life on the idea that things will never change. They become depressed because they want to hold onto or keep their cherished object in a particular moment in time – forever.

This is not just limited to physical objects, but the psychic world as well. Philosophies change; ideas evolve; and people’s conceptions change.


Here below Baba speaks to this entire phenomena of how this relative world constantly undergoes change and that what one likes one day will be gone tomorrow.

“Once, in my childhood, I stayed in a village in Bhagalpur district which I grew to love immensely. Forty years after I returned to the village. I looked for my favourite river and ponds but was unable to trace them. Nor could I find the playground or the houses I remembered. And the house we lived in looked so different I hardly recognized it. The river where we bathed and played was unseen for it had changed its course and was flowing about two miles from the village. Naturally I did not feel the same for the village as I had before. Actually I felt bored and left the place soon after. Why did this happen? Because my life and the life of the village were not moving at the same speed. There was a gap between myself and the village. The “good old days” were dead and gone.” (Ananda Marga Philosophy – 6, Ekendriya – 4)

Through His own experience and story, Baba recounts how his cherished childhood memories became crushed by the spell of time. The things He enjoyed as a child were no more. The course of the river was changed and the playground eliminated etc.

Such is the plight of everything in this relative world. It changes over time, and, ultimately, one day it is gone entirely from this earth.


Next Baba guides us how we should live in this world and what should be our outlook.

“In the material world human beings must carry out their duties without being bound by the binding fetters. The mind should not get helplessly attached to anything undesirable, otherwise it will have to undergo severe afflictions. The wise person carries out his or her duties in the world without getting attached to anything. One must always remember,”

Thákbo ná bhái thákbo ná keu, thábená bhái kichu,
Ei ánande yáore chale káler pichu pichu.

[In this world no one is immortal
Nothing is permanent.
Knowing this Supreme Truth, march on,
Happily following the footprints of time.]

Áj tomáder yeman jánchi temni jánte jánte,
Tvaráy yena sakal jáná yáy jiivaner pránte;
Ei ye neshá láglo cokhe ei t́ukui ye chot́e,
Amni yena samay ámár váki ná ray mot́e;
Jiṋáner cakśu! Svarge giye yáy yadi yák khuli,
Martte yena ná bheuṋge yáy mithye Máyáguli.

Always remember that you have to discharge your duties while remaining fully aware of your Supreme goal. As I already mentioned the philosophy which is accepted as infallible today will be rejected through logical argumentation tomorrow. The vast structure based on that irrational philosophy will crumble like a house of cards. No intellectual notion should be accepted as the Supreme goal of life.” (Ananda Marga Philosophy – 6, Ekendriya – 4)


Baba guides us that we must accept the Divine Entity as the only Goal of life. Everything else crumbles with the passage of time. People age and die; material objects break and get smashed to dust; even intellectual ideas and theories undergo grave distortions. There is veritably nothing in the physical and psychic worlds that can withstand the cruel passage of time.

One can only escape this cycle of temporary gain and loss, of infatuation followed by depression, by taking the Supreme One as their object of ideation. If one lives their life thinking that, “Parama Purusa in the ultimate home and eternal shelter – Only He will always be along with me”, then one can escape the anguish that comes with the vicissitudes of life.



In His next teaching, Baba that whenever the mind becomes associated or attached with relative expression they are bound to suffer from the pangs of gain and ultimately loss.

Mana eva manuśyáńám káránaḿ bandhamokśayoh,
Bandhasya viśayásaungimuktonirviśayaḿ tathá.

“The mind is the cause of bondage or liberation of human beings. A person under bondage is attached to a mental or physical object, whereas the liberated one is free from all objects.” If the mind is confined to something physical or psychic it is bound to be assailed by either pleasure or pain – it is inevitable. However hard you may try you can not avoid it, because you are so inseparably bound to your objects.” (Ananda Marga Philosophy – 6, Ekendriya – 4)

Then He clearly guides us that by ideating on the Supreme one will find eternal peace, whereas if one limits the mind to changing physical or psychic pabulum they are bound to be met with disappointment and depression.

And in His below teaching Baba uses the term speed with regards to relative beings. We can think of it this way. Two people traveling on separate motor-bikes can ride side by side for a short while and communicate back and forth. So long as their speed remains the same or very similar, their communication can continue. But it will not last long. Soon one biker will move ahead and the other biker will fall behind. When that happens they will be physically distant. In that same way, every human being has their own psychic momentum. So long as that momentum is similar to someone else, they can remain close to one another. The moment there is a widening gap in their psychic momentum, their closeness will dissipate. And that invariably happens in this material realm. That is what Baba is warning us about in the below guideline.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is also true that you will not remain associated with your object forever because the speed of movement of both cannot be equal forever. The person with whom you live with all the warmth of your life will ultimately desert you – it is a cruel game. Confronted with this grim reality one should be very cautious about selecting one’s goal. One thing is clear – the Supreme Entity alone should be accepted as one’s goal. The question of difference in speed does not arise in the case of Parama Puruśa for He is beyond speed. This is extremely important. When there is the question of speed one either advances or falls behind. Speed differs between those entities which come within the domain of time, space and person. But Parama Puruśa is beyond the relative factors for He is the relative factors (they are embedded in Him) and thus the question of speed does not arise.” (Ananda Marga Philosophy – 6, Ekendriya – 4)

So between two relative beings, the speed always vacillates. That is why it is extremely difficult – nay impossible – for two unit beings to remain close for long. With Parama Purusa, the situation is completely different. He is the Divine One and stands unassailed by all relative factors. So He always remains along with you.


[A] People commonly take shelter in mundane things. For instance, a person may be attracted with another’s physical beauty and on that basis they take that person as their spouse. Over time, that beauty wanes, and they get disturbed because what they took as their shelter is now gone. People may deny this in theory, but that is what practically happens. People use relative things like money, prestige, and beauty as their haven on this earth. They latch onto that for their happiness. Yet in time those things erode or vanish entirely, leaving a person mentally ravaged. It happens – people take shelter in mundane, transient things. That is why Baba has given the following warning.

“Nothing in this world can be your permanent shelter. If you want permanent shelter, you will have to go beyond the jurisdiction of this expressed world of three fundamental relative factors, and such a transcendent factor is Parama Puruśa. Hence Parama Puruśa is your only shelter. There cannot be any second shelter.” (Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12, Permanent Shelter)

[B] Here again, Baba points out this same predicament. People grab onto the ephemeral, like money, thinking that will keep them afloat, safe, and joyous, yet that invariably escapes their grasp – sooner or later.

“Every entity runs more towards that which is more lasting and secure and which will provide it with greater and longer safety. People run after money because they believe that they can maintain their lives under the shelter of money, that money alone can save them. They do not know that money can provide neither a permanent stability nor securely founded shelter. During the span of one’s life money will come and go several times. At times its glamour will dazzle our eyes and at other times the lack of money will make one cry from hunger. Not only money, but all finite objects have this characteristic. One uses finite objects with the intention of enjoying only one of their portions, then sooner or later the residue will be reached. That which is finite cannot permanently remain the object of your enjoyment or your permanent resort. The existence of all these things is dependent on other things – bounded by the limits of time, place and person.” (Subhasita Samgraha – 1, Bhaktitattva)

[C] In any materialistic outlook, east or west, people base their happiness and safety on the transient: Name, fame, prestige, worldly wealth and beauty etc. And that ultimately leads to a lot of heartache, disappointment and depression. Only by seeing through the sheen of the material and seeking out the Supreme can one find lasting happiness and peace.

“The minds of some people remain absorbed in the thought of money for a long time. They surrender the fragrance of their lives at the altar of money. Others treat the achievement of fame or having a child as the principal object of their lives. They do not hesitate to lay down their life to have a son or to achieve fame. When the mind cannot enjoy a particular object for a long period, or enjoys it hurriedly, then such an experience is called a painful experience or pain. For example you cannot look at a decomposed corpse for a long time. Similarly, after a brief talk you will dispose as quickly as possible of a person who causes you pain.”
“Therefore, whether an object is pleasant or painful, its finiteness cannot be your permanent object. You and that object are bound to separate. The mind is needed for one’s preservation and for its own preservation the mind needs a safe shelter, as can hold it throughout eternity. Human beings always crave for a safe shelter. Is it not so? Will you build your house on quicksand? No, you will construct your house on the firm foundation of solid earth…”
“This Cosmic Entity alone is the basic shelter of the human beings. It is a strong foundation which shall not, at any time forsake them leaving him forlorn. In this very Cosmic shelter you can establish yourself fearlessly for all time to come.” (Subhasita Samgraha – 1, The Base of Life)

[D] Here below Baba colourfully describes the temporary nature of this expressed universe, and how things come and got from this earth. Thus, when everything is temporary and constantly undergoing change, one must not take shelter in these ephemeral expressions.

“This quinquelemental universe is a relative truth, a changing reality, a passing phenomenon – a passing flow of constantly changing events. It rests on the three pillars of the relative factors – time, space and person. Space is always changing. It is composed of countless atoms and molecules. With the change in the movement of atoms and molecules, space also changes. That is why numerous rich and beautiful cities of the past are now buried under the earth. Many splendid palaces and mansions, many churches, temples, mosques and synagogues, and many pyramids have been reduced to rubble. With the constant change in the flow of time, how many major changes have occurred in the universe? Similarly, with the change in time and space, people also change. A small two-year old child becomes a smart and active twenty-five year old youth. And the same energetic youth becomes an infirm, inactive, old person in due course. Thus, nothing in this universe is permanent. Many gigantic animals in the past have become totally extinct from the surface of the earth. Royal pomp and opulence, the pride of power, the vast knowledge of mighty scholars have become things of the past, thrown into the dustbin of history. Many objects emerged in the past, remained on earth for a short time, and then disappeared according to the inexorable law of nature.” (Ananda Marga Philosophy – 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya)

[E] In culmination, Sadguru Baba guides us to spend all their energies and potentiality in linking with the Eternal Divine Entity – Parama Purusa

“The only eternal truth is Parama Puruśa. He is anadi, beginningless, endless, all-pervasive; an entity beyond the scope of time, place and person. He is the only eternal, undecaying, imperishable, immutable entity. He is the Supreme Source from which the inanimate, plant and animal worlds have emerged. He is the starting-point and the culminating point of everything. Hence, wise people should utilize their physical, psychic and spiritual power to realize that Supreme Omni-Telepathic Entity to become one with Him.” (Ananda Marga Philosophy – 4, Prápta Vákya and Ápta Vákya)


The phenomenon of an avid sports fan becoming hopelessly depressed by watching his team undergo defeat is not a mystery according to the teachings of Ananda Marga spiritual philosophy. If a person is very attached to anything of this relative world then they are bound to undergo the pain of its loss. Because nothing lasts forever; everything undergoes change and nothing can remain with you across time and space – except Parama Purusa.

Thus if one is attached with a sports team, house, spouse, or anything of this mundane world, then they will be met with sorrow. That person wants to hold and keep that object or idea – as is. They want it to remain permanently fixed. That is the slippery slope that they travel.

Such materialist puts “all their sweets in one basket”, and when that basket itself is subject to decay and destruction, then everything is lost. And that is the cause of their mental angst, sadness, and depression.

Only by taking the Supreme as their eternal shelter of life can one escape this cycle or pain and pleasure and experience the boundless bliss of remaining eternally with Him.

At His lotus feet,

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From: “Ramujagar”
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: Dada Threatens To Commit Suicide
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 21:06:55


This entire email is composed of 3 parts:

(1) Posting: Dada Threatens To Commit Suicide;
(2) Reply: Celibacy: Comparing Ananda Marga & Catholicism:
(3) Prabhat Samgiita #1089.

Each section is demarcated by asterisks (***).


In our Ananda Marga, human life is regarded as something invaluable and highly treasured. The gift of human life is not easily gotten; and, once achieved, it should be utilized to follow the path of bhagavata dharma. This every Ananda Margii knows.

So just as our Ananda Marga protects the rights of the baby and is against abortion, similarly we support the idea that one’s life should be properly maintained and do not support any acts of suicide etc.


First and foremost, according to Baba’s guideline, suicide itself is condemnable. Parama Purusa has graciously bestowed one with the human framework, and intentionally killing oneself (suicide) is equally sinful as killing another human being (homicide).

The point is that when Parama Purusa has supplied this human body, nobody has the right to destroy it by demolishing themselves. If anybody kills themselves, in future they will not be graced by getting a new human life.

Consider this: Suppose parents give a pen and paper to their 6 month old infant, and the baby tears up the paper and throws it on the ground, and chews the pen and throws it outside via the window. Then his loving parents will think that this baby is not mature enough to have a pen and paper. They will think, “Let the baby grow up before I give those materials again.”

In the same way, Parama Purusa does not grant new human life to people after they commit suicide. Rather, the suicide victim will have to wait a very, very long period – even as long as millions of years. Because when someone has committed suicide, it may take millions of years to drift along as negative microvita. So killing oneself is an abominable act.


If any person commits suicide they may not get human life for millions of years. The following story, narrated by Baba in Shabda Cayanika, makes this very clear. In that story, Baba is describing the fate of a British officer “Sahib” who killed himself. So many years passed, and still his disembodied soul was living in that government bungalow.

Here is that excerpt from Shabda Cayanika where the Sahib who committed suicide is describing his terrible fate.

“Today I realize what a horrendous mistake I made…This path of suicide that I have taken to save my honour has crudified me so much that even after such a long time I cannot find any deliverance. These days I am utterly helpless. …Oh, what a painful bondage! Is there no path left open to me to attain peace! Is there no ointment I can apply which will soothe the burning of my bondage!” (1)

Thus the Sahib suffered tremendously by committing suicide – just one torment after another. Even though he was feeling deeply repentant for his crime of suicide, he had to endure a lot of torture and pain. It is only Baba’s causeless grace that He granted him (the Sahib) a better life.


All of Baba’s teachings clearly demonstrate that in a weak moment, nobody should invite their own disaster by committing suicide. Not only that, it is our duty as a true devotee of Baba to help and support others when they are feeling depressed or devastated or unsure of themselves.

Thus we should be prepared and warn them that committing suicide invites long-term irreparable damage. Here ‘long-term’ means thousands and thousands of years of punishment. Because the life span of negative microvita is not limited to ten, twenty, or one hundred years, but far longer than that.

So the entire act of committing suicide is meek and cowardly – and ruins one’s future.

Nowadays all around, in the general society, the overall atmosphere is quite negative. People suffer in so many ways: Physically, psychically, emotionally, and spiritually. They do not have a proper ideology to move on in the right direction. Many are prone towards suicide. So in this situation, our duty is to guide them and bring on the proper path.


In order to help people we must better understand what causes a person to consider killing themselves.

The key point to know is that nobody wants to die. Nobody wants their own destruction. This runs contrary to all human psychology. People do not commit suicide because they wish to invite their own ruination. They commit suicide in the hopes of freeing themselves from the horrors of their present existence and starting afresh by gaining new life. This is the fundamental reason behind each and every act of suicide: The utmost desire to start anew.

They think: “This life is a lost cause. I do not have what I want. I must rid myself of my ghastly problems. Let me kill myself and start anew.” Sadly, their dogmatic, mind-set is riddled with all kinds of worries, fears, delusions, and difficulties. The best way for us to help is to understand and empathize with what they are going through.

Ultimately, because of their deep despair and dogmatic outlook, they think that by committing suicide they will get a better opportunity – a new life.

Such persons fall in two distinct categories.

(a) REBIRTH: Those who believe in reincarnation such as inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent think that by killing themselves they will surely be granted new, better life.

What they fail to understand is that committing suicide and getting new life does not mean escaping from their prior samskaras. Rather, one is accumulating many more negative samskaras by their act of suicide, and they may come back as an animal or a stone. Thus, their desire to start afresh – free from the past burdens is 100% wrong.

(b) HEAVEN: Those from the Semitic religions think that by killing themselves they will get a wonderful, new existence by going to heaven.

Here again, however, as Ananda Margiis we know that there is no place as heaven and that is not one’s destination after death. So there is no question of gaining a clean, pure, new life, rather they will be stuck in the mire of their negative decision of committing suicide for thousands or even millions of years.

(c) ATHEIST: They want to get rid of their present circumstance and think that whatever happens will be “better than this.”

The overall conclusion is that whatever their belief system or religious background, those who commit suicide do so in hopes of attaining a fresh start in life.

So committing suicide is not some type of glorified action. Rather it is a negative act born out of a psychic disease. Acts of suicide are done by very weak, disturbed, tense, and fragile persons. Those who have a strong mind never invite such negative thoughts nor commit such a horrible act.


There are another section of people who fall prey to suicidal tendencies due to the defective outlook of the general society.

For instance, suppose when in good health a person reads a news report that praises and glorifies an elderly person or a deformed person for committing suicide so that they will not be a burden to others. In that case, if that healthy person becomes disabled at a young age due to an accident or becomes feeble due to living into their advanced years, then they too might commit suicide. Because the dogmatic outlook of that selfish society preaches that it is “better to die than to get help from others.”

This is indeed a vile outlook born out of selfishness. The authors of such a outlook would rather see another die than lend a hand to help them. This goes against all aspects of a service-oriented mentality and spiritual outlook. Such persons are committing pratyavaya (sin of omission) by not helping the needy person. It is our duty to wholly oppose this type of sinful and diseased mentality.

Then there is another example where societal values lead one to intentionally end their life. In some regions or lands, assisted suicide has come into vogue. Guided by this outlook, people think it is better – i.e. more honourable and respectable – to end their life than to live with a terminal illness. When person thinks that their disease is taboo or that they do not want to face the suffering of their illness, then they opt for assisted suicide. And again, this decision is a direct result of the prevailing norms of society.

So these are cases where societal values led one to the very horrible act of suicide.


Whatever their reasoning, people resort to suicide when they wish to escape from the problems and difficulties of their present circumstance. They think suicide will bring them a better life – somehow.

Ananda Marga philosophy clearly states that one is bound by their samskaras and one cannot escape that bundle of samskaras by committing suicide. Rather suicide itself will lead to the creation of yet another bad samskara.

Best is to courageously face the reactions of their current life. If someone is undergoing terrible suffering they should ask Parama Purusa for the courage and strength to face the problem. Then their samskara will be much less painful. And if sufficient mental strength is aroused that problem will no longer be a problem.


In various countries suicide is viewed differently. In Japan committing suicide is not treated as a crime. But in India, it is a crime. Whereas in Romania, suicide itself is not illegal, but encouraging or facilitating another’s suicide is a criminal offense.

From the Ananda Marga perspective, the overriding idea is that whatever the laws and social viewpoints may be, according to cardinal human values suicide is sin.


Seeing the very low standard of general society where so many people are mentally imbalanced, we must never encourage this type of cowardice mentality. Rather with a full voice of courage and compassion we should guide them in the proper direction. Suicide is one sinful act that goes against the essence of humanity.


In His discourses Baba has clearly warned for people not to commit suicide.

Specifically, in His teachings on microvita, Baba addresses the topic of disembodied souls. And there He has given a graphic explanation about the negativity of suicide:

“People who commit suicide due to humiliation, psychic distortion, frustration or the overpowering influence of excessive attachment, anger, greed, vanity, jealousy, etc. get the status of kabandha yoni after death. Wherever these entities happen to see other human beings under the spell of psychic derangement, they incite them to commit suicide.” (2)

So if one commits suicide they become kabandha microvita, and that is one very negative state.

Here following are more of Baba’s related teachings on this subject.


The sahib let out a long sigh and said: “The advice of the district magistrate was quite sound, but at that time I was not in the right mind to accept his counsel. Because of my arrogance I had completely lost my common sense. My ruler’s philosophy was prodding me continuously, telling me – What! Will I flee under the cover of darkness out of fear of a few ordinary farmers? Never! It is against my ruler’s philosophy. I will have to do something to save my respect. On and on I went thinking like this until I was at a complete loss. There was no one to give any clear directions or orders. That day my wounded pride told me – the only way to salvage my honour is to tie a noose around my neck and hang myself with this rope. That is the only path to salvation. In this way my honour, my prestige, my reputation, will be saved.

“So thought, so done.

“I tied a noose around my neck with this rope and hung myself. You may call it suicide, cowardliness or sin. But in the state of mind I was in that day I could see no other path open to me. So knowingly, perhaps, I took this sinful path in order to salvage my honour.”

His voice choked. “You know, now I am completely alone in this place – solitary, companionless. No one comes near me. Everyone is afraid; everyone says that this is a house of the dead.”

“Then?” I asked.

“Today I realize what a horrendous mistake I made. Human beings’ benevolent consciousness leads them towards greatness and evil crudifies them. This path of suicide that I have taken to save my honour has crudified me so much that even after such a long time I cannot find any deliverance. These days I am utterly helpless. Please consider my helplessness and give me some direction, some order; tell me what to do. Where is my path of welfare, my road to providence?” (3)


“Because of problems in the objectivated mind, people suffer from various psychic complexes. For example, there are those who are inclined to think that no one, neither their friends and relatives nor even their domestic animals, cares to think of them. They unnecessarily think that everyone deliberately avoids them, dislikes them, or ignores them, and therefore they become disappointed, dejected, and dispirited. Life loses all its charm and attraction for them, and they may even commit suicide. This type of mania is called melancholia.” (4)


“Most people who commit suicide do not have the direct will to survive. However, their indirect will remains partially active, sustained by the desire to be free of the untold sorrows, miseries, and humiliations of this life. Deep within they cherish an indirect desire to acquire a new, dignified life in another world after death. This desire is the work of the indirect will. Their indirect will seeks a way to escape the ignominy of humiliation and build a new and better life in the future. Their will did something in the past for which they must undergo their present humiliation.” (5)


“Whatever one does in this world, one does in order to get pleasure. A person becomes greedy for tasty food because by eating it that person gets pleasure. Someone has a weakness for earning name and fame because that person gets pleasure through the medium of name and fame. Another person forgets everything in his greed for money because his avarice gives him pleasure. If someone’s mind becomes very negative and he thinks that he will get happiness by not living, then he will commit suicide.” (6)


“There is a defeatist complex. “Oh, I am defeated in this world,” “Oh, I am defeated in this struggle for existence.” Such a sentiment, such a psychology, sometimes goads a man to commit suicide even. “I am defeated, I am defeated in the struggle for existence.” You must not encourage this type of psychology. When your father is the Supreme Father, your father is the most powerful entity in the entire universe, why should you think that you have been defeated in the struggle for existence? No, a bright future awaits you. Your future is glorious, your future is luminous, your future is effulgent.” (7)


“These days many psychic diseases have appeared as a result of this mental complexity. Many people are committing suicide; many people are becoming lunatics. The reason is that people are unable to adjust with the various types of complexities in life.”
“The human brain is limited, and its nerve cells also have a limited capacity: they cannot tolerate these growing complexities. Kiirtana gives bliss to Parama Puruśa in the mental sphere, and it also brings joy to human beings both individually and collectively; it leads them on the path of welfare and frees them from all these complexities. It removes all the diseases of the intellect and allows people to think easily and in the proper way.”
“So intelligent people should do kiirtana as much as possible. When people, due to psychic complexities, cannot find the solution to their difficulties and they are at a loss what to do, if they sit together at any place and do kiirtana wholeheartedly for a while, their psychic complexities will be removed and they will easily seize upon the solution to their problems.” (8)

in Him


Dada Loknathanandji in Varanasi wants more land and has threatened to commit suicide if he does not get his land request met. It is duty of those near or far to fulfill their dharma and not commit pratyavaya – one must intercede before it is too late. Those who know Dadaji must be proactive and assertive. They must protect him, inform him of the consequences, and counsel him. If his mind is not changed, then he might turns toward suicide – as he is threatening to do. We must not let this come to pass.

1. Shabda Cayanika-2 p.66
2. Microvita in a Nutshell, p.100
3. Shabda Cayanika-2 p.66
4. A Few Problems Solved – 7, The Faculty of Knowledge – 3
5. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life – 9, The Science of Action
6. Shabda Cayaniká Part 1, Disc: 5
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 34, Be Free from All Complexes
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 22, Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana


From: “Jayashrii”
Subject: Celibacy: Comparing Ananda Marga & Catholicism
Date: Mon, 18 March 2013 14:18:23
To: am-global@earthlink.net



I very much appreciate those who are concerned about WT conduct in Ananda Marga.

Indeed, seeing the sex crimes that have stained Christianity is quite disturbing and we should ensure such events to not occure within our wholetimer cadre.

At the same time, we should be keenly aware of certain distinctions between Catholicism / Christianity and Ananda Marga.

In Catholicism, only celibate monks can lead prayer and perform their religious rituals and rites etc; whereas, in Ananda Marga, that is not at all the case. It is very different. Family acaryas and family margiis can lead all kinds of social ceremonies marriages, baby-naming, house entering, and so many types of programs, and they can perform initiations. In Ananda Marga, one need not be a celibate priest to convene these programs.

Plus, in Ananda Marga, in the spiritual realm there is no need of a middle man. Every Ananda Margii has their own direct link with Parama Purusa. In stark contrast, in Catholicism, the lay people cannot communicate directly with God. They must go via a middle man, and that designated middle-man is the priest who is celibate. Without priests, Catholics cannot communicate with their Lord in the religious realm and in the social sphere they cannot conduct any ceremonies. They are wholly dependent upon their celibate priests.

Ananda Marga is vastly different. To review, in Ananda Marga there is no need of a priest to communicate with Parama Purusa, and family people can lead the various rituals and ceremonies etc. Plus family acaryas can do initiations. This is not the case in the Catholic Church.

So comparing the Catholic Church with our Ananda Marga is akin to comparing apples and oranges.


Here in Ananda Marga, the approach is rational and all have the option to choose: Those who wish to lead and remain celibate should become wholetimers; and those who wish to lead without taking a vow of celibacy should marry and become family acaryas. So all have the power of choice. Our acaryas already have the option to be married.

Thus, in Ananda Marga, we need not make any changes to our current system. Everyone has their ability to choose and they may exercise their options accordingly. On this point, there is complete freedom.


Moreover, anyone who has taken the course of celibacy and become a WT, if they are incapable of maintaining their vow and oaths, then they should give up their Wt-ship and leave the dress. They will not be treated like soldiers who leave their platoon and are then arrested and put in military jail. Those wholetimers who leave to get married will not be imprisoned. It is very simple. If they are unable to maintain the proper code of conduct, they need not remain as a Wt – no one is going to force them to stay. There is no question of any coercion. The main idea is that they should not remain in WT dress and contravene their principles and indulge in poor behaviours. That is sinful.

Here again let me reiterate: To lead sermons & functions in Ananda Marga, there is no need of taking a vow of celibacy. Those who are celibate do so by choice. All have freedom of choice on this matter. Whether one is a family person or monk, they can perform all the rituals etc, and they will have their personal link with Parama Purusa.

Baba has given all the rules and regulations for Ananda Marga in a very thoughtful and careful way. So there is no need to change anything. Baba has given the ideal method.

Remaining in WT dress and contravening wholetimer principles by indulging in lewd dealings is absolutely sinful and unacceptable.

in Him,

**** Here begins the Prabhat Samgiita ****

“A’laker saurrathe saba’y nite tumi esecho…” – P.S. 1089


Baba, O’ my Parama Purusa, You have come with the shining chariot of divine effulgence. You have come to take everyone to the divine realm. You do not differentiate between who is great, who is meagre, & who is small etc. You listen to everyone’s tales – to everyone’s feeling of the heart.

Baba, O’ Divine Entity, even without seeing You, I have loved You. By Your grace, I am always feeling close & loving towards You. And even when I have not heard about You, I have been attracted by Your divinity. Baba, You are so gracious. You do not make judgments based on one’s merits or demerits. You love all, unconditionally. And I understand that You are always present – across all time and space.

O’ my Dearmost, You have done so much for me, and in return You do not want anything. In spite of knowing about the hundreds of defects in me, You have made me Yours and accepted me as Your own.

Baba, You have showered Your causeless grace on me. You have come here on this dusty earth to bring everyone onto the path of divinity. Baba, You are so gracious…

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To: am-global@earthlink.net
From: J_deva@markwebmail….
Subject: How To Remove Misery From Your Life
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 14:23:01 -0000


This entire email is composed of 3 parts:
(1) Posting: How To Remove Misery From Your Life ;
(2) Trailer Quote: True Colour Comes Out;
(3) Prabhat Samgiita #2239;

Each section is demarcated by asterisks (***).


In the life of every person and in the history of every community and land, there are deeply dark aspects and painful memories, filled with despair, bloodshed, and untold suffering. One can spend a lifetime plunging themselves into those woes of misfortune and angst.



Actually, this act of looking to the past is such a common human phenomenon. On a daily basis, people tend to review past events – especially painful ones. They think how they lost their prestige at their job, or how their spouse left them, or about their parent who passed away. There are countless memories people bring into the mind which disturb their psyche. They actively do this – it becomes their habit. Yet it drastically undermines their well-being.

That is why Baba’s guideline is: Do not engage in looking into the past and recollecting those scenes which adversely affect the mind. To indulge in such type of dark thinking is not at all beneficial. It does not bear any fruit – neither for an individual nor the collective humanity.

On the personal level, Baba reminds us that we should suffuse the mind in spiritual thought and refrain from recounting past woes.

So, on the individual plane, one should strive to channelize the mind towards a pure and positive ideation, and not let the mind get caught up in the losses and pains of the past. By focusing the mind on Him, it will set the mind on the right course.



And on the collective level, in His revolutionary way, Baba has ensured that our Ananda Marga will always rise above the dark side of life.

In His discourse, ‘Our Social Treatise’, Baba says the following about our Ananda Marga social system and way of life.

“[That which is true] has been accepted, and the dark aspects of life have not been given any scope to flourish.” (1)

Let’s take a moment to investigate what Baba means by the above statement and see how this practically benefits both individuals and whole communities.



When Baba discusses the division of India, Baba pointedly analyses the defects of Gandhi’s approach and warns how we should never fall prey to communal sentiments. That is the main emphasis and teaching point.

So on the point of history, Baba’s guideline is to briefly look back, learn from those past mistakes so that they are not repeated, and move ahead in the proper direction.

In contrast, so many groups and communities indulge in harping about the past such that they become crippled and unable to move ahead. Instead they just invite frustration, anger, and hate.

African American history is taught in such a way that nearly every hateful and gory incident involving slavery has been regurgitated and given new life wherein some submerge their mind with anger and even blame whites of today for crimes committed generations ago.

Such an approach undermines our African-American (i.e. Black American) community and hinders the growth of our brothers and sisters. By this way, those frustrations live on and on, racism increases, and the flames of hatred burn high into the sky.

Baba’s approach is this: Yes, slavery happened; yes, it was a slur on the humanity; and now a new era has come so we should learn from the past and move on, and not get caught up in drowning the mind in those dark moments.

Jewish history also often involves overturning each and every stone and analysing the exact degree to which Jews have suffered. They uncover every minute detail and relive it in such a way that all those torments get dug up and take on a life of their own – infesting the heart and minds of today’s people.

And indeed, this is the way nearly all peoples recount their history. In such cases, whole communities get submerged in the hurtful memories and dark aspects of life. That becomes their living reality for the present as they bear the grudges of generations ago.

But this fateful approach does not bode well for the humanity. Rather than learning from the past, people get caught up in it, thereby shackling themselves with those dark moments.


That is why Baba distinctly opposes this type of degrading outlook on life, and has instead given a whole new way for our Marga to march ahead where we learn from the past yet move forward with an optimistic outlook. This is the delicate and dharmic balance which we must maintain.


In India – under the teachings of Shankaracarya – history was discarded outright. There was no record kept by the people. Because of this the same mistakes and errors were repeated over and over again. And ultimately, the history of India was recorded by outsiders. This is one extreme.

And the other extreme is what we see happening with the Jews and blacks in the US where there is a perpetual manner of recounting dark episodes of history over and over again, without rest. In that case, those communities get caught up in the horrors and sufferings of the past.

Hence a delicate balance is needed where we look back approximately 1% of the time, i.e. just enough to learn and track our course. Then the remaining 99% of the time should be aimed to forward movement. This is the ideal way to use history and foster a healthy outlook.

And that is neatly reflected in Baba’s below teaching.

Baba says, “[That which is true] has been accepted, and the dark aspects of life have not been given any scope to flourish.” (2)


While in our social life or collective life, it is important to look back and learn from history.

One must be extremely careful not to drown in old memories. One must not indulge in this way – a human being must look forward.

For instance, if one loses $100 or $100,000, then one must not think back again and again on this loss. In that case, life will be terrible – miserable. Yet many people fall into this thought cycle – always reliving the difficulties past. That is not healthy in individual life.

This happens now just with the loss of money, but with any type of painful memory or unfortunate occurrence. People churn those thoughts again and again: “I messed up at work”, “My sister died in that accident”, “The storm destroyed my property”, and verily there are so many horrible memories that people harbour. This only invites more pain and compounds the difficulty.


Yet in the west, entire schools of counseling, psycho-therapy, and support groups are based on reliving old habits and past harms. Whether the problem be child abuse, alcohol addiction, or any other malady or abuse, many western approaches indulge in talking about those pains – daily, weekly, monthly – thereby reinforcing those painful memories in the mind. Instead of moving beyond those tragic incidents by redirecting the mind towards a more positive or sentient engagement, those old horrors become the dominant aspect of one’s present existence. This should be avoided at all costs. Key steps should be taken to break that thought cycle and redirect the mind toward sentient and psycho-spiritual pursuits.


Baba’s world view is wholly positive in nature.

“Ánandáddhyeva khalvimáni bhútáni jáyante. Ánandena játáni jiivanti. Ánandaḿ prayantyabhi saḿvishanti”

“This quinquelemental world has been born out of bliss, is being maintained in bliss and into sacred bliss it will melt.” (3)

By infusing this spirit into the life of each and every human being, people are then able to embrace a positive outlook on life.

Ananda Marga steers clear from the Christian dogma that this world was born out of sin, such that people become tied and bound by that sinful disease.

Rather in Ananda Marga, we perpetually celebrate the finer moments of human existence and embrace the subtler aspects of human life. This is reflected by our view on history, our daily outlook, and by our festivals and holidays.

Each and every religion has days where they mourn for the hell that took place in the past, rekindling those dark and gory memories.

But Baba does not appreciate that humans should live life in such a bleak way, always plunging oneself in the misfortune of the past. That is why in Ananda Marga, each and every festival is based on merriment and joy.

“The sweetness of a festival brings new joy and vigour in life…’an occasion which gives human beings fresh inspiration to live a new life’.” (4)

Even on the point of remembering those who gave their life for dharma, we remember their glory and honor them all on the same day, once a year on Dadhicii Divas. Otherwise each and every day would become a time to mourn for the fallen and so many shrines would be erected, always reminding the people of that fateful or sad moment.


In our personal lives, we live on this earth with so many friends and family. And human beings are mortal. Naturally then we will know so many who die such that we can pass our days on this earth mourning those losses again and again, day in & day out.

To counteract this human tendency, Baba has given that the period of mourning should be for a limited number of days and then one should then move ahead in a bright new way.

He does not want that on the individual level we should also get stuck in the mire and sorrow of the past.

Unfortunately in today’s society, not only do people mourn the deceased year after year, reliving those sad moments. So many dark aspects get reported on over and over again and fill people’s mental plate.


As margiis, our revolutionary approach is to fill the world with positive ideas and optimism.

Unfortunately some in our Marga have gone so far as to reduce Parama Purusa Himself to being an ordinary mortal and they are intent on mourning the occasion again and again on Oct 21, calling it “mahaprayan”. This is also an example of allowing the darkened aspects of life to flourish – which Baba does not approve.

When Baba Himself is the Parama Purusa and is that eternal entity who remain with us always in our hearts, then where is there meaning or value in sinking oneself in the false and dark nature of so-called mahaprayan. Our ideal is to remember how Baba is with us each and every moment and not get lost in the dogmatic notion that He is gone.

So those who give indulgence to mahaprayan dogma invite a personal tragedy. With their physical eye they fail to see Baba so they think He is no longer, but the proper method is to look with the inner, spiritual eye and remember that He is always eternally present. Those who fail to embrace this divine truth invite personal tragedy and loss in their lives. That is the real danger surrounding so-called mahaprayan.


When Baba has come and graciously blessed us with all the guidelines for how to lead a dharmic life and when He Himself remains in the heart always, then truly we are fortunate. Baba has given the teaching how to regard and utilize history, both in collective life and individual life. By that way we can learn and grow – and not get caught up in the dark moments of the past. At the same time, He has given scope for setting the mind on the Supreme Goal, and moving ahead in life, always thinking of Him.


““O mendicant, look and see. Water is entering the boat that you have boarded in the hopes of crossing to the other side of the river. So get rid of that water right away.” Sinca bhikkhu imaḿ návaḿ. If you get rid of the water your boat’s load will be lightened. Sittá te lahu messyati. A human being’s burden grows along with the past…For example, perhaps you are thinking: once you were eating rich, delicious and costly foods such as háluyápuri, murg-mashallam, namkiin poláo – this is all the burden of the past… Buddha warned his mendicants who were thirsty for liberation: O mendicants, lighten the burden that lies before you.”

Yassa pure ca paccha ca majjhe ca natthi kincanam’;
Akincanam’ ana’da’nam’ tamaham’ vru’mi Bra’hman’am’.

“That person who does not carry any burden…is a true bráhmańa.” (5)


“I will call that person a Brahman whose mind does not run after any colour, who is neither obsessed by colour-laden thoughts of the past…One must free the mind from the influence of all colours.” (6)

“O sádhaka! You must forget all your past deeds, all your tales of glory or ignominy, from the memorable moment you start moving on the path of sádhaná or intuitional practice. Do not look back: you have eyes in the front of your head. As indispensable as it is to be cautious and careful, so that the self-created tornado propelling you forward does not dash you down to the ground to ensure your safe journey ahead, you may sometimes throw back a cursory glance and no more.” (7)

“Whatever be the consequence of your past deeds, your upliftment is guaranteed, if you have unflagging zeal to attain Brahma. Do not look back, look forward. Never take any limited material object for your worship. Accept only the loftiest entity for your contemplation. If your love for Him is genuine, you will ever remain in an Elysian exuberance. Pain will then mean nothing to you, nor will happiness either. When one’s movement is towards the Great, when one’s ardour is only for the Great, it is called Prema or Divine Love.” (8)

At His lotus feet,

1. Prout in a Nutshell – 16
2. Prout in a Nutshell – 16
3. Namami Krsnasundaram
4. A Few Problems Solved – 5
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 9, The Source of Internal Stamina
6. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc #24
7. Subhasita Samgraha – 4, The Chariot and the Charioteer
8. Subhasita Samgraha – 3

True Colour Comes Out

“The greatest quality of a person at a meeting or debate is the capacity to convince others. The highest quality in the battlefield is ‘yudhi vikramam’, or valor in the battle. While in danger, one’s great quality is patience.” (Ananda Vacanamrtam – 4)

When in danger, some become paranoid and some remain patient. Depending upon their reaction, they reveal their weakness or their greatness. If when danger arrives one becomes paranoid or loses their wits, they cannot do anything – they cannot solve the problem. Rather they become a liability. Then they are not a dharmika as they are missing even the first point of dharma – i.e. dhrti (patience).

In contrast, if when in grave danger one’s rational brain is still functioning then that person a is dharmika.

Note: Here it does not mean if someone else’s house burns down and you keep calm, then you are a dharmika. That is not the idea. Rather, the point is to keep your rational mind functioning when your own house is burning down. If you can manage to keep your own mind balanced in a dangerous situation, you can resolve that issue in the best way, according to circumstances.

**** Here begins the Prabhat Samgiita ****

“Ya’ra’ toma’y bha’laba’se, toma’r tarei kande ha’se…” (PS 2239)


Baba, those who are loving You, those who are smiling and crying and dancing in Your rhythm, in their ears may my message be heard.

In my mind I have deep reverence and honor for them. Their greatness and dedication I will always remember. For such great people I move around here and there to have their proximity.

Such great persons are my own. For them my life is for. My colorful dreams take shape by coming in the contact of such great personalities. Baba those who are dancing in Your cosmic rhythm and moving according to Your dictates, such great devotees are the vanguards. And they are venerable for me…

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This entire email is composed of 3 parts:
(1) Posting: How to Avoid War
(2) Trailer Quote: Real Wealth
(3) Prabhat Samgiita #980;
Each section is demarcated by asterisks (***).


As we have seen in this modern era, the US has been very aggressive in taking up military action in the Middle East; not coincidentally, the US is the top consumer of oil and that quota is primarily filled from reservoirs around the globe – especially those in the Middle East.

For this reason the US has built up the biggest army in the world. That way the US can secure raw materials in one of two ways. Either the US makes deals with those foreign leaders and easily gains access to raw materials, or the US goes to war. War results when outside rulers are not cooperative and do not give way to US demands. In that case, the US will try to remove that ruler and insert their own hand-picked stooge. This is their long-standing approach.

France adheres to this same tactic, and verily this is the common trend around the globe. Rich countries exploit poor countries to gain control over their natural resources and raw materials. To avoid this, Prout has given a very meaningful and rational formula. By this way, we can bring back peace and tranquility onto this earth.


The issue of energy is of great concern around the globe. All want to create a renewable, sustainable energy policy. Yet in the practical sphere, for various reasons it has not taken shape on the societal level. The teachings of Prout offer some important solutions, and outline key underlying cause(s). As Ananda Margiis, we should be keenly aware of our Proutistic outlook.



As with any problem, it is critical to identify the root cause.

“According to PROUT, economic exploitation involves the unrestricted plunder of the physical and psychic labour of a particular community together with the natural resources in their local area.” (1)

So materialistic economic policies and programs have led to the rampant destruction and manipulation of natural resources. This has severely threatened the earth’s ecological balance and led to an environmental crisis.

To date, there has been an unrelenting push to scour the earth’s natural resources for maximum economic gain. With money as the main priority, sound environmental policies have either been absent or overlooked.

Due to this type of economic exploitation and plunder, the globe now finds itself in an energy crisis.

Prout teachings offer numerous solutions to this dire problem.


One key principle is that each and every area or district should be developed using their own natural resources. Countries should not depend upon oil etc from other outside regions.

Prout philosophy says, “In a healthy economy raw materials should come from the local area. Industries which are based on imported raw materials are always weak industries, sick industries. A sick economy depends upon raw materials from outside – it depends upon import. For example, the Barauni Oil Refinery in Bihar is a sick industry because it depends upon crude oil from Assam. If there is any disturbance in Assam or if India is balkanized, then the refinery will have to close down. The establishment of this refinery was a foolish act. It does not represent a healthy economic structure. It is a sick industry, a foolish industry, a stupid industry!” (2)

The guiding approach is that raw materials and natural resources should be used locally. They should not be exported. Those economies that depend upon imported raw materials are weak.

Relying on oil from afar is a misguided way to build up one’s economy. Yet that has been the prevailing approach around the world. The US has relied heavily on the Middle East. Russia has become an increasing player in providing oil to countries around the globe. Rare is the case where an economy wholly depends upon their own local resources.

The Proutistic response is that each and every land should be developed using their own natural resources. There are practical solutions for each and every area to create their own fuel. Here following is one such approach.

“Many healthy industries based on local raw materials can be developed. For example, high-quality concentrated alcohol fuel can be produced from sugar beet and sugar cane. Concentrated alcohol can replace fossil fuels, as the stock of crude oil is fast diminishing.” (3)

Further down in this email is a listing of Proutistic solutions for how cities, states, and countries can develop their own energy.


First it should be clearly recognised that there are sufficient natural resources for all. By a careful, thought out approach we as a humanity will realise that all that is needed has been provided. To date, human error has been the cause of shortages in resources.

“If there were maximum utilization and rational distribution of all natural resources, pressing socio-economic problems could be easily solved. It is a law of nature that a mother is provided with sufficient breast milk to feed her newly born baby. In the same way nature has generously provided sufficient resources to meet the food and other essential requirements of all human beings. People need to utilize these natural resources in a proper way. Shortages of food or space cannot be blamed on nature. These problems are essentially the results of the mistakes made by human beings.” (4)

So the energy crisis of today is not due to a lack of resources but rather stems from the misutilisation and misappropriation of those resources. Each and every area has the requisite raw materials for building a healthy social order.

Prout philosophy states, “Nature has been kind enough to provide abundant natural resources to every region of this earth.” (5)

As a case in point, even the economically impoverished region of Rarh has all the energy resources it needs.

“In Ra’r’h there are extensive deposits of coal, coal gas and natural gas.” (6)

By all this it is quite clear that one need not live in the Middle East or in Alaska to get the oil they need. If we remember His guidelines and look carefully, then we will find that in each and every land, there are sufficient deposits of natural resources to meet the energy requirements of that area.


Here Prout teachings give more insight into and significant solutions for the world’s energy crisis.

“The local administration will have to supply locally generated power such as solar energy, thermal energy, bio-gas, hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, pneumatic energy, electromagnetic energy and tidal power, or any other power which is easily available locally. The generation of power is a key industry which should be run on a no profit, no loss basis so that the cost of production is minimized and the purchasing capacity of the people is increased. For example, if batteries are produced through cottage industries, power should be supplied on a no profit, no loss basis, but the battery producers will be able to sell their batteries at a rational profit. Here the power that is used to manufacture the batteries is not an industrial commodity but a raw material. The power for such things as transportation, communication, schools, colleges and hospitals should also be supplied on a no profit, no loss basis to maintain social dynamism.” (7)

So here above Prout guidelines give some key concepts about the generation and distribution of energy.

1. Local governments have to create their own power.
2. Power can be generated from any number of avenues: hydro, nuclear, tidal, solar etc.
3. This industry must run on a no-profit, no loss basis.

Looking around the globe, anyone can easily see that part and parcel of the energy squeeze today is that capitalist multinational corporations are using gas and oil to pull in huge profits. At present, Exxon-Mobil – that massive oil corporation – is the wealthiest company in the world. Indeed, a high percentage of the most profitable companies in the world are oil companies such as: Royal Dutch Shell plc (Netherlands), PetroChina Company Limited (China), Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras (Brazil).

These corporations accumulate huge profits while stripping near and far distant lands of their natural resources. This type of capitalistic plundering and profiteering goes entirely counter to our Proutistic outlook. And that is why the problem is growing today.

Whereas as soon as the above Proutistic methods are followed, then that will ease the energy crisis immediately.


Some may now be losing hope and thinking that it will be impossible to institute these types of changes. But actually, due to the current & ongoing energy crises, there are many who are already considering and implementing such type of Proutistic methods. In each and every area this is happening. More about this is discussed below.


Some may think that alternative energy can only be supplied in certain key areas. For example, a few may be thinking that solar power can only be generated in the sunny desert etc, but this is not at all the case. In these next series of quotes, please find countless solutions and suggestions how alternative energy can be created and found in all the regions of the world. According to Prout teachings, there are innumerable sources of good, useable energy.

“Two types of power can be developed in Bangladesh – power from oceanic tides, and solar energy. Oceanic tides can be harnessed in the Bakargang subdivision of Noakhali district where the Meghana River enters the ocean, and in the Chandpur subdivision of British Tripura district where the Dakatiya River enters the ocean. Many waves and turbulences are created by the impact of these rivers when they enter the Bay of Bengal. Tidal power would be very cheap to harness there. Solar power can also be harnessed, but this source of power is not so developed yet. It will become increasingly important in the future.” (8)

So in the above guideline, it is clear that tidal and solar energy is important and will play a big role in the future. Here below are more ways for how to generate solar energy.

“There is no need to purchase coal from outside as is being done now. Solar power can also be generated in the plain areas where the land is wavy.” (9)

And with His broad based perspective, the Propounder of Prout philosophy has given innumerable ways how to generate energy from a variety of sources.

“Energy and transportation: Until solar energy can be manufactured cheaply, other energy sources can be utilized, like hydroelectricity, coal, thermal power, tidal power, geo-thermal power, wind power and natural gas. All the raw materials necessary for transportation are also available, including rubber, steel, mica, mica chips, mercury, silver, copper, quartz and manganese.” (10)


And in those areas where there will be continued use of petroleum, Prout philosophy offers these two important guidelines.

“Petroleum can also be recovered from certain types of river valleys. Where the river bed is broad there is a chance of finding petroleum.” (11)

“There may be a shortage of petroleum but elements for creating petroleum are available in the world. We will be able to produce synthetic petroleum.” (12)

Thus even petroleum will be abundantly available in the near future.


None should hopelessly ponder that Prout will never be established – already it is getting manifest. And quickly too.

As we all know Baba has graciously given Prout in the year 1955. And in those days the world was not at all willing to move in that direction. For one reason or another the leaders and citizens were quite satisfied with the way things were going. The ideas of Prout seemed like a far-away dream. But now only 54 years later, huge progress has developed towards adopting Prout. Due to extreme social and economic circumstances, many communities and businesses are consciously or unconsciously moving in that direction. People have been forced to think in that way.

The magic wave has been created for all His Proutistic guidelines to be implemented. Some are getting established by right thinking Proutists and other Prout guidelines are taking shape simply because the ways of old are no longer working. And this global transition is occurring at a marked rate, i.e. quickly. The speed will only increase exponentially in the coming months and years.

Thus none should think that they will not see the implementation of Prout. Already the hard part is over: the psychic seeds and awareness has taken root. The conditions are ripe. And very soon, more and more, we will see the sprouting of Prout in each and every land and community around this globe.

As we – as a humanity – continue to search for solutions and alternatives in the escalating energy crisis, more and more will turn to the ideas of Prout.


Here following is the divine assurance and blessing that our human existence will become better and better in all the spheres. Only by implementing the aforementioned Proutistic measures on energy resources will there be joy and peace on this earth.

Prout philosophy says, “The progressive availability of the maximum amenities of life will be guaranteed in PROUT, satisfying physical needs. The satisfied physical needs will lessen the physical obstacles which inhibit human progress, and human beings will experience all-round development, especially in the intellectual stratum. Human beings will get the opportunity to develop in the intellectual stratum without any hindrances. The truth of humanity, the veracity of humanity, will go on increasing in different areas of expression….the whole existence of human beings will become effulgent in the attainment of the Supreme.” (13)


1. Prout
2. Proutist Economics
3. Proutist Economics
4. A Few Problems Solved – 9, ‘Population Growth & Control’
5. Prout in a Nutshell – 21
6. Proutist Economics
7. Proutist Economics, ‘Decentralised Economy-1’
8. Proutist Economic
9. Prout in a Nutshell – 19
10. A Few Problems Solve – 7, ‘Parts of the Economy’
11. AFPS-9, ‘Geology and Human Civilisation’
12. AFPS-8, ‘Rule of Rationality’
13. Prout in a Nutshell – 17, ‘Min Req & Max Amen’

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Real Wealth:

One Should Ponder, Assimilate, and Practice

Parama Purusa BABA says, “Those who seek to attain the permanent cessation of afflictions in their lives, have no other way than to follow this path of sadhana. Imagine that a certain person had accumulated vast wealth due to his life long’s diligent labor. It may be that the person, in the days of his prosperity, was a central figure in the society. But at the end of his life he may suffered a wretched existence, bemoaning his losses in the arid desert of his heart. The reason is that the person had an insatiable thirst for material objects and never tried to identify his individual flow with the cosmic flow. On the other hand, a person living in a thatched hut may not forget Parama Purus’a even in the midst of abject poverty and never deviates from the goal of his life. Such a person’s life can never lose its charm. Every dust particle of this earth will seem to be as sweet as honey to him. Likewise, his existence will acquire the sweetness of honey.” (Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell – 4, pg 290)

**** Here begins the Prabhat Samgiita ****

“Tumi esecho, bha’lo besecho, bhola’ye sakal vyatha’ sab ha’ha’ka’r…” (PS 980)


Baba, O’ Parama Purusa, my heart was sunk in sorrow and woe; I was forlorn and had lost all hope. I was crying, thinking I am all alone and that in this world no one is mine. Baba, You have graced me by coming and blessed me with Your love. You have made my heart and mind overflowing in Your divine bliss. By Your causeless grace, all my pains, lamentations, and tragedies have been wiped away. You have filled my life with bliss.

O’ my Lord, You are so gracious. You have responded and come to me with Your sweet smile. Baba, with Your infinite beauty and charm You have won over everyone’s heart. Baba, my love knows only You. You are everything for me. There is no one else; nothing else can attract me; I only love You. Baba, it is Your grace: I am always ensconced in Your tune, melody, and Your divine attraction – in pleasure, in pain, and also when my pride is wounded. Baba, You belong to everyone, even then in my heart I know that You are only mine. You belong to me and me alone.

Baba, Your presence is everywhere. The mark of Your love is found on the flower and the leaves – on every spot in this panoramic world. Even then the black bee of my mind wants You alone. Baba on my worst days, when all hope was gone, when I had lost everything, in that desperate circumstance when no one else was there to help me, You always came and resolved all my troubles, pains, and problems. Baba, You are the sweetest of the sweet. You are only mine; You are only mine.

Baba, You have graced me by coming. It is Your grace; it is Your grace…

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Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 23:38:27
From: Tarakanath
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: How To Deal With Day to Day Issues


This entire email is composed of 3 parts:
(1) Prabhat Samgiita #2288;
(2) Posting: How To Deal With Day to Day Issues
(3) Trailer Quote: Impossible For People to Accept It

Each section is demarcated by asterisks (***).

**** Here begins the Prabhat Samgiita ****


“Toma’ke ka’che peyeo cena’ da’y…” (PS 2288)


O’ Parama Purusa, O’ my Dearmost, You are mine – You are very close to me. Baba, often I think that I have understood You completely; but when I contemplate more deeply I realise that I know not. To understand You fully, the unit mind must lose its individual identity. As long as one is cognizant of their own unit existence, then You cannot be realised. So, in spite of having You very close, it is still not possible for me to fully realise You. O’ Divine Entity, You are my very intimate and closest One: You smile softly and say You love me. Yet when I long for You and yearn to have You in a more intimate way, You are not coming that close. Then I think that I do not properly understand Your mind – Your desire. Otherwise surely You would come deep into the depths of my heart. Alas I do not know how to satisfy You completely.

O’ my Lord, just when I think I have completely understood You, and just when I think I have truly come to know You, i.e. Your ways and Your inner plans, then with Your divine liila You shower even more of Your divine love and I become restless to get You more and more close. Baba, I feel so much love for You in my heart that my eyes constantly rain and shower tears when I think of You. It is Your grace.

O’ Parama Purusa, due to Your infinite compassion I have understood that only You are the Essence. You alone are the Cosmic Nucleus of this vast universe. By Your grace I have forgotten all those transitory expressions. I no longer run after the ephemeral things of this mundane world. Baba, I have accepted the greatness of Your divine liila. I understand that Your liila cannot be understood. [1] Now I only think and sing: “O’ Lord, please forgive me for my lapses, wrongdoing and negative deeds. Please shower Your causeless grace on me.”

Baba, You can only be attained through surrender and love. O’ Lord please grace me; please fill me with Your divine compassion…


[1] “Toma’r liila’y ha’r ma’niya’chi”: This phrase from the third stanza of the above Prabhat Samgiita is neatly represented by these below teachings.

“Surrender yourself to His will. Shake off your load of self-conceit. Lighten the burden of your life and float yourself on the waves of His will. It is He who is teaching you the sa’dhana’ in the guise of a Guru (preceptor); it is He who is strengthening your knowledge and faith in the guise of a philosopher. You are plundering His mercy in everything day and night. Go on working as a machine, leaving the doership to Him. How little can your poor intellect comprehend or analyse His unfathomable sport (liila’)! So, instead of trying to comprehend or analyse keep the bearing of that inscrutable juggler aglow before your eyes.” (Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life – 4)

“Parama Puruśa is beyond the scope of relativity. Why is He making the world dance? Why has He made Paramarasa-Samudra? The answer to this cannot be known in the world of causality. Why Paramátmá has done something has no answer because He is beyond the scope of causality. Hence that which is non-causal, that which is beyond the scope of causality is Liilá. Whatever Paramátmá does is Liilá, but what Jiiva does is Kriidá. The wise will do Kriidá in such a way as to adjust their waves with the waves of Liilá. They will not try to know why Liilámaya has done an action. They will simply try to know Liilámaya Himself. If you cannot know the cause of a trifling thing like dancing, how can you know the cause of the action of Liilámaya? Jiiva has a very small brain and a very small cranium. It is not possible for it to know the action of Liilámaya. Suppose someone is an MA in 20 subjects. If he or she is asked suddenly to appear in the MA examination, he will not pass – he will have to read again, then he will have to appear. This proves that the Jiiva fails even to succeed in its own Kriidá. So how can it understand the cause of the Liilá of Liilámaya? It cannot. The best approach is to love Him, is to join His party. If there is true love the Master Magician will certainly make you understand everything because the more the members of His party know, the more convenient it is for Him.” (Subhasita Samgraha – 19, Parama Puruśa)


Emotion plays a huge part in our human life. Without emotion, human beings do not take action, no matter how much knowledge they have.

For instance, some mothers may have all the facts and figures about the dangers of war, but will not actively protest against it until their own son is drafted into the army. Propelled by that emotional feeling, they will engage in all kinds of activities in order to stop the war.

Likewise, some people may be fully aware of the harmful effects of a meat-based diet, but will not give up meat until his doctor warns them about their high cholesterol levels and risk of a heart attack. Motivated by that emotional link that is their own life is at stake, then they quickly give up eating meat.

If you take a moment to think, I am sure you can come up with many examples where you have seen how people had adequate knowledge but did not act until they developed an emotional link with a particular issue or practice.

So emotion has a huge impact in our human activity. And that emotion can drive us in diametrically opposite directions.

Blind emotion will hasten one into all kinds of degrading vices and harmful dogmas; whereas emotion supported by rationality will thrust one forward onto the path of dharma.

There are so many present-day examples of how emotion shapes human activity: Everything from environmental disasters to taking tantric initiation, and in numerous other instances. In all such circumstances, emotion plays a critical role.

As Ananda Margiis, we should be pointedly aware of this, both in analysing our own actions and in understanding those of others.



In real life events, people are swayed or apathetic due to their emotional attachment to the topic. That covers up their sense of rationality.

For example, some people have knowledge about so many atrocities on this earth. Years ago in the Vietnam war, American forces used “agent orange” or dioxin as a means of chemical warfare. Some reports estimate 19 million gallons was airdropped. Decades later still innocent Vietnamese families are suffering the effects of those past misdeeds, and the land became barren and devastated – some of it restricted. See the images for yourself on-line: Babies are born with two heads and no legs, the landscape has been permanently damaged- indeed thousands and thousands of gruesome tales can be told about the ill-effects of agent orange.

Yet the American public is mostly unmoved. Some or more have the knowledge that this was going on, but they are not emotionally attached with those events. Hence those tragedies remain mostly ignored. Those sufferers needed medical attention but the US government did not even consider that any injustice was done. So there was no question of compensation – neither in the form of medical care nor money.

A similar scene is unfolding today with regards to the drone attacks. US forces have killed thousands of innocent citizens and youths throughout Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, & Afghanistan – and other places – yet the general American populace is mostly unaffected by such events. But when a few innocent teenagers in the US are killed due to gang violence it becomes national news and there are protests in cities across the country. Both cases are tragedies – the killings innocent youths by drone attacks and the murdering of teenagers – but the first is mostly overlooked while the second is mourned by many.



Below are more examples of how emotion gets misused in society – it becomes a blind force that allows people to both unleash terror and overlook horror.

It should be noted that, there are positive ways that emotion is used and that will be outlined further down in this letter.

1. At present, terrorists groups rely on blind emotion to recruit youths and sympathetic supporters to commit all sorts of crimes like car bombings, machine gun attacks, and other heinous crimes. Those youths lose their rationality and are just stirred up into an emotional fervor wherein they will do anything, fully blinded by their emotions.

2. In the west, bound by their blind emotion, some people spend huge money on their pets and will even kiss their cat or dog; they talk and share their feelings with their dog. They are extremely emotionally attached. Yet they will overlook the cries of starving humanity. Devoid of any rational approach, some can overlook the pain of a suffering child or fallen man, but they will give their wholehearted love and attention to their cat.

3. Similarly, some people will watch after their pets with extreme care yet when it comes time to sit down for dinner, they will cut into a steak (slaughtered cow) without any hesitation. Their lack of rationality and emotional attachment allows them to indulge in such duplicitous behaviour.

4. In our Ananda Marga, there are various ways in which emotion blinds people – especially in the case of our present group clashes. A few get attached with a particular group or leader and then justify all the misdeeds of that group.

Thus, emotion by itself is a blind force and is bound to lead humanity down the wrong road. When emotion is moving in haphazard way – i.e. devoid of rationality – then so many degrading and dogmatic things will occur.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, ‘”When it [the mind] moves haphazardly, swept away by whim, it is called “emotion”.” (1)

Whereas when emotion is supported by rationality then great works can be done.


Emotion can also be used in a positive manner when in coordination with rationality.

When a person thinks, “I should do something – I should follow dharma”, and when this is done with their emotional force, then good things happen.

For instance, many have entered Ananda Marga and taken diiksa based on this emotional propulsion guided by rationality. In the same way, others have served as LFT’s, WT’s, etc. Without that emotional-cum-rational feeling they would not have been moved into action. They may have had knowledge of Ananda Marga and dharma, but without that close emotional and rational link they would not have done anything.

So in these positive cases, one’s emotional flow is not haphazard, rather it is guided by rationality.

Similarly, with their emotional and rational attachment to Baba, i.e. devotion to Baba, many have given their lives for the great cause and others have stood up to fight dogma and oppose injustice. Even they have given up all their friends and faced all kinds of opposition due to their emotional-cum-rational attachment to Baba’s teachings.

So emotion need not always be a liability. When linked with rationality it can lift one onto the field of dharma.


So long as one’s emotions are not guided by rationality, regardless of how well educated a person may be, there are bound to be problems – problems of epic proportions. This is one aspect.

Second, even if people have knowledge, they will not do anything until they have an emotional link to the situation at hand. If that emotional link is blind they will fall prey to dogma and misdeeds and if combined with rationality that person can do great things for humanity.

Third, emotion should always be guided by a mind open in 360 degrees, and not be linked with any selfishness or group agenda.

Fourth, because of emotion, people often do not do what they should do, or do what they should not do. So it is a tricky force. Even educated people commonly fall into this trap. Here is an example to make this clear.

Suppose someone goes to the shopping mall or market to buy some food. Yet while they are there they see a pair of shoes. They had no plan or real need to buy shoes. Yet they are enticed by the shine of the shoes and without considering their financial position or whether they really need another pair of shoes, that person purchases the shoes. There is no calculation or rational thought process behind the purchase per se – just it was done on a whim. This type of impulsive shopping is a classic case of emotion or blind emotion – devoid of rationality.

In contrast, if one goes to the shopping mall and buys or does not buy shoes based strictly on if there is a need or not, then that is rationality.

Fifth, the only answer is neo-humanistic education and Ananda Marga spiritual practices. Buoyed by these rational and devotional forces, one’s emotional feeling will be used in solely for positive endeavours.

Finally, when standing alone the emotional mind moves towards dogma and when guided by rationality that mind becomes a strong and dharmic force.


The Juliet story posted earlier this week- wherein people share their heartfelt feelings due to their emotional link with a fictitious character – is but an example of how blind the human personae can become when goaded haphazardly by emotion.

Why does this happen? Currently in the west, although, much of the population is literate and educated in the worldly sense, many, many fall into various dogmas due to their emotional attachment.

For instance, romance is a huge aspect of life in the materialistic nations. With crude romance comes heartbreak – for any number of reasons. Today, many of the people who have been heartbroken or hurt in a romantic relationship are now sharing their woes with Juliet – as if Juliet can empathize and solve their problems.

Juliet is one of the main fictitious characters in Shakespeare’s tragedy: “Romeo and Juliet”. In that drama, written 450+ years ago, the young couple in love are embattled by family disputes and ultimately die a most tragic death, without ever being able to express their love for one another. It is the quintessential tragedy of western literature. And it is completely fictional – these characters are 100% imaginary – Mr. Shakespeare merely invented them in his own mind.

Yet today, a Juliet website has been devised, and people from far and wide write in seeking solace about their romantic woes. Because of their deep emotional link with the female character Juliet – who never even existed in real life – people are writing to Juliet and pouring their heart. If they deem their romance to be similar in any way to that of Romeo and Juliet – i.e. if they are getting tormented by friends and family – then they write to Juliet and ask for her grace and promise that, “Just as you died for your lover, I shall do the same.” Juliet does not even exist, yet out of emotion they are taking this fictional character to be their guide.

“Since the 1930s, letters addressed to Juliet keep arriving in Verona – and a statue was erected there as well. As of 2010, more than 5,000 letters are received annually, three quarters of which are from women. The largest single group of senders are American teenagers.” (Wikipedia)

So this form of idol worship in the west is becoming more popular yet we should remember that it is based on 100% fictitious characters like Juliet.

It is just like if Indian people started writing to Laela’.

Such are the ways of emotional attachment. The people have the knowledge that such characters are purely fictional, but out of emotion they are drawn to them in such a poignant manner.


Baba has graciously blessed us with all the proper teachings to succeed in life and not be blinded by the haphazard flow of emotion. We should all take proper care to ensure we are always moving along the methodical path of emotion known as devotion. Then great works can and will be done on this earth and the sadhaka will attain the Supreme stance.

“Now, even those who are advocates of devotional or emotional faculties say that people get propensive propulsion from devotion or emotion. When the mind moves along a particular track or follows a particular discipline in a methodical way, this is called “devotion” or bhakti; but when it does not follow a particular method, when it moves haphazardly, swept away by whim, it is called “emotion”. This is the fundamental difference between devotion and emotion. You must know this clear-cut silver line of demarcation between devotion and emotion.” (2)

“Those who adhere to this cult of pinnacled order know that there must be a happy blending amongst intellectual-cum-intuitional faculty, actional faculty and devotional-cum-emotional faculty. None of these is unimportant, all are of equal importance, but the finality comes in devotion. That is, the final outcome or resultant of intellectual-cum-intuitional faculty and actional faculty is devotion, not emotion.” (3)

“If one wants to realize an entity, does one realize it only through knowledge? No, certainly not. To realize an entity, one must possess a loving heart, a sweet intellect, and a free flow of emotion (attached with spirituality)…I said a little earlier that by merging one’s individual sweetness into the sweetest entity, the realization, “You exist, only You exist,” becomes firmly established. One becomes finally ensconced in that Supreme Entity. There is no other way. And this self-knowledge is the sweetest essence of the devotional feeling of one’s heart.” (4)

Surrender to lord,

1. Yoga Psychology
2. Yoga Psychology
3. Yoga Psychology
4. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 12

The sections below demarcated by asterisks are entirely different topics,
completely unrelated to the above letter. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Impossible for People to Accept It

“If anybody tries to re-establish an old political, economic or religious theory of two thousand years ago – a theory or ism based on past time, space or person – using whatever type of psychology, sentiment or adroit propaganda, it will not be possible to correlate it with the existing physical waves. Once lost the parallelism between the ism and the physical wave cannot be restored, even if the old mental environment is re-created. We perceive the change not only in the physical wave but also in the mental wave. No amount of scientific effort will make it possible to restore the mental wave of the past. There was a time when kings were worshipped as the incarnations of God, but today if anybody tries to reintroduce this antiquated practice using psychological propaganda, it will be impossible for people to accept it.” (Prout in a Nutshell – 4)

Note: Here are a few examples of Baba’s above guideline.

(A) Certain Islamic fundamentalists want to implement 1500 year-old tenets in areas where they presently rule. This is evidenced by their application of the Islamic justice system where they employ antiquated punishments like chopping off a person’s hand for stealing and beheading “guilty” persons in public. Such punishments are based on Islamic law. But, no matter how hard they try to implement such laws, it is impossible for them to gain success in this 21st century. The public will never appreciate this.

(B) In the same way, Hindu fundamentalists and those believers of caste still want to follow caste distinctions and the use of the sacred hair etc. But now the general populace is fast giving up caste such divisions and they are not going to follow them again.

(C) Fundamentalist Christians want to implement social rules of Bible, when already the common people have advanced beyond such codes.

(D) White supremacists want to forcibly impose racial supremacy. But here again the common people are not inclined in this manner.

In all such cases, implementing these outdated doctrines is no longer possible; the general mass will never appreciate such rules and restrictions. They will never be implemented.

Why is this impossible? Because time, space, and person have changed; that era is gone. That old philosophy is unsuitable for this present era.

For this reason, there is the understanding and guideline that some aspects of Caryacarya will be changed in the future – according to the need of that era.

For example, if the number of boys are 1/4 the number of girls, then one male may have many wives, or vice-versa.

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Date: Fri 22 Feb 2013 13:03:36
To: am-global@earthlink.net
From: Lokesh@spiral…..
Subject: Misuse & Abuse of Public Funds #2


~ Part 2 ~

(Note: This is the second letter in this series. A link to the first letter titled – “Big Questions About World Events” – has been appended below. All italicised sections in brown are quotes from the first letter. – Eds)

The unfortunate trend is that the wealthy and the powerful leaders use public money for their own gain, at the expense of the well-being of the poor and suffering people. This problem is acutely evidenced during the planning & preparation of certain events like the Olympics etc. Such planners feel entitled to use the money in a way that suits them best, and utterly overlook the needs of the local, impoverished populace.


Our Proutistic outlook is entirely different. Baba guides us that Parama Purusa – not any unit being – is the owner of all mundane wealth.

“The universe is the thought projection of Brahma [the Supreme Entity], so the ownership of the universe lies with the Supreme Entity, and not with His imagined beings. None of the movable or immovable property of this universe belongs to any particular individual; everything is the common patrimony of all, and the Father of all is Brahma.” (1)

In that case, where is there scope for the misuse of public funds in pursuit of self or group interest. There is none. Only materialists can indulge in this way.


“At present, Brazil is gearing up to host both the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics, both of which will be hosted in Rio. At minimum, estimates are that Brasil will spend nearly $35 billion to host these two events…While all these tens of billions of dollars are spent on these sporting venues, not less than 25% of Rio’s population, or 1.5 million people, are suffering and live without the basic necessities. The million-plus residents of Rio de Janeiro’s shantytowns (favelas) still find their lives controlled by violent drug gangs and that the crime rate in Rio ranks among the highest in the world, and many of them will be uprooted and relocated before 2014. Their lives will not improve an ounce due to the spending of $35 billion, just they will be forgotten.”


Those who advocate the construction of extravagant new sports stadiums for the Olympics or the World Cup etc proclaim that life is not just about food, clothing, and shelter, but entertainment and amusement as well. For this reason, they feel it acceptable to spend massive amounts of public money on Olympic stadiums despite the presence of widespread poverty in that host nation.

The following analogy sheds light on this matter.

Suppose a child is sick, lacks food and medical treatment, and is living in a house that has a leaky roof, yet his parents are spending all their money on films, dancing, drugs, and night clubs, and there is no food or medicine for the child. In that case, who is going to be sympathetic to those parents? No one.

Similarly, we have to reconsider the ethic of those who build stadiums at tremendous public expense while much of the local population suffers and lacks the minimum requirements of life: food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and education.

Such persons do not look upon the entire population as their own. They suffer from a narrow-minded and selfish outlook, i.e. atma sukha tattva, or principle of selfish pleasure. They are involved in gratifying their own unit self, not thinking about others.

Proponents of the extravagant stadiums suffer from atma sukha tattva. Blinded by their own selfish vision, the wealthy leaders of society fail to see the pain experienced by common people who struggle for their daily needs. In turn, those wealthy leaders exploit the masses by adhering to their own selfish agenda. That is what we see happening in nations hosting the Olympics and World Cup etc. If those wealthier, empowered leaders were infused with sama samaj tattva (principle of social equality), then their priority would first be meeting the basic needs of the common people. Once accomplished, one could discuss other projects like stadium construction etc.

In that case, the issue of exploitation and suffering would not arise. Then those with means would help those in need and not indulge in their own selfish gratification.

Here the point is that only those with a very narrow and selfish outlook can think that vast amounts of public monies should be used for fancy stadiums for the Olympics etc, when large numbers of people in that country are starving and living in unsanitary conditions. In contrast, if one cultivates the ideal that this whole humanity is my kith and kin, then there will be no scope to waste money on extravagant sporting venues while naked children in that country beg for food and lack drinking water.

Please bear in mind that I am fond of sports and encourage participation and healthy competition in sporting endeavours. What I am not in favour of is extravagant spending on superfluous projects when brothers and sisters are suffering from lack of essential needs: Food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education. As we all know, this goes directly against the approach of Ananda Marga.

Only when the minimum requirements have been provided to all can we then think to invest in sports stadiums.


Another cause behind the misuse of public funds is over-accumulation of physical pabula. There are some in society that have so much money that they literally do not know how to spend it – they just indulge in misuse. They pay extraordinary sums of money for clothing, intoxicants, x-tra fancy airplanes, huge number of cars, and in other frivolous and degrading ways. When in their own private life they are accustomed to the misuse of money, then they casually apply that same approach to public money. Because of their extreme over-accumulation of money, they do not know how to use money in a rational manner for social good.



So this is a recurring theme. Time and again, those in power spend huge amounts of public money on structures that will supposedly bring them prestige and fame, and the common people lay impoverished. So many extravagant structures were constructed at the expense and well-being of the public good. Such buildings include the Taj Mahal etc. Misusing public funds in this way invites crime, social unrest, and chaos. All because the state forces people into a situation of being have-nots.

When a nation indulges in constructing extravagant stadiums to impress others – while their own denizens lack the basic necessities – then that is just a superficial show. It is tinsel – nothing more. They have no substantial good to portray.

The only answer is Prout. Only the practical approach of Prout takes into consideration the welfare of the common people and encourages the rational distribution of public resources. Big money decisions based on a leader’s prestige will never get support in a Proutistic system.

Our policies are for the welfare of the people and Proutistic leaders are linked with the heart-beat of the masses. The torchbearers of Prout are not living in golden castles, aloof from the worries and needs of the general populace.

Prout Philosophy says, “The Proutistic social order follows the principle sarva jana hita’ya – that is, PROUT is for the welfare of all. Nobody is suppressed or oppressed. PROUT supports the rule of sadvipras. Only sadvipras can guarantee the all-round welfare of all groups of people because sadvipras represent the interests of all classes in society.” (2)


In both Caraycarya part 2 and “A Guide to Human Conduct”, Baba has given the strict guideline that individuals and families are not to go into debt to host social functions like marriages, baby-naming ceremonies, and festivals etc. That same type of approach should be taken with nations and international bodies. Host cities and nations of the Olympics regularly go deep into debt and often never recover, as happened with the 2004 games in Athens, Greece etc. So there should be strict regulations and guidelines about this.

I appreciate the solution offered in the prior letter:

“Various international organisations like the United Nations etc do not build new offices every time they hold a meeting. Rather they return to the same venue again and again. The same should be done with the Olympics. There can be 4 fixed sites around the globe. The Olympics can simply rotate through those 4 venues, returning to the same site every 16 years. That way each facility can be of a premium standard and well-maintained. An international board will manage the sites and distribute profits to all nations. During “off years” when the Olympics is not being held at a particular site then that location can be used for the Asia games or other competitions. This will bring regular use and income to each site. It will not be like the way things are now where an entire Olympic sporting complex is built for the Olympics, only to sit unused and fall into disrepair as soon as the games are over.”




While we are in this transition phase of the height of the vaeshyan era, particular attention must be paid to those impoverished people. That is our Prout policy

In those lands where the World Cup and Olympics are held, and in those lands where huge airports are built and fancy rails are put in place for the wealthy, there are millions and millions of people living below the poverty level. They are overlooked by their governments and ignored by the educated elite. This must be corrected – the course must be changed. The way to proceed starts with the health, safety and welfare of the downtrodden masses. Failing that we will continue to see so many fall prey to starvation, neglect, and premature death. And a proper society will never be built.

Along these lines our Proutistic teachings put forth this following warning:

“It is desirable that the management of industrial, agricultural, trade and commercial enterprises not be in the hands of the central government or the world government (after the establishment of the world government). If it is, the common people will not get the direct or even the indirect opportunity to participate in the management of these enterprises. In such cases capitalists, opportunists or self-seeking politicians can easily take control of them and misappropriate public wealth.” (3)


Baba has blessed us with all the resources and the right philosophy (i.e. Prout) to ease the pains of humanity. We are to act fast and protest the wrongs being carried out at present wherein huge monies are misused and wasted by the state for lavish events like the Olympics etc, while the people of that land lack even the most basic necessities to survive. There is growing awareness about this tragic issue – good people everywhere want to help – we should keep the flame alive and bring welfare to the people.



“To sadvipras [spiritual revolutionaries] the value of human life surpasses all other values. So states and scriptures, societies and religions, acquire significance only insofar as they develop humanity to the maximum through learning, culture, physical health and economic plenty. It is for the sake of developing humanity that civilization has so many institutions of different kinds, that states take their various forms, that theories proliferate, and that the scriptures abound in ordinances and regulations. What in the world does the state stand for, what is the use of all these regulations, and what are the marvels of civilization for, if people are prevented from manifesting themselves, if they do not get the opportunity to build good physiques, to invigorate their intelligence with knowledge, or to broaden their hearts with love and compassion? If, instead of tending to lead human beings to the goal of life, the state stands in the way, it cannot command loyalty, because humanity is superior to the state. According to Rabindranath Tagore, “Justice and law at the cost of humanity is like a stone instead of bread. Maybe that stone is rare and valuable, but it cannot remove hunger.”” (4)


“It is customary to give preference to social value over human value. Sadvipras want to strike at the root of this custom. For them, human value takes precedence over social value. Human beings form the society, and hence human value must lay the foundation for the social value. In other words, those who show respect to human value will be entitled to social value. It was mentioned earlier that human value means nothing but to treat the joys and sorrows, hopes and aspirations of human beings sympathetically, and see them merged in Cosmic Consciousness and established in divine majesty. And if one is to elevate oneself to that sublime height, he or she will have to be supplied with an environment suitable to his or her physical, mental and spiritual existence. It is the birthright of everyone to make headway in their trifarious existence. It is the duty of society to accord recognition to this human right. Society has failed to do its duty, and that is why life is full of sorrow and suffering.” (4)


“No one can say for certain that no great person might have emerged from among those wayward urchins whom we are wont to slight and hate. Women who have turned to prostitution for the sake of their physical existence might have grown into noble personalities if their agony had been appreciated sympathetically, and if they had been rehabilitated by society. But since society has nothing to do with human value, a good number of great personalities are withering away in their embryonic stage. The sadvipras will undertake to revive this neglected section of humanity. To them no sinner is contemptible, no one is a rogue. People turn into satans or sinners when, for want of proper guidance, they are goaded by depraving propensities. The human mind goaded by depraving propensities is satan. If their propensities are sublimated, they will no longer be satans; they will be transformed into gods. Every course of action of society ought to be judged with an eye to the dictum “Human beings are divine children.”” (4)


“The significance of society lies in moving together. If in the course of the journey anybody lags behind, if in the darkness of night a gust of wind blows out anyone’s lamp, we should not just go ahead and leave them in the lurch. We should extend a hand to help them up, and rekindle their lamps with the flames of our lamps…”

“…Stop we must, otherwise the spirit of society is in jeopardy.”

“A rśi [sage] has said: Samamantreńa jáyate iti samájah [“Society is the collective movement of a group of individuals who have decided to move together towards a common goal”]. That is, whether people are pápii [sinners], thieves, criminals, or characterless individuals, they are so only superficially; internally they are filled with the potential for purity. The principal object of the sadvipras is to explore and bring this potentiality into play. They will accord human value to everyone without exception. Those who have done hateful crimes must be punished, but sadvipras will never hate them, or put an end to them by depriving them of food, because sadvipras are humanists. The pandits puffed up with vain glory could turn their attention to their books instead of attending on the ailing non-Hindu Haridas, but Chaitanya Mahaprabhu found it impossible to remain indifferent to him. He took Haridas in his arms and nursed him carefully, and thus showed respect to human value.” (4)


“That is, these days, a person who possesses wealth is respected and revered whereas a person without money is a person honoured by none. The poor, whoever they may be, have to woo the rich just for the sake of earning their livelihood. Human values have become meaningless, for human beings have become the means for the rich to earn money. The rich, having purchased the human mind with their money, are busy playing a game of chess with the other members of society. Bereft of everything, people toil round the clock to earn a mere pittance. Today the motto of people is, “I have to send some food particles into the apathetic stomach after somehow taking a dip in the muddy water amidst hyacinths.”” (5)

“Those who are at the helm of society, constantly suspicious of others, forever count their losses and profits. They have no desire to think about the plight of humanity. Rather, to gratify themselves they are ready to chew the human bone, and suck human blood. For the self-centred there is no place for feelings of mercy, sympathy or camaraderie. The railway stations and market places are full of half-clad beggars and lepers desperately stretching out their begging bowls, earning their livelihood in the only way they know. They are fortunate if anyone contemptuously flings them a copper coin. The old blind beggars sitting all day long on the steps of a bridge automatically lift their bowls whenever anyone walks past. But their hungry pleas fall on deaf ears. On the other side of the social coin, sumptuous dishes are being prepared to entertain the rich dignitaries. These contrasts ridicule the present human society.” (6)

“Today, those who occupy high posts are also respected. Dignity is attached to post or rank. A station master will take great pains to prepare the railway minister’s visit, but will never trouble himself with the inconveniences faced by the ordinary passengers. Luxurious houses are built for high-ranking officers while the poor live in shanty towns, barely protected from the elements. I don’t say that large houses should never be built, but that everyone should be provided the minimum requirements. “I admit that both rice and tasty dishes are necessary for people, but I shall not demand a sumptuous dish from the goddess of food until I see that India has been overflooded with an abundance of rice.”” (7)

“These days educated people are so proud of their erudition that they detest illiterate people and avoid the company of commoners. Thus they shun village life and live in towns. When the question of returning to the village crops up, they say, “What on earth would we do in a village? There’s not a single person to talk to. Only idiots live there.” This explains why almost all attention is focused on the urban areas to the detriment of the villages. While soliciting votes, political leaders pay a short visit to the villages with a mouthful of attractive promises. They promptly inform the ignorant populace about their great achievements in constructing huge dams; though perhaps village cultivation is becoming impossible due to want of irrigation. They give detailed descriptions about their plans to build bridges and bungalows and install television sets, though perhaps in that village people die for want of medicine, or beg for food in poverty-stricken desperation. And yet the common villagers constitute the backbone of society. Even in the towns not everyone gets equal opportunities. The pavements have become the home for so many people. Rabindranath says, “There are always a number of uncelebrated people in the human civilization. They are the majority, and they are the medium, but they have no time to become human beings. They are raised on the leftovers of the national wealth. They are poorly dressed and receive little education, yet they serve the rest of society. They give maximum labour but are rewarded with ignominy – they die of starvation or are tortured to death by those they serve. They are deprived of all life’s amenities. They are the candlestick of civilization: they stand erect with the candle resting on their head. Everyone gets light from it, while they suffer the discomfort of the wax trickling down their sides. In this way, the dishonest of humanity or the neglect of human values has become a social malady.””(8)


Here in review: The point is that only those with a very narrow and selfish outlook can think that vast amounts of public monies should be used for fancy stadiums for the Olympics etc, when large numbers of people in that country are starving and living in unsanitary conditions. In contrast, if one cultivates the ideal that this whole humanity is my kith and kin, then there will be no scope to waste money on extravagant sporting venues while naked children in that country beg for food and lack drinking water.

in Him,


As mentioned above, I am not against games and sports, only my concern is the commercialisation thereof. In the US, obesity is rampant, and games and sports are highly commercialised. The unfortunate result is that people think they should watch, not play. Yet real use of games and sports is for keeping a population healthy, active, and vibrant, but in the US and other nations that tenant has sadly been lost.


The following comments are from this website: http://www.debate.org/opinions/are-the-olympic-games-a-waste-of-money

– I believe that the Olympic Games are a waste of money because there are more important things that the money used for these events could be spent on. If we stopped the Olympic Games, a lot of extra money could be donated to child hunger, cancer cures, and child hospitals. Think about the people in third world countries, starving and living without shelter. All charities ask for a small amount of money, yet countries spend millions on a sporting event. The Olympic Games boost economies and also boost pollution at the same time! We are trying our best to stop global warming and this is NOT helping! The native animals of each country loose their habitat to just a stupid car park or an expensive stadium. This can ruin the food chain. The Olympic Games just puts everyone against each other and puts hatred between each country.

– It’s a ridiculous waste of money for a 3 week sporting event – all because of the need to compete against other countries and win some medals!! Feed the poor, educate the masses, give the money to worthwhile needy charities!

– The Olympics are a waste of money

The money spent by countries on international sporting events, such as the Olympic game and World championships, is money wasted. It should be used for more important things such as curing malaria in LEDCs, improving infrastructure, and providing proper education for the adults and children from poorer countries.Billions of pounds are spent on these events just to watch people throwing javelins and shot putts around when it could be donated to charities so they could at least make a difference to this world by helping the people.


The Olympics represents a criminal diversion of funds away from the kind of projects and policies which would actually effect improvements in the health of the population. Merely claiming that ‘striving’ for the best compensates the masses who are paid off with a few weeks of sports saturated T.V. is not where public money is best sent. Society, as a whole, has greater, and certainly, more pressing needs. Hunger, poverty, ignorance etc. I do not propose aid to have succeeded when applied to foreign lands, however when spent domestically it can reap huge rewards.

– The Olympic Games are a waste of money!

If we stopped the Olympic Games, a lot of extra money could be donated to child hunger, cancer cures, charities, and child hospitals. Think about the people in third world countries, starving and living without shelter. All charities ask for a small amount of money, yet we spend millions on a sporting event. Athletes may get publicity, but aren’t human lives more important?

We are trying our best to stop global warming and this is NOT helping! The native animals of each country loose their habitat to just a stupid car park or an expensive stadium. This can ruin the food chain. The Olympic Games just puts everyone against each other and puts hatred between each country.

– of course it is

It is kind on stupid to have the olympics in the first place. They are a waste of money and very much a waste of time. Who cares if you win a gold medal in swimming or some other sport. That does not prove you are the greatest athlete in the world.

-of course it is a waste of money!

all you really need is a track to run a pool to swim a court to hit and a field to ride it doesnt have to big cant you just agree with me and give this money to the people who need it and inspiring someone this is like WE ARE SHOWING OFF how much money we can spend

– Pakistan and Afghanistan practice a pates but still want to kill loads of people.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are lead by the group of people – the Taliban who smashed the twin towers yet they compete in the Olympics. They destroyed Bali, yet they compete in the Olympics. It doesn’t provide friendly competition because their are still wars going on across the world yet almost every country competes even though they create wars. They don’t allow friendly competition so I conclude that it is a waste of money because it can’t provide friendly competition.

– The money can be use for other reasons.

The millions of dollars used building the facilities of the Olympic games should be used to give to the poor in Africa. Only when all the poor people have enough money to have a healthy lifestyle should we even think of spending millions of dollars building massive facilities that we don’t need.

– Olympic games are a waste of money!!!

Facts clearly state that where ever the Olympics were held; the country had to spend a big sum of money on advancements. A clear example is the recent London 2012 Olympics where Britain earned millions of USD through people who had a craze for watching this game. I mean the making of the movie in which the Queen jumps it had a a cost too, which included graphic designing etc.

– Yes

Because what about the poor people in Africa, Why think about money all time. What about people they have feelings (Naduh) but why think about money all the time when you can give to poor people instead of Having the money all by yourself when you earn enough already? Seriously what about people?

– Yes, believe the Olympic Games are a waste of money, this money could be spent on much better things.

I believe that the Olympic Games are a waste of money because there are more important things that the money used for these events could be spent on. There are starving kids who could eat if the money was given to them instead. There are also natural disasters that could be better controlled if there was more funding for them.

– There are so many other things we could spend money on!!!

I understand that there is a strong sentiment which surrounds the Olympic games, and it’s not that I have anything against them in and of themselves, but I think the amount of ceremony, media hype, and flare which is used is certainly excessive. Instead of using that money to further lavish the leaders of the globe and create a spectacle, we could be using these resources to SOLVE PROBLEMS!!!!

– Not the only competition

The games have put more than one economy in debt; one need not look further than Greece’s current state. Also, this is not the only forum for athletes to get together. There is also the pan-am games, the commonwealth games, and the world cup. The billions spent on the Olympics are just thrown away, and could be given to much worthier causes.

– Recall way back to 1972, and Colorado had been chosen for the ’76 winter games. We voters took the initiative on a state-wide ballot and voted by a good margin to deny the use of any public funds for the Olympics. It only took days to withdraw, and the IOC moved the ’76 winter games to Austria.What happened is that Colorado got a black eye in the world press (no big deal), and also a national reputation for being green, clean, low tax, frugal and smart. People and hi-tech firms moved to the state in larger numbers than ever, and our economy has been doing fine ever since.

– My rule of thumb: whenever a sports stadium or arena is touted as the centrepiece of a city’s long-term prosperity (as opposed to the prosperity of the developers, construction firms, and various cronies and hangers-on), it’s a grift. The IOC and local committees are no different in this regard than are major-league team owners.Spending taxpayer and/or private dollars on urban infrastructure is great, but that can be done without spending billions of extra dollars on short-term events and soon-to-be under-used facilities

– The Olympics is one big rip-off.

It’s all about making money, money, money for a few big companies and assorted Fat Cats.

£350 per household in the UK? With all the cuts you’re suffering? You’ve been ripped off.

– The Olympics are very much a second prize in today’s world. It can and probably will saddle us with huge debts ala Montreal and do little, if anything for anywhere outside of London. The World Cup is the biggie and we came NOWHERE in the run off for that blockbuster which would at least have spread the money around the country instead of centralising it in London. The attitude of people from the Midlands Northwards is, its London’s, nothing to do with us, we won’t benefit but we will be told to pay for it. At the end of the day the Government refused point-blank to consider bids from other cities.Stick them where the sun doesn’t shine.

– Have been to Montreal and the Olympic village is like a strange ghost town, apparently it took Montreal almost two decades to pay off the debt left from it’s olympics. British Columbia is left with a big sales tax after the Vancouver winter olympics and is saddled with debt.

– I think we ought to build a permenant olympics site somewhere for re use every 4 years so we don’t waste time, money and resources building these big nationalistic monuments

– The Olympics is a waste of money. The current bill is £3.3B, but apparently we can afford this whilst we make 100,000s redundant and stop spending money on the NHS.

– It’s a classic example of ignoring the real problems in the country and going for a project that only caters for 1/3rd of the population – if that – of the UK.


– The Olympic Games could have been made less extravagant and millions could have been saved to help the needy. Indeed, watching this spectacular event unleashing is like living a real boost of emotion.But then, is the feeling of these temporary emotions more prominent than the health of a human being ? We all know it isn’t yet we keep on hosting it. It is sad therefore to realise that mankind has adopted an egocentric culture.

– Athens Olympics Venues In Decay 8 Years After 2004 Games (PHOTOS)

There’s still one group that loves the training pool for athletes at the former Olympic village in Athens’ northern fringe. Frogs.

They appear to delight in sitting on debris that floats on the half-filled pool’s murky waters.

The athletes village itself has fared somewhat better, turned into housing for workers.

Eight years after the 2004 Athens Games, many of the Olympic venues Greece built at great expense remain abandoned or rarely used. They are the focus of great public anger as the country struggles through a fifth year of recession and nearly three years of a debt crisis that has seen a surge in poverty and unemployment.

At the southern Athens venue for softball – a sport unknown in Greece and already out of the Summer Olympics – the occasional weed is all that remains on the dried-out field.

With no shortage of real beaches in Greece, the purpose-built beach volleyball stadium has seen minimal use in the past eight years, mostly just concerts.

Other Athens venues have fared better. The badminton hall has been converted into a popular theater venue, the former international Olympic broadcast center is a shopping mall and what was the main press center now houses ministry offices.

The old baseball venue has been used for the past two years by a fourth-division local soccer club – although some of the stands could do with a lick of paint.

The hockey venue hosted the Special Olympics last year, but material used in that event still lies abandoned around the rim.

The taekwondo and handball arena is occasionally used for non-sports events.

The main Athens Olympics complex is now mostly open to the public and its sporting venues are used by local teams or to host national championships.

Greek politicians, meanwhile, are still struggling to deal with those years of excess spending, and many economists still question the country’s future in the 17-nation common euro currency.



1. Problems of the Day, pt #1
2. Prout in A Nutshell – 15
3. Problems of the Day, #11
4 – 8. A Few Problems Solved Part 2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles

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From: p.livingston@tjohns@co…
Subject: A Type of Idol Worship In The West
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2013 21:59:32 -0000
To: am-global@earthlink.net


This entire email is composed of 3 parts:
(1) Prabhat Samgiita #2368;
(2) Posting: A Type of Idol Worship In The West;
(3) Trailer Quote: Science: What One Does Reaps The Consequences

Each section is demarcated by asterisks (*).

**** Here begins the Prabhat Samgiita ****

“Toma’r raunge raung mishiye cale, yete ca’i sumukhe…” (P.S. 2368)

Toma’r raunge raung mishiye
Cale jete ca’i sumukhe;
Ca’i toma’r tale tala melate,
Ta’la kat́e prati nimise,

Drŕha kare dhare toma’r pata’ka’
Egiye jete cai a’mi eka’
Toma’r a’shis’a sathe niye a’ma’r ma’the
Bhare bala a’ma’r buke,

Ekala’ chilam na’ a’mi kakhano
Saunge tumi, bhaya neiko kono
Tava ka’j kare ja’bo tava ga’n geye ja’bo
Diipta hoye tava shubha’loke


O’ Parama Purusa, by surrendering all the colours of my mind – all the attractions and attachments of my mind – by surrendering everything unto You, (Toma’r raunge raung mishiye) [1] by dyeing my mind in Your colour, I want to move ahead. I want to move unto Divinity, by Your grace. Baba, I want to offer all my colours, vrttis, and longings at Your alter. My only desire is to move on the path, dancing according to Your rhythm, Your melody. Somehow I always lose the rhythm and melody. I want to synchronize my rhythm with Yours, but each moment I fail. I want to follow Your path, but I miss steps along the way, always.

O’ Supreme Entity, by Your grace, I am firmly holding Your flag in my hand. You have given me the one-pointed desire, energy, and duty to follow and spread Your ideology, Your teachings. You have instilled within me the feeling that even if no one else is coming along, still I will go on marching ahead on Your path. Your blessings always with me and my heart filled with Your strength, I am ready to march forward alone. Baba, Your grace is ever-showering on my entire existence. You are always along with me. You are always giving me strength in my heart to march forward. O’ my Lord, You have filled my heart with Your inspiration and grace. For this reason, obstacles and hindrances are meaningless – they never obstruct my forward movement

O’ Parama Purusa, I was never alone in the past, nor will I be alone in the future. You are always along with me. And when You are along with me, there is no question of any fear. Baba, keeping me resplendent in Your benevolent light, I will keep doing Your work, singing Your song. By doing Your work and singing Your song, I will go on moving on Your path of effulgence – keeping You in my heart. O’ Parama Purusa, You are always with me, You are eternally sweet and gracious…


[1] Toma’r raunge raung mishiye: The following guideline from Baba offers a greater philsophical understanding of the first line of this song.

“Dye your mind with His colour. Those who have not done so cannot attain Him, for this very coloration is Prema or Divine Love. The differences in colour are signs of distinction; without these differences there is identity. No external sign of Sádhutá or virtue is necessary. Became sádhu within. Behind the external show of virtuousness of many so-called sádhus exists a pharisaic state of mind. Preserve the true dignity of the word, Sádhu…”

“That is why I say that you must bring about a revolutionary change in the flow of your judgment and thought, and see how, after overcoming your fascination with external colour, your mind becomes tinged with the His glorious colour. In Ananda Marga Sadhana, the method of withdrawing the mind from degrading tendencies, and absorbing oneself in the colour of the Great, is called Pratyáhára Yoga (the yoga of withdrawal) or Varńárghyadána (the offering of colours). All people have a particular attraction for one or another object or activity and as soon as they become attracted to an object, then their minds become coloured with the colour of that object. You can withdraw your mind from the colour of that object and dye yourself in His colour by offering Him the captivating colour of the object that has attracted you: this is the real Pratyáhára Yoga. The word Pratyáhára means “to withdraw” – to withdraw the mind from its object.”

“The main object of the Spring Colour Festival (Vasantotsava) is not playing with external colours; it is meant to offer Him the colours of different objects which have dyed the mind. When this practice of offering your own colours – your own attachments, becomes natural and easy, you will then merge in Him. Then you will have no need for any colour, for you will become colourless – you will go beyond the reach of any colour. Your unit-ego will become one with the Cosmic Ego. Whichever way you look you will see only Him in His ever-surging glory. There is no “I” nor “you”. By an everlasting, mutual pact the final curtain will have fallen on all clashes of “I” and “you”. At that stage, if you call Parama Brahma as “I”, you are right in calling Him so; if you call Him as “He”, you are equally right; and if you call Him as “you”, again you are correct. The extent of your attainment of Him will be proportionate to your self surrender.” (Subhasita Samgraha – 3)


Around the globe, people feel the need to idolize or worship someone or something. This happens in the east and west. Unfortunately, in their attempt to satisfy this desire, they often go astray. Without thinking, they mindlessly select their idol, not realising that it is fictitious or mythological – i.e. not real. We see examples of this in both the west and the east. This is the common phenomenon.


First we should review Baba’s guideline where He warns us that fictional and mythological characters should not be taken to be real and worshiped or idolized.

“The value of mythology lies in this, in its contribution to mass education. If a narrative is devoid of the elements of mass education we cannot call it mythology. But it should be borne in mind that the events narrated are not true. Similarly, in modern times there are many novels and many plays which contain didactic elements for mass education. But the characters depicted in these plays are not real and they cannot be ritualistically worshipped with flowers and leaves of the wood apple tree. To make idols of them for the purpose of worshipping will be a great blunder. This kind of blunder is called pramáda in Sanskrit (the word pramáda is derived by adding the suffix ghain to the verbal root mad with the prefix pra). That is something with mistake in the beginning, intermittent mistakes in the middle and mistake at the end.” (1)

Baba’s teaching continues:

“I have already told you about the objective of a purána; it has educative value but the incidents are all fictitious. A particular novel of Sarat Chandra may be very good and people may be very much impressed by a particular character in it. But is it desirable to make an image of that character and worship it? Similarly it will not really be in the fitness of things to worship a mythological character or to start worshipping ritualistically some particular mythological god or a goddess. Such a deity is only a figment of imagination.” (2)

Unfortunately we see this happening in both east and west, where segments of the population accept a mythological or fictional character to be real. And then they worship or idolize that character.



Juliet is one of the main fictitious characters in Shakespeare’s tragedy: “Romeo and Juliet”. In that drama, written 450+ years ago, the young couple in love are embattled by family disputes and ultimately die a most tragic death, without ever being able to express their love for one another. It is the quintessential tragedy of western literature. And it is completely fictional – these characters are 100% imaginary – Mr Shakespeare merely invented them in his own mind.

Yet today, a Juliet website has been devised, and people from far and wide write in seeking solace about their romantic woes. Because of their deep emotional link with the female character Juliet – who never even existed in real life – people are writing to Juliet and pouring their heart. If they deem their romance to be similar in any way to that of Romeo and Juliet – i.e. if they are getting tormented by friends and family – then they write to Juliet and ask for her grace and promise that, “Just as you died for your lover, I shall do the same.” Juliet does not even exist, yet they are taking this fictional character to be their guide.

“Since the 1930s, letters addressed to Juliet keep arriving in Verona. As of 2010, more than 5,000 letters are received annually, three quarters of which are from women. The largest single group of senders are American teenagers.” (Wikipedia)

So this form of idol worship in the west is becoming more popular yet we should remember that it is based on 100% fictitious characters like Juliet.

It is just like if Indian people started writing to Laela’.

In the west, it is not just limited to their fascination with Juliet, but also Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Rocky Balboa and all kinds of fictional heroes from the world of pop pseudo-culture. People are enthralled by such characters and aim to emulate them in all kinds of ways. They dress, talk, act, and behave like them; they idolize them. They think that such characters will grant them strength, or fortune, or love, or whatever it is that they desire. They even name their children after such fictional characters.


In the east, worshipers pray to a piece of stone, thinking it to be a god. In this manner so many mythological deities have been created. People ask and pray to their chosen deity for everything, thinking that entity to be real.

Then there is this example from the Sati temple. The imaginary mother goddess Sati jumped on the funeral pyre of her husband. So females pray to this goddess because they think that by this way they will not lose their husband to an early death – rather due to the boon of mother goddess Sati, they will love together forever with their spouse.

This, and many other examples like it in India, demonstrate how people become blinded. They worship deities that are wholly mythological, i.e. not real.


Thus we see that in both east and west people mindlessly accept fictional characters and mythological entities as their chosen guide. The chief cause behind this is that people mindlessly pour their hearts for such entities, without realising the harm they are doing.

Here again is Baba’s warning.

“The value of mythology lies in this, in its contribution to mass education. If a narrative is devoid of the elements of mass education we cannot call it mythology. But it should be borne in mind that the events narrated are not true. Similarly, in modern times there are many novels and many plays which contain didactic elements for mass education. But the characters depicted in these plays are not real and they cannot be ritualistically worshipped with flowers and leaves of the wood apple tree. To make idols of them for the purpose of worshipping will be a great blunder. This kind of blunder is called pramáda in Sanskrit (the word pramáda is derived by adding the suffix ghaiô to the verbal root mad with the prefix pra). That is something with mistake in the beginning, intermittent mistakes in the middle and mistake at the end.” (3)

Baba’s teaching continues:

“I have already told you about the objective of a Purána; it has educative value but the incidents are all fictitious. A particular novel of Sarat Chandra may be very good and people may be very much impressed by a particular character in it. But is it desirable to make an image of that character and worship it? Similarly it will not really be in the fitness of things to worship a mythological character or to start worshipping ritualistically some particular mythological god or a goddess. Such a deity is only a figment of imagination.” (4)


Unfortunately, innocent people in the east and west waste tremendous amounts of energy seeking boons and guidance from fictitious and mythological entities. Without carefully analysing the situation, they accept fake entities to be real. In that way, they can never advance in a meaningful way.

We should increase efforts to bring all unto the path of Ananda Marga. That will save people from being allured by imaginary guides and gods.

“The utilization of energy should be in the proper direction. If you have to move to the east and you start moving towards the west, your action will be considered full of prámáda, or madness. Ananda Marga has the correct way, through subjective approach and objective adjustement. While followers of Ananda Marga keep their eyes steady on the absolute, they do not ignore this relative world. They work for self-realization and social upliftment, and hence the utilization of their energy is never in vain. When the effort is correct and the utilization right, you will certainly reach the goal.” (5)

in Him,
(Peter Livingston)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 11
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 11
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 11
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 11
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 23, Your Personal Relationship with God

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above letter. It stands on its own as a point of interest.


What One Does Reaps The Consequences

“Action, whether good or bad, causes deformity in the mind, and in the process of regaining its normal form one experiences as reactions good results for good deeds and bad results for bad ones. After death mind takes the shelter of unit consciousness as reaction in its potentiality (saḿskára). The unit consciousness, in order to have those potential reactions expressed, will have to seek a body suitable for the expression of these reactions. For instance, Rama dies, and his mind takes the shelter of his unit consciousness (átman) as reactions in their potentiality (saḿskára). Rama according to his actions in this life should experience as reaction (karmaphala) the pain equivalent in mental measure to a fracture of an arm at the age of eight, the happiness of getting a fortune at the age of ten, and the suffering of becoming fatherless at the age of eleven. He will have to experience all this as his deformed mind regains its normal form. It is important to clarify here that the actual form of suffering is not predetermined. It cannot be said what might be the actual reaction of a particular action. For example, it is not preordained that if one commits theft his things of the same value will be stolen as a reaction. The suffering is measured in terms of mental suffering to the extent which was inflicted on others by stealing their property. Thus the measure of experiencing the result of an action is mental and is in terms of pleasure and pain, and the actual form of experience has relatively no importance. Rama has to experience the pain and pleasure of all these happenings, and so his unit consciousness will have to seek a body on rebirth, where an opportunity to experience all this will be available. In order to suffer the mental agony of loss of his father at the age of eleven years, Rama has to be born of parents where the father, according to his own actions, has also to die when Rama attains that age. If it is not so, Rama will not be able to experience his reaction (karmaphala) of the suffering of the loss of his father. Thus it is seen that unit consciousness and the potential reaction (saḿskára) cannot take shelter in any body for rebirth indiscriminately. A suitable body where the opportunity and field for experiencing their reactions (karmaphala) is available will have to be sought out. It is only in such a body that unit consciousness, along with total reactions in their potentiality, will seek shelter and be reborn.” (Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy, What Is My Relation with the Universe and the Cosmic Entity?)

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From: Candra Deva
Date: Fri, Feb 08, 2012 at 21:35:56
Subject: Should I Rally Around My Infatuation

This entire email contains three distinct sections:
(1) Prabhat Samgiita and explanation;
(2) Posting About Ananda Marga’s Stand on a particular social issue;
(3) Trailer Quote.

Each section is demarcated by asterisks (*). Here begins the Prabhat Samgiita:


“A’ma’r sakal dukher ma’jhe ele tumi dukhaharan’…” (PS 1421)


O’ Baba, You are Dukhaharan’ [1]. I was surrounded by sorrows & suffering; I was in big problem; my life was unbearable. You came with Your gazing eyes, silent footsteps, loving smile, and sweet face. Baba, You have blessed me and rescued me by wiping away all my troubles and suffering.

O, Parama Purusa, completely depending upon You with full surrender, in that very distressed and helpless condition, I called You and looked towards You. Raising both my hands in surrender I pleaded, “Baba, please save me; You are my only shelter. I take refuge in You. If You will not save me who will.” At that moment You rescued me by showering Your grace.

Baba, upon opening my eyes I see the effulgence has filled the sky. With Your august presence, the whole sky became enveloped in Your divine effulgence and my mind and heart became drenched in Your love. O’ Parama Purusa, holding Your lotus feet, singing Your songs, and remembering Your glory with all my heart, I surrender unto You…


[1] Dukhaharan’: Parama Purusa is the remover of sorrows and suffering. That is why, among His infinite epithets and qualities, one of His names is Dukhaharan’ (Dukha= pain or suffering; haran’= to take away). In the Mahabharat era when the Queen Draopadi faced humiliation at the hands of her captors, she surrendered fully and was saved. The point is that being the Dukhaharan’, Parama Purusa removes a sadhaka’s afflictions. As we know afflictions are of three types: physical, psychic, and spiritual. So when any devotee is suffering from any trouble or torment in any realm of life then Parama Purusa Baba showers His grace and relieves them of their pain and suffering.

*** Prabhat Samgiita ends and now the letter starts ***


Note: If you know anyone who is gay and by mistake joined Ananda Marga, kindly share this letter with them or convey these ideas to them. Thank you.

All kinds of weaknesses are accepted and approved in materialistic society. But in Ananda Marga, we are a man-making mission. There is no place for “sex for sex sake” in Ananda Marga. In Ananda Marga, sex is for procreation.

I know for years and years you have felt alienated in Ananda Marga. You want to live under the bright, brilliant skies of Ananda Marga, and at the same time continue your chosen mode of living. But that does not work because Ananda Marga philosophy does not appreciate “sex for sex sake”.

Thus when these days gay marriage is always in the news and gaining momentum, naturally you feel a sense of relief and victory. You may even feel vindicated and hope that one day this will be welcomed in Ananda Marga.

Now let’s review this situation and examine the stand of Ananda Marga on homosexuality.


Like you, many in the gay community hold dearly onto the following notion:

“As I have a strong attraction for the same sex, then this practice should be honoured and I should have the right to marry as well.”

This is a very commonly held position.


However we have to remember that people have all kinds of mundane attractions in life. But having the attraction itself does not justify the action.

For instance:
1) A person may feel sexually attracted towards children;
2) A person may have the attraction for countless sexual partners;
3) A husband may be attracted to someone and cheat on his wife;
4) A person may be attracted to having sex with animals.

Indeed about the latter, Baba has given one report.

Baba says, “Syphilis first originated in dogs, and through contact with them the human body got infected.” (Yogic Treatments)

Thus, because some were attracted to dogs and got sexually infatuated in that way, they contracted a terrible disease.

Here the point is that people have all kinds of attractions in life. Some are attracted towards money, towards sex, towards so many things in this mundane world. But simply being allured by the power of attraction does not by definition imply that the action is good, justified, or natural according to the standards of Ananda Marga philosophy. Rather it may cause a lot of harm and lead people astray.

That is why good people, conscientious people, will control any dirty attraction and not act upon it. They understand that attraction stems from a particular weakness of mind and it should be overcome.


Each and every action of our human existence is geared towards reaching Parama Purusa. So all our thoughts, words, and deeds are for attaining that Supreme stance. This is what AM ideology preaches and teaches. Those actions which support this ideal are in consonance with Ananda Marga teachings, while we discourage those actions which inhibit this ideal.


In His teachings of bio-psychology, Baba specifically guides us how the human body is but a vehicle for moving along the path of spirituality. That is how it is to be used. To support and enhance this process we are not to allow lymph to be converted into semen other than for procreation. Those using sex as a tool for enjoyment are misguided. Because human beings cannot get satiation from any worldly engagement. (Note: Please refer to the book, Ananda Marga Elementary Philosophy.) We are to maintain a maximum amount of shukra as this aids us in our spiritual journey.


So Ananda Margiis follow this clear-cut pathway by exercising control over these base propensities. In our Ananda Marga, our strict policy is that sex is for procreation only. That is Baba’s guideline.

When advising and guiding us on human sexuality, Baba has given the following mandate.

Baba says, “As regards the question of restraint and lack of restraint, the more one practises restraint, the greater will be their well-being.” (Caryacarya-3)

In a nutshell, it can be said that ‘sex for carnal pleasure’ or ‘sex to try and satisfy one’s animalistic desire’– i.e. just out of lust – is not at all supported by AM. This has no place in our Ananda Marga. Even animals do not behave in this way: They indulge in sex only to procreate, not for any other reason. If you see animals living around human beings doing otherwise, that is because of human interference / influence.


But in homosexual & lesbian relations etc, their entire platform is ‘sex for the sake of sex’– just falling into lust and giving way to one’s animalistic propensities. When there is no possibility of procreation, then there is no rational support for that type of lifestyle. That is the teaching of Ananda Marga philosophy. Seeking true pleasure in this way is like searching for healthy, sentient food in the sewer.

So homosexuality runs contrary to the aim of human life, according to bhagavada dharma. When sex is supposed to be only for procreation – that is the only time that sex is supported in our AM way of life – then there is no logical support whatsoever for the ways of homosexuality / lesbianism, where sex is just an “animalistic pleasure-seeking” tool. Ultimately, such relations will just lead to one’s degeneration and degradation.

So the entire so-called culture of homosexuality runs directly contrary to the lofty tenets of our Ananda Marga ideological stand. Because homosexual and lesbian relations are just based on sexual expression.


Some confused persons may try to justify homosexuality by preaching the gospel of western “open-mindedness”. They may say that everyone is allowed to indulge in any way they please. However, that does not hold any ground in Ananda Marga; homosexual relations cannot be supported in our view, just as prostitution, smoking, meat-eating, and intoxicants are not allowed in Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga stands for discipline and self-control, not indulgence and promiscuity. That is why the golden teachings of yama and niyama are given utmost importance and brought into the limelight. The literal meaning of yama is control. The practice and path of Ananda Marga begins with control. If anyone does not have the requisite control, they are in the wrong place.

It is just like if an alcoholic wants to become a margii then we cannot compromise and accept alcohol in Ananda Marga. Rather that person should be educated and goaded to give up alcohol and live according to Ananda Marga principles. Then they will be an Ananda Margii. Same with all vices; they cannot coexist with Ananda Marga. Rather those vices should be dropped and then we can welcome such persons into Ananda Marga.

That is, we should neither encourage nor support the practice of homosexuality; but we will certainly aim to help those involved to overcome this manner of living by introducing them to 16 Points and working for their overall growth and development.


Here again about worldly infatuation, in many cases people have their own justifications etc, but in the end these all stem from a point of weakness.

A person may be morbidly obese and suffer from high blood pressure. Yet he may see a big piece of cake or a Big Mac at McDonalds and feel attracted to eating that. This may be an attraction that they have. But who can say that this attraction is righteous – who can say that this attraction should be acted upon. Having the attraction is not the defining point of whether an action is proper or not.

For example, some may wish to drink a bottle of alcohol or do harsh illegal drugs. Here again, being allured to something does not justify the act or prove it worthy. In many cases, people have proclivity towards a particular habit because of their own personal weakness. It happens – commonly so.

It is very important that we understand which types of attraction are born out of human weakness and which desires lead us on the path of welfare. The two should not be confused. Unfortunately now in this materialistic era, many fall prey to the former, indulging in all kinds of activities out of weakness.

Just because one claims, “I am attracted to…”, that is not a proper justification for homosexual relations. In Ananda Marga, we do not appreciate base physical attraction in any situation, neither if a man is attracted to a man nor if a woman is attracted to a woman, nor a human sexually attracted towards animals. In neither case is it good; all lead to degeneration.


Sex itself is nothing but a medium for producing offspring, i.e. for having babies. If two married people have sex for the sake of society building, i.e. having children, then that is most natural and supported.

If however, males and males or females and females just randomly engage in sexual activity purely out of lust, then that is their weakness. And ultimately, like many weaknesses, they will suffer the consequences.

Acting on lustful tendencies of mind is no different from other indulgences.

A heart patient will suffer from a heart attack or stroke if they continue to act on their attraction toward greasy foods. And there are so many examples. So when sex is for procreation, then we must understand that those randomly engaging in sex out of purely lustful attraction are not on the path of welfare. And they will suffer the consequences in the form of psychic degradation and physical diseases like impotency, cervical cancer, AIDS etc.

The central ideas is that when sex itself is for procreation, then when there is no possibility for a gay relationship to produce children, that relation too is not consistent with nature. One may have the attraction and one may justify therefore it is “natural”, but that attraction is born out of human weakness, not human dharma.

The conclusion is not that gay and lesbian relations should be outlawed. Rather a compassionate understanding should pervade our society and help and support should be offered.

No one should be left to wallow in this weakness of mind. None should be left to stand there and say, “I am attracted toward gay relations and therefore that is my right.” This type of defective logic should not be anyone’s lone battle cry.


Our human society suffers so much these days and most often this suffering stems from indulging in human weaknesses. But we should recognise such things as defects – and not rally around them as being high ideals.

Again, as a child of Parama Purusa, I have deep feeling for you as my brother and sister. This is not an easy issue to deal with. Yet together we must examine the matter with a sense of vaeragya (detachment), then we can view the matter for what it is.

An alcoholic never likes to think that alcohol is bad. That comes from his attachment to that habit. The moment he is able to step back and see the big picture without projecting his own weakness or justification, then he will instantly realise that alcohol is not beneficial. So it takes a sort of detachment.

Same is the case with regards to homosexuality. Today, many are rallying around your cause of gay rights and gay marriage. Yet with a calm and balanced mind, detached from your preconceived notions, you can see how far this is proper & beneficial or not.

Then, I believe, you will see that it results out of human weakness.


These days, especially in the west, weaknesses like homosexuality / gay rights are held as being highly progressive ideas. People speak proudly of it. But this is not the essence or crowning point of human life in Ananda Marga.

If people are taught from their very childhood about sexuality and spirituality and what our human organs are for, then that will steer most onto the proper path.

If we as a humanity understand that this results from a point of weakness and is not something great or broad-minded, then we can help people advance.

Ultimately we are to rally around those great ideals of neo-humanism and psycho-spirituality, and not get drowned in human weakness – whether that be theft, debauchery or homosexuality.

Then no one will say, “I hanker homosexual relations and therefore it is good and should be approved in Ananda Marga.” Rather people will aim for a higher goal in life, and not get bogged down in human weakness.


By Baba’s grace, ours is a dynamic human society where there is love and empathy for all, regardless of who they are and how they live. With this compassionate understanding.

Here I repeat:

But in homosexual & lesbian relations etc, their entire platform is ‘sex for the sake of sex’ – just falling into lust and giving way to one’s animalistic propensities. When there is no possibility of procreation, then there is no rational support for that type of lifestyle. That is the teaching of Ananda Marga philosophy. Seeking true pleasure in this way is like searching for healthy, sentient food in the sewer.

So homosexuality runs contrary to the aim of human life, according to bhagavada dharma. When sex is supposed to be only for procreation – that is the only time that sex is supported in our Ananda Marga way of life – then there is no logical support whatsoever for the ways of homosexuality / lesbianism, where sex is just an “animalistic pleasure-seeking” tool. Ultimately, such relations will just lead to one’s degeneration and degradation.

So the entire so-called culture of homosexuality runs directly contrary to the lofty tenets of our Ananda Marga ideological stand. Because homosexual and lesbian relations are just based on sexual expression.

Those so-called philosophies that preach that sex is for enjoyment and condemn gay relations are hypocrites. If they allow prostitution, alcohol, pornography etc but oppose gay relations, then they are hypocrites. Our stand on this issue of homosexuality is different from what the various religions advocate. Sex is only for procreation. That is the way srsti cakra (cycle of creation) works.

In Ananda Marga, sex is only for procreation. We should not forget that ours is Ananda Marga, the Path of Bliss.


“The mental tendencies of appetite, sleep, fear and sex urge are found among humans and animals. So what is the difference between the two? The distinction between humans and animals is that humans have a sense of Dharma. Human beings practise Dharma, but animals do not. A person who does not pursue the path of Dharma in spite of being endowed with the human form is just like a beast.” (1)

“People run after money because they believe that they can maintain their lives under the shelter of money, that money alone can save them. They do not know that money can provide neither a permanent stability nor securely founded shelter. During the span of one’s life money will come and go several times. At times its glamour will dazzle our eyes and at other times the lack of money will make one cry from hunger. Not only money, but all finite objects have this characteristic. One uses finite objects with the intention of enjoying only one of their portions, then sooner or later the residue will be reached. That which is finite cannot permanently remain the object of your enjoyment or your permanent resort. The existence of all these things is dependent on other things – bounded by the limits of time, place and person. In philosophical terms the attraction for finite objects is called Ásakti and the attraction for the infinite is Bhakti.” (2)

“When this attraction is for any non-integral entity, or for any small entity this is called káma. When that attraction is for that integral entity, and the integral entity is only one and that one is Parama Puruśa – it is called Prema. When the attraction is for the non-integral entity, for money, for family, for land, it is called Káma; when it is for integral entity it is called Prema and the mental tendency during Káma i.e., the mental tendency during attraction for a non-integral entity is called Ásakti in Saḿskrta and the mental tendency during attraction for that Integral Entity is called Bhakti. Do you follow?” (3)

“Bhakti means to withdraw one’s attractions from all objects and channelize them towards Parama Puruśa. When the unit self is associated with the cosmic it is called “bhakti” or “devotion”, but when it is associated with the mundane it is called “attachment”. You must withdraw your mental propensities from all external objects – no matter what they might be – and channelize them only towards Parama Puruśa. Only when you direct them towards Him, can it be called bhakti. If you allow your mind to become fascinated by any other object, it is called “ásakti” or “attachment”. When your only desire is for Iishvara, it is called “Iishvara-bhakti”, but when that attachment is for wine, for example, it is called ásakti for wine. An attachment for any object other than Parama Puruśa is called “ásakti”.” (4)

“The meaning of the word bhakti is “attraction to the Supreme”. When the attraction is to something limited, it is called ásakti, and when the attraction is to the Supreme, it is devotion, bhakti. There is no compromise, no meeting point, between ásakti and bhakti, between attraction to the Supreme and attraction to the objects of the world. In ásakti, the feeling is that I get the object. In bhakti, the feeling is that I merge myself in Him. Where there is no desire, there the Lord lives. The Lord and the desire for the world, like the sun and the night, cannot coexist.” (5)

at His lotus feet,
Candra Deva

1. Subhasita Samgraha – 1, The Call of the Supreme
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life – 2, Bhaktitattva
3. Subhasita Samgraha – 18, The Stance of Salvation and How to Attain It
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 23, The Bliss of the Devotee

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above letter. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

O’ Human Being

“O human beings, proceed on the path of Oṋḿkara towards subtleness. Do not run after the superficial, pleasant mirage dominated by tamoguńa. Establish yourself in sattvaguńa and then merge yourself into Brahma. Reach the point whence oṋḿkára has started. Awaken your latent dynamism through sádhaná and devotion, arouse your divine wisdom and merge that pure divinity into the endless stream of divine glory. Attain the Supreme state for which you have suffered tremendous privations. Today you have the most favourable opportunity to prove yourself as human being.” (Ananda Marga Philosophy – 4, Our Spiritual Treatise)

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From: “Mirabai _”
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: Harmful Competition
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 21:54:33



After years of heated debate and public pressure, the Pentagon (US military headquarters) lifted the ban and gave approval for women to fight on the front lines of the battlefield. In some western nations like the US, this has been a critical issue. Yes, women were allowed to serve in the military. No, they were not intentionally put in dangerous combat zones. Now – at least in the US – that has all changed. Over time, female soldiers will be put in positions of direct combat.

Event then the debate continues: Some women state that women should not be put in harm’s way on the front lines, while a very vocal group of women is demanding that women must be given the right to fight on the front lines and battle the enemy face to face.

In our Ananda Marga, we have our stand based on Baba’s teachings. As we know, males and females have different physical characteristics and capacities. In particular, males are also physically stronger than females.

Baba says, “”There are people who, in the name of giving equal rights to women in all spheres of life, want them to engage in heavy physical and mental labour which is unsuitable for them. Such an outlook is deplorable. It must be accepted that the physical bodies and nervous systems of women are not as strong as those of men, so men and women cannot work in identical areas. Apart from this, for physical reasons women cannot work in the same way every day of the month, and during pregnancy and the post-delivery period the ability to work strenuously is severely restricted. These points must not be overlooked.” (1)

“As in the societies of most other species, in human society also females are physically weaker than males. Because their nervous systems are weaker, their minds are also slightly weak. Nevertheless women have no less value in human society than men. Selfish men, however, have disregarded the value of women; they have taken full advantage, and are continuing to take full advantage, of their weakness. Although men have publicly declared that women should be respected as the mothers of society, they have actually relegated them to the status of domestic cattle and sheep.” (2)

“The physical and mental structure of a woman is such that even though she may have all the requisite ability to take care of her children, it is extremely difficult for her to bring them up properly and to adequately provide for food, clothing, education and medical care all alone; at the same time she has to keep her children with her or near her, or else it becomes difficult for the children to survive. Therefore if men, instead of women, take the main responsibility for providing food and clothing, while women, after duly attending to the needs of the children, where possible or in cases of necessity earn money by working either at home or outside, neither the children nor society will be adversely affected in any way.” (3)

“As the physical strength of women is less than that of men, the latter should always endeavour to save the prestige of women…Special attention should be paid to the comforts of women during festivals, at spiritual conferences, and on other occasions.” (4)

Furthermore, because males are stronger that is why games and sports are done separately: Women compete against women and men compete against men.

Clearly then females do not have the physical strength & stamina that males have. So less physical strength is a critical reason we do not support the recent decision to allow women to fight on the front lines.


In our Ananda Marga, we believe that one’s inherent capacity should be used for the welfare of society. Among their qualities, men possess physical might so they be the ones involved in strenuous activities like fighting on the front lines. In contrast, women possess their own set of strengths that can be applied for the betterment of society.

For instance, males do not have the right temperament or sentiment to raise infants. That is why in the west we see a rash of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS): “Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is a form of physical child abuse that occurs when an abuser [predominantly male] violently shakes an infant or small child, creating a whiplash-type motion that results permanent brain damage and even death.” So it is the males that feel emotionally overwhelmed and challenged by the prospect of caring for infants. (See Note 1)

In contrast, females have greater sentimental feeling and greater attraction toward the baby. Naturally women are more suited to raising young babies and infants. In addition, Baba has furthermore said that Didis should demand running all the primary schools of Ananda Marga. Here the point is that wherever emotion and sentiment are paramount, then females will do that work better than males.

Whereas physically tough jobs like using a bulldozer or working on a garbage truck, or managing a chain saw should be for men.

Certainly, anybody can do anything – there are always exceptions – but generally women will harm themselves doing hard physical labor like fighting on the front lines. So the basic rule is that males should do physically demanding work and females should attend to sentimental jobs. When these roles are switched – i.e. when men involve in things that demand sentiment or when women attend to duties that demand physical might – then problems invariably arise.

This letter is not intended for fault-finding with or accusing any gender. This is for everyone’s welfare. We all have our limitations. Humans cannot glide or fly like birds without a machine so sane people do not jump out of tall buildings and try to fly in the sky. Likewise, regardless of our gender, we should be aware of our inherent strengths and limitations.

Around the globe, in the general society, females have been exploited so much that there has developed a certain competition between the sexes. Rather than being complementary to one another, there is the feeling of competition to outdo the other. Hence, many women have turned to trying to outgun their male counterparts in traditionally male areas of ability. This is an unfortunate development born out of years and generations of the exploitation and suppression of women.


Physical strength is not the only physical difference between males and females.

For instance, the female cranium is smaller than the male cranium. That is one basic physical difference. Generally speaking, a bigger cranium means more brain power. We see that in any species where the brain is smaller then it is less developed. And when the brain is bigger it is more developed.

However, humans are unique in this regard. Much of the brain capacity of humans goes unused. The human brain has a tremendous capacity. So regardless of whether one is a male or female, much of their brain power is unused. There is very little practical difference between males and females in this regard. You will find foolish males and intelligent female and vice versa.

Here is Baba’s teaching about the size of the cranium.

Baba says, “Generally the cranium of a female is smaller than that of a male. If you see the skull of a female skeleton, you will notice that the upper portion of the skull is smaller. Those who are eunuchs by birth have still smaller craniums…If a male becomes a female by biological processes, he will not suffer from headaches as such; he will have no difficulty. But if a female becomes a male, she will suffer difficulties because the cranium is smaller; that is, the brain is smaller.” (5)

Here the overall all point is that Baba clearly points out that there are distinct physical differences between males and females. But there is no need to develop a complex about why males and females are not equal in the physical might. Those trying to rebuff this idea are harming themselves.


Here are some of the stated reasons being championed by women who feel women should NOT be on the front lines:

(A) “The female skeletal system is less dense, and more prone to breakages. There is also a concern that, in aviation, the female body is not as adept at handling the increased g-forces experienced by combat pilots…Furthermore, health issues regarding women are argued as the reason that some submarine services avoid accepting women…The Center for Military Readiness, an organization that seeks to limit women’s participation in the military, stated that “Female soldiers [are], on average, shorter and smaller than men, with 45-50% less upper body strength and 25-30% less aerobic capacity, which is essential for endurance”.” (Wikipedia)

(B) In order to compete with men physically, many women sacrifice their womanhood and take steroids to develop muscles etc. But this creates hormonal imbalance as well as psychic imbalance. In many cases, they lose their fertility. This point is embedded within a greater schema. When women aim to compete with men in male-oriented activities, then they end up harming themselves. Allowing women on the front lines to engage in combat is only going to exacerbate this problem. More women will suffer the ill effects of competing with men in male-driven endeavors.

(C) Another argument against the inclusion of women in combat units is that placing women in combat where they are at risk of being captured and tortured and possibly sexually assaulted is unacceptable. In a Presidential Commission report it was found that male POWs, while being subject to physical abuse, were never subject to sexual abuse, and women were almost always subject to sexual abuse.


It only stands to reason then that in our armies and combat troops, women should not fight on the front lines. That type of hand-to-hand combat should be done by males only.

We should not allow females to compete with males in this way: Females will be harmed, society will be harmed, and children will be harmed. There is no benefit in any direction.

Males and females are both the creation of Parama Purusa. Parama Purusa has made those physical bodies so we should not destroy them needlessly by competing with one another on the wrong front.


“In every sphere of life men have either substantially limited the rights of women, or made the ability of women to exercise their rights subject to the whims and caprices of men. Such an attitude never existed among the primitive human beings who lived at the dawn of human history. Nor had primitive men conceived of the deceitful practice of establishing their supremacy by keeping women in bondage in the name of social purity. Even today among primitive races we do not find significant lack of magnanimity concerning the freedom of women.” (6)

“Actually, when there is no question of women’s rights having been snatched away, there is no need for a movement styled on the trade-union movement. Whatever responsibility there may be in this regard, it is entirely that of men. If at all a movement is required, it must be implemented by men themselves. Today men should consider the needs of women and gradually restore to women the rights which women once entrusted to men out of feelings of helplessness or in response to their heartfelt sentiments.” (7)

“It must always be remembered that freedom, or liberty, and license are not the same thing. The concept of women’s freedom is good, but license should not be encouraged in the name of liberty. Giving license to either men or women could destroy the social structure in a short time. Hence those who are the most vocal in proposing the freedom of women must carefully consider the form this proposed freedom shall take.” (8)

“When we pay recognition to any simple truth, we should not be carried away by sentimentality. Only rationality based on humanism is acceptable. As children of nature, women should have the same access as men to light, air, earth and water. In fact, it is not a matter of granting rights to women, but rather a case of recognizing their rights. If, however, the recognition of women’s rights is treated sentimentally, it may result in great social disaster.” (9)

“In most countries society is patrilineal. The patrilineal system has some advantage over the matrilineal one. There are two main advantages.”
“The first advantage stems from the fact that it is not as easy to determine the identity of the father as that of the mother, and in the absence of any direct blood relationship the mother’s affection for her children is generally greater than the father’s. Under these circumstances the patrilineal system is much better, for it awakens in the father a proper sense of responsibility for his children and precludes the possibility of the children’s identity remaining unknown or concealed. And the father is compelled by circumstantial pressure to take responsibility for bringing up his children; and therefore makes an effort to properly preserve the structure of the family. (Among less-developed creatures, fathers rarely take care of their offspring due to the absence of this sort of circumstantial pressure.)
“The second advantage of the patrilineal system complements the first. Since the relationship between the father and the child is known, the mother naturally does not feel so very alone in rearing the child. The physical and mental structure of a woman is such that even though she may have all the requisite ability to take care of her children, it is extremely difficult for her to bring them up properly and to adequately provide for food, clothing, education and medical care all alone; at the same time she has to keep her children with her or near her, or else it becomes difficult for the children to survive. Therefore if men, instead of women, take the main responsibility for providing food and clothing, while women, after duly attending to the needs of the children, where possible or in cases of necessity earn money by working either at home or outside, neither the children nor society will be adversely affected in any way.” (10)

“I do not support the supposed wisdom of those who advise women to spend their lives with ladles, [[tongs]] and spatulas, because this is unrealistic. Necessity often compels women to discard this convention. Such a system may suit a handful of rich or upper middle-class people, but it has no value for day-labourers or the poor. Many of those who loudly advocate equal rights and the freedom of women, in reality keep their women behind a purdah or covered with a burka. Even among such families I have noticed poor housewives going to the market with their husbands to buy and sell, or to the fields, farms or coal mines, voluntarily taking on light work. Evidently, they cannot afford to behave ostentatiously and live indolently behind a lace curtain.”
“However, there are people who, in the name of giving equal rights to women in all spheres of life, want them to engage in heavy physical and mental labour which is unsuitable for them. Such an outlook is deplorable. It must be accepted that the physical bodies and nervous systems of women are not as strong as those of men, so men and women cannot work in identical areas. Apart from this, for physical reasons women cannot work in the same way every day of the month, and during pregnancy and the post-delivery period the ability to work strenuously is severely restricted. These points must not be overlooked.” (11)

“Social interaction: There are diverse views among those who formulate social codes concerning the free mixing of men and women. It does not require much logic to convince people that the final outcome of free mixing in an undisciplined society is unhealthy. It is also true, however, that the absence of social interaction creates a suppressed longing, a special attraction or an unhealthy curiosity, as does the denial of other desires. This may lead to illicit mixing, which eventually undermines social purity. A system that thwarts social interaction is nothing but an attempt to suppress the mind. Where there is illicit mixing, the only harm done to men is that they degenerate morally, but the damage to women is far greater, because they may be cast out of society in disgrace. Thus on the one hand, men and women will have to be free to mix together socially, while on the other hand, a well-thought-out code of self-control will have to guide their social interaction.”
“Those who want to keep their daughters away from the influence of modernism, and are therefore reluctant to send them to school and college, perhaps do not realize that long ago the waves of modernism intruded into the privacy of their homes without their knowledge. So their efforts to protect their daughters and themselves by following the custom of purdah and making women wear burkas, are entirely farcical.”
“The trend of the age is irresistible, for in this too there is dynamism. It is the duty of intelligent people to channelize the trend of the age towards the path of benevolence by applying their intellect. Neither the individual nor the society as a whole is capable of resisting the powerful spirit of the age. It knocks down anyone who tries to thwart it, and proceeds ahead with irresistible speed. Those knocked down and sprawled on the ground stare at it in utter helplessness, with dazed minds and vacant eyes, as it marches by.” (12)

In Him,


Shaken baby syndrome happens primarily with male guardians, less so with female guardians. A mother who is truly attached with her baby can never do such things. Males are more apt to get frustrated and act inappropriately with the baby. Sometimes paid nannies and baby-sitters also act in this way. Why does this happen? Because, at that young age the baby cries, cries, and cries. Those not wholly attached with the baby can get frustrated and unnerved by that crying. They might shake the baby violently, but not the mother. Unfortunately, some mothers work full-time – i.e. competing in the male-dominated workplace – and then when she returns home tired in the evening, she might hire a nanny to help care for the baby. And that nanny may act inappropriately. This is yet another reason why females should not compete with males, neither on the battlefield nor in the workplace. Females must have their dignified place in society where they are not bound or coaxed into competing against males.



1. Human Society – 1, Social Justice
2. Human Society – 1, Social Justice
3. Human Society – 1, Social Justice
4. Caryacarya 1, “Social Relationship between Men and Women”
5. Yoga Psychology
6. Human Society – 1, Social Justice
7. Human Society – 1, Social Justice
8. Human Society – 1, Social Justice
9. Human Society – 1, Social Justice
10. Human Society – 1, Social Justice
11. Human Society – 1, Social Justice
12. Human Society – 1, Social Justice

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Date: 19 Jan 2013 21:39:00 -0400
To: am-global@earthlink.net
From: Miguel
Subject: Big Questions About World Events



These days the ongoing trend is that countries, both the so-called wealthy ones and impoverished, spend huge money on constructing fancy buildings and glamorous stadiums to enhance the prestige of their nation for international sporting events like the Olympics and the World Cup.

Yet side by side the living standard of their own citizens is shockingly low: shanty towns, no running water, lack of food, no clothes for the children, etc. This has been the unfortunate trend and now we see that continuing with the upcoming events in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


At present, Brazil is gearing up to host both the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics, both of which will be hosted in Rio. At minimum, estimates are that Brasil will spend nearly $35 billion to host these two events. That figure does not take into consideration private sector and future public sector funding.

They are building 12 fancy new or renovated stadiums, airports, hotels and so many other works – and that is just for the World Cup. Two years later in 2016 there will be far more in place for the Olympics. Actually since 2009, Rio has been pouring money into construction in preparation for the Olympics.

While all these tens of billions of dollars are spent on these sporting venues, not less than 25% of Rio’s population, or 1.5 million people, are suffering and live without the basic necessities. The million-plus residents of Rio de Janeiro’s shantytowns (favelas) still find their lives controlled by violent drug gangs and that the crime rate in Rio ranks among the highest in the world, and many of them will be uprooted and relocated before 2014. Their lives will not improve an ounce due to the spending of $35 billion, just they will be forgotten.

And before anyone thinking that the $35 billion will jumpstart the economy let us not forget this recent history:

“Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2007, which were so over budget and rife with scandal and corruption that the benefits for the city were practically nil.”

So this is the long-standing problem. Host nations spend billions, the nation’s poor are trampled upon, and in the end there is little to show except financial debt and stadiums that will never be used again.


So many other nations have been involved in similar propositions – both past and present, everything from the building of the Konark temple (Orissa) in the vipran era to countries hosting the Olympics in this present vaeshyan era.

In all such cases huge resources have been allocated by the state to create glorious structures and impress people across the world stage, yet side by side those living in the vicinity of those stadiums lack the basic necessities (food, water, shelter) and will never ever get the chance to enter or use those facilities either.

Should such activities be allowed to continue? What is the cause behind such maneuvers? What is Prout’s stand?


There are two main causes behind this current problem: (a) wastage of money, and (b) heartlessness and lack of concern for the suffering humanity.

Prout’s stand is for the rational utilization and proper distribution of all resources (physical, psychic and spiritual) and the very essence of Prout is about giving a voice to the voiceless, i.e. having heart-felt sympathy for those in need.

Thus whether it be the huge monies spent by countries like Greece (2004), China (2008), Canada (2010), London (2012) to host the Olympics or lavish airports in cities like Chicago or Bangkok, those governments indulge in tremendous spending to show the world how modern and perfect their land is, when in fact all around there is struggle and strife amongst the masses.

When governments procure just a little extra money then they embark on such prestigious projects and completely overlook the well-being of the common people – i.e. the very people whom they are supposed to serve. Plus those same leaders spend all their brain power convincing the common masses that this is indeed that right way to spend the state’s money. That is how both the over accumulation of physical and psychic resources plays out in these scenarios.

For instance, Greece spent every penny they had to host the 2004 Olympics – not only that they incurred a huge debt, from which they are still suffering today. So the huge amount of funds they poured into the Olympics failed to resolve so many internal issues for their citizens – things like education, job stability etc. Now today, their situation is even worse as their entire government faces bankruptcy. And one of the root causes is spending on lavish arrangements for the Olympics.


Side by side there is a heartlessness involved. The powers that be pay a deaf ear and blind eye to the suffering and want of the common people. Whether it be naked children, rotting schools, or food shortages, those wealthy bureaucrats justify that the poor people bring it upon themselves and the state is therefore not responsible. Or those rulers simply do not even give it a second thought. Whatever the case may be, with their callous hearts they overlook the suffering of their own people.

Huge state expenditures are made for events like the Olympics and the World Cup, yet when all is said and done, the common people receive no support at all. Just they were left to wallow in their own struggle while their elected and appointed officials revile in the glory of being a host on the world stage. For the sake of the prestige of a few, an entire people are made to suffer.

Such leaders live a heartless existence. They look away from those in need – i.e. their own people.


One striking example of this is how South Africa spent 10 billion rand to erect a huge, new football stadiums for the World Cup 2010, yet that same country remains home to terrible poverty – and high criminal activity as a result.

It was reported that in 2002, that an estimated 11 million children (between the ages of 0-18) are living in dire poverty in South Africa and in the capital city itself there are 50 – 70 homicides a day. Plus there are innumerable other stark reports which delineate the extreme and dire situation in South Africa.

Yet all the countries financial and natural resources were used to hold the World Cup in 2010.

Prior to and during the 2010 winter Olympics in Vancouver B.C., there were lots of protests that this was the wrong way to spend the state’s money. After all, they constructed stadiums and venues to impress the world and built an Olympic village to house the athletes, only to tear down the village the day after it was over and watch those stadiums sit empty for the coming years. That is what has happened so many times in the past from Barcelona (1992) to Atlanta (1996) to Athens (2004) and Beijing (2008).

Each time the host country tries to impress the world with their modern construction and side by side cover up and hide their poverty.

The Olympics is certainly the biggest stage but it also happens with events like the World Cup, the Commonwealth Games, and even with university tournaments etc. In this vaeshyan era, maximum money is spent on sporting venues whereas in the past during the vipran era all the public monies were used for the construction of cathedrals and temples.

Nowadays in Europe, less than 2% of the population attends church in some countries, yet still there are huge cathedrals and church lands from the days when the vipras were in power and the church controlled much of the wealth. Those days also money was used frivolously at the expense of the welfare of the common people – just so that they could boast that they had the most elegant cathedral etc.

Baba says, “While money has been spent lavishly for the construction of beautiful places of worship, money has never been arranged for food, clothing, housing, education and medical care for the welfare of the poor. While for four full years all the state revenues of Orissa were spent for the construction of the Konark temple, during that period not a penny was spent for human welfare. Needless to say, the history of all countries is replete with such examples.” (1)


Some attest that the Olympics bring peace and amity. Let’s take a closer look to see if this or not. In 1936, Nazi Germany hosted the Olympics in Berlin and shortly thereafter World War II began. Throughout the Cold War period, nations like the US and USSR participated in countless Olympics, but that never eased political or military tensions. Likewise India and Pakistan have been participating in the Olympics and Commonwealth Games for years, all the while they have remained antagonistic towards one another. As Ananda Margiis, we should bear in mind that peace only comes with the eradication of exploitation. So long as there is exploitation there will never be peace, regardless of a country’s involvement in the Olympic games or not.


Various international organisations like the United Nations etc do not build new offices every time they hold a meeting. Rather they return to the same venue again and again. The same should be done with the Olympics. There can be 4 fixed sites around the globe. The Olympics can simply rotate through those 4 venues, returning to the same site every 16 years. That way each facility can be of a premium standard and well maintained. An international board will manage the sites and distribute profits to all nations. During “off years” when the Olympics is not being held at a particular site then that location can be used for the Asia games or other competitions. This will bring regular use and income to each site. It will not be like the way things are now where an entire Olympic sporting complex is built for the Olympics, only to sit unused and fall into disrepair as soon as the games are over.


Ananda Marga philosophy says, “It is desirable that the management of industrial, agricultural, trade and commercial enterprises not be in the hands of the central government or the world government (after the establishment of the world government). If it is, the common people will not get the direct or even the indirect opportunity to participate in the management of these enterprises. In such cases capitalists, opportunists or self-seeking politicians can easily take control of them and misappropriate public wealth.” (2)

“That is, these days, a person who possesses wealth is respected and revered whereas a person without money is a person honoured by none. The poor, whoever they may be, have to woo the rich just for the sake of earning their livelihood. Human values have become meaningless, for human beings have become the means for the rich to earn money. The rich, having purchased the human mind with their money, are busy playing a game of chess with the other members of society. Bereft of everything, people toil round the clock to earn a mere pittance. Today the motto of people is, “I have to send some food particles into the apathetic stomach after somehow taking a dip in the muddy water amidst hyacinths.”” (3)

“Those who are at the helm of society, constantly suspicious of others, forever count their losses and profits. They have no desire to think about the plight of humanity. Rather, to gratify themselves they are ready to chew the human bone, and suck human blood. For the self-centred there is no place for feelings of mercy, sympathy or camaraderie. The railway stations and market places are full of half-clad beggars and lepers desperately stretching out their begging bowls, earning their livelihood in the only way they know. They are fortunate if anyone contemptuously flings them a copper coin. The old blind beggars sitting all day long on the steps of a bridge automatically lift their bowls whenever anyone walks past. But their hungry pleas fall on deaf ears. On the other side of the social coin, sumptuous dishes are being prepared to entertain the rich dignitaries. These contrasts ridicule the present human society.” (4)

“Today, those who occupy high posts are also respected. Dignity is attached to post or rank. A station master will take great pains to prepare the railway minister’s visit, but will never trouble himself with the inconveniences faced by the ordinary passengers. Luxurious houses are built for high-ranking officers while the poor live in shanty towns, barely protected from the elements. I don’t say that large houses should never be built, but that everyone should be provided the minimum requirements. “I admit that both rice and tasty dishes are necessary for people, but I shall not demand a sumptuous dish from the goddess of food until I see that India has been overflooded with an abundance of rice.”” (5)

“These days educated people are so proud of their erudition that they detest illiterate people and avoid the company of commoners. Thus they shun village life and live in towns. When the question of returning to the village crops up, they say, “What on earth would we do in a village? There’s not a single person to talk to. Only idiots live there.” This explains why almost all attention is focused on the urban areas to the detriment of the villages. While soliciting votes, political leaders pay a short visit to the villages with a mouthful of attractive promises. They promptly inform the ignorant populace about their great achievements in constructing huge dams; though perhaps village cultivation is becoming impossible due to want of irrigation. They give detailed descriptions about their plans to build bridges and bungalows and install television sets, though perhaps in that village people die for want of medicine, or beg for food in poverty-stricken desperation. And yet the common villagers constitute the backbone of society. Even in the towns not everyone gets equal opportunities. The pavements have become the home for so many people. Rabindranath says, “There are always a number of uncelebrated people in the human civilization. They are the majority, and they are the medium, but they have no time to become human beings. They are raised on the leftovers of the national wealth. They are poorly dressed and receive little education, yet they serve the rest of society. They give maximum labour but are rewarded with ignominy – they die of starvation or are tortured to death by those they serve. They are deprived of all life’s amenities. They are the candlestick of civilization: they stand erect with the candle resting on their head. Everyone gets light from it, while they suffer the discomfort of the wax trickling down their sides. In this way, the dishonest of humanity or the neglect of human values has become a social malady.””(6)

at His lotus feet,


(1) Rahr-6
(2) Problems of the Day, #11
(3) A Few Problems Solved – 2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles
(4) A Few Problems Solved – 2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles
(5) A Few Problems Solved – 2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles
(6) A Few Problems Solved – 2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles

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From: dgp.1@mananerssmarket….
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 21:58:43 00:00)
Subject: Answer: Parents Who Had Police Arrest Their Teenage Daughter



Many replied to the recently posted article (link below) about the parents who had police officials arrest their teenage daughter and her friend. Here below is a point-by-point evaluation, according to the tenets of Ananda Marga teachings and philosophy.

The following then is in response to the query: Was it appropriate and beneficial for the parents to have their daughter and her friend arrested?


– As parents, they are responsible for imparting proper ideals to their children. But this they failed to do: They are the cause, not the kids.

– Those parents had the power to forgive those kids for doing wrong as it was a mistake in personal life, not collective life. That is Baba’s teaching: To forgive people for personal mistakes, i.e. if they harm you personally.

Baba says, “In individual life you can extend maximum forgiveness – rather, the more forgiveness, the better.” (1)

But those parents did not take such an approach. Rather, by arresting their teenage daughter, those parents acted out of vengeance and spite.

– When the parents took that big step to call the police and have their child arrested, then they essentially ruined the short and long-term relation with their child. Instead of acting as benevolent parents watching for the welfare of their priceless child, they acted like agents interested in punishing a wrongdoer. Naturally, that child will always recall how their parents acted towards them.


Here are some of Baba’s key teachings on this topic:

“When the parents are about to go on a trip or go to a show, or when they are invited to a pleasant function or a social outing, the children may start whining or nattering to accompany them. At such times many parents tell lies without a qualm; somehow they dupe their children and leave. When the children realize what has happened, they also learn to tell lies; and to hide their intentions or their actions from their parents, they gradually start lying more and more.”
“Parents deceive their children in many ways. By calling sweet things bitter and pleasant things unpleasant, they prevent their children from enjoying them. But by disregarding parental injunctions and prying inquisitively, as is the wont of human nature, children discover the truth. Then they realize that their parents have been deceiving them. As a result they start deceiving not only their parents, but their friends and classmates as well. So it is abundantly clear that children are taught the first lessons in the arts of lying and deception by their own parents at home.”
“In a family it is natural that differences of opinion will arise among the adults; when they do, the adults should reconcile their differences considering each other’s opinions. Unfortunately they often lack the requisite mental make-up to reach an amicable agreement – each tries to convince everybody else of his or her viewpoint without caring about the opinions of others. The result is an outburst of unreasonable obstinacy – the adults lose all self-control and behave in a gross and vulgar manner. The effect on the minds of the children is disastrous. Children thus learn obstinacy from their elders. If the mother or those with whom the children spend most of their time is obstinate, the neglected children will, in most cases, become noticeably obstinate, and they will have to carry this psychic ailment around with them for a long time. If, on the other hand, as is sometimes the case, the wishes and desires (if they are not unreasonable) of children are fulfilled, the children will not have the opportunity to learn obstinacy.” (2)


“It must be the teachers’ responsibility to impart knowledge, teach restraint in social life, and give instruction about all the various aspects of collective endeavour, but the parents will have to take on most of the responsibility for the moral and spiritual education of the child. It should be the duty of society as a whole to ensure that the children of immoral and unrighteousness parents are brought up as virtuous citizens. If possible such children should be removed from the unwholesome environment of their parents.” (3)


“The mental outlook of children has already been moulded in a particular fashion by the influence of their family environment before they start school. No matter what or how much they learn at school, it is extremely difficult for them to free themselves from the influence of their family. Drawing on what they have learned in the family, the immature minds of children begin to learn about the world and understand it, and to receive ideas and master language so that they can express those ideas. Unhesitatingly they adopt their elders’ way of looking at the world. Hence the primary responsibility for acquainting children with the world lies with their parents or guardians. Children will become assets of society in the future to the extent that their parents or guardians discharge their duties properly.” (4)

“But who will impart moral training or education? Parents find fault with teachers, and teachers in turn argue that they cannot give personal attention to an individual child in a crowd of two or three hundred children. Although it is true that most parents are either uneducated or semi-educated, and while it is not unreasonable to expect that teachers will be well-educated, it is not proper to place the sole responsibility for children’s moral education on the shoulders of their teachers. Increasing the number of teachers in educational institutions may partially solve the problem of moral education, but the key to the solution lies with the parents themselves. In cases where the parents are unfit to shoulder this responsibility, the teachers and well-wishers of society will have to come forward and demonstrate their greater sense of responsibility.”
“Remember, humanity’s very existence is based on morality; when morality leads human beings to the fullest expression of their finer human qualities, then alone is its practical value fully realized. The concerted effort to bridge the gap between the first expression of morality and establishment in universal humanism is called “social progress”. And the collective body of those who are engaged in the concerted effort to conquer this gap, I call “society”.” (5)


“Some parents may claim that it is impossible to maintain a balanced life in an age full of problems, where they are extremely busy with numerous activities. I maintain, however, that it is possible for an intelligent parent to avoid the mistakes I have discussed. If parents fail to carry out their basic duties, I am compelled to say that, although they live in society, they are guilty of encouraging an antisocial mentality. By encouraging their children to develop a criminal psychology, they give unnecessary trouble to the police. The main point is this: for want of a little care, children are deprived of the opportunity to become complete human beings, even though they have a human structure. (6)


“Whatever thoughts any small child, or boy or girl, or adolescent, youth, middle-aged person or old person may have in their individual lives, in family life it is the responsibility of the guardians of the family to control them. Children are generally like their parents. But the overall responsibility of guardianship lies with the samája gurus. They should see that no one’s thoughts cross the line from that which it would be better to forsake, to that which is actually punishable. And as in individual life, so in social life, the samája gurus should see that the collective thinking does not cross the line from that which it would be better to forsake, to that which is actually punishable. If, in spite of everything, people’s defective thoughts do reach the stage of punishability, indiscipline will affect the entire social structure. To put an end to the indiscipline and restore order to social life is the major responsibility of a sadvipra. For this reason there is no place for carefree relaxation in a sadvipra’s life. A sadvipra has to bear, and staunchly bear, the entire responsibility of protecting society. If the mentality of any group of the society reaches the punishable stage, sadvipras will have to form another and more disciplined group.” (7)


“If the parents or older members of a family are quarrelsome, the children will also become quarrelsome due to constant association. Similarly, if the women of a family have a highly critical nature, the children will invariably become critical because they will learn how to criticize from their elders. Children will also tend to become depraved if they associate too closely with older children in schools or colleges. When they stay among children their own age, however, they generally play in an innocent, joyous way. Childhood companions should be selected with great care, but young children are incapable of doing this.”
“The base propensities which lie dormant in everyone are easily stimulated by constant association with bad people. Through the united efforts of parents, people living in the locality and educators, it may be possible to save children from bad company. But it is very difficult to save them from the evil influences which reside in their own homes or preponderate in their neighbourhood. The only way to overcome such influences is to popularize the ideals of dharma, spread moral education and train an honest police force.”
“In the modern world there is a wide variety of films which excite the passions and have a degrading influence on boys and girls, adolescents and young men and women. Such films create in cinema-goers the desire to emulate in their individual lives the criminal activities, the vulgar expressions of love, or the adventurous behaviour that they see enacted on the screen. This is another example of how keeping bad company causes depravity. Many cinema-goers imagine that the characters that they see on the screen are their actual acquaintances, but when they try to emulate these characters, they discover that the real world is much tougher than the world portrayed by the cinema. If their family ties are weak, if they are their own guardians or if they have no high ideals to inspire them, it will be extremely difficult, although not impossible, to save them from bad influences.
“As long as those who become criminals due to keeping bad company are not transformed into habitual criminals, they will return to their normal good behaviour as soon as they give up the bad company. Therefore, during the trials of such criminals, corrective measures should be taken only after giving due consideration to the company they keep and the influence of this company on their behaviour. But in the case of those who have become habitual criminals, simply removing them from bad company will not suffice, because they themselves are their own bad company. For them, stricter measures will be needed.” (8)

With regards to the current case, certainly those teens must have gotten such an idea by reading novels, watching films, or playing video games etc. That is why we say that society is responsible.


By reading Baba’s above teachings it is clear that kids are not responsible for their wrongdoing. The responsibility lies first and foremost with parents. They must inculcate moral and spiritual codes to the child. Next, teachers are responsible for inspiring students and imparting knowledge. And finally, society is responsible for the upbringing of the child.

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, here is the hierarchy of responsibility for the child’s proper growth and development:
1) Parents;
2) Teachers;
3) Society.

Here following are points for how to address the situation if the kids are older and more mature (i.e. above 18 years of age). Then these following steps are important considerations that may help to resolve some of the issues.



– Another key point to bear in mind is that in Ananda Marga, if anyone does any wrong, then we follow Baba’a given steps for shasti – rectification. And the first step is: “First attempt to bring the guilty person around through sweet words.” (9)

As the article did not indicate that the girls were repeat offenders etc, then we can safely assume this is their first offense of this nature. In that case, according to Ananda Marga ideals, the parents should have talked to the children in a kind and gentle manner. Most kids are soft-hearted and by explaining things in the soft and safe way, the children might have immediately felt terribly about what they had done. This is a highly possible outcome, but it seems such an opportunity never came their way.

Yet this approach would have helped so much: The children would have understood their wrong; the children would have realised that their parents really do love them and are not out to get them per se; the children would have gained a greater perspective of the situation; and, the teens would have realised they themselves could have done things differently.

This is a distinct possibility if Guru’s teachings on shasti had been followed:

“First attempt to bring the guilty person around through sweet words.” (10)


– From the outset, the parents may not have tried to teach and show their teenage daughter that their rule about internet use was for her well-being. If they spoke in a gentle manner, this could have been conveyed. But the kids were never lovingly taught this idea. Instead they felt that a harsh and unfair rule had been imposed on them. So they took action to side-step this rule.


– First off, we have to bear in mind that these two girls are just teenagers. Their minds and bodies are not fully developed; their brain is not fully developed, including the frontal lobe which is critically important for evaluating risky situations. Being teens, only 15 years old or so, they cannot assess the inherent dangers of a situation. They did not consider the consequences of their action. The following article explains more about this:


– It seems quite clear that their intention was not to seriously harm their parents. If so, they would have inserted a lethal dose of that drug. Instead, they aimed to put their parents to sleep earlier. That does not justify what they did, but it does give a perspective of their overall motivation and intention.


– Once parents take the radical step of having their child arrested by the police, then it is basically certain that those kids will never remain at home again. As soon as possible they will leave their parents and never look back.

– Kids prison is not the right place to learn good habits. Rather in such institutions, detained youths (inmates) brag about the wrongs they did. When those kids tell everyone what they did, then those inmates will not be impressed. Rather they will say, “You should have done more.” In kids prison, prestige is earned by how much harm one has done. Teens will get all the wrong teachings in such a detention center.

– Kids prison itself is not the solution – that is purely a punitive measure where teen inmates will become emotionally and psychically scarred. Here we have to remember that in Ananda Marga, our approach towards justice is towards rectification; it is not punitive in nature.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “People only have the right to take corrective measures and not punitive measures…for the preservation of society, if people want to take measures against others, those measures will have to be corrective, not punitive. Even if the judicial system is defective, if only corrective measures are taken then there is no possibility of anyone coming to any harm.” (11)


– Ultimately, the parents want their kids to be good. But one cannot make others become good through force – i.e. by threatening them and by having them arrested etc. That does not make a person good; goodness cannot be achieved through forced. Rather, to make a person good one must persuade, nurture, and encourage them.

“You can help someone to become good by making him understand, but no one becomes good through the application of force. You may persuade, you may bring them onto the path of righteousness by helping them to understand. This you can certainly do. If the sinner is engaged in sinful acts or keeps moving ahead on a sinful path, you can prevent that person from doing so by the application of force. But you cannot rectify him in this way.” (12)


– After being arrested, the kids will have a poor self-image. They will not think highly of themselves, but will rather feel that they are lowly. This is the unfortunate psychic complex that they will suffer from: low self-esteem, i.e. that they are not good people.

– After being arrested, the future of those kids might be severely compromised. The distinct possibility is that their record may or may not be stained for life. Certainly if they try to run for public office their criminal history will become known to all. And even if they do not aim for public office, the police and society might always look upon them as convicts – in which case they will have trouble even getting a job. In many other fields of work such as childcare, nursing, counseling etc, they may be forced to give an oral or written response to queries about their past legalities etc. All because the parents chose to arrest those two teens, instead of talking to them in a caring and loving way.

in Him,


Here is a link to the first letter on this topic – and that posting contain the entire news article about this case of the parents having their child arrested.



1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life – 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
2. Human Society Part 1, Education
3. Human Society Part 1, Education
4. Human Society Part 1, Education
5. Human Society Part 1, Moralism
6. Human Society Part 1, Education
7. Human Society Part 1, Justice
8. Human Society Part 1, Justice
9. Caryacarya – 2, Society, Pt # 28(a)
10. Caryacarya – 2, Society, Pt # 28(a)
11. Human Society Part 1, Justice
12. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 10

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic, completely unrelated to the above letter.
It stands on its own as a point of interest.

One Should Assess Oneself on the Following
Baba says, “When human beings feel that, ‘Parama Purusa is my everything’, then that is called as sharan (shelter). No being can come under the sharan (shelter) of two different Entities. So what is the meaning of sharanagati (surrender)? When living beings give up their ‘I-feeling’ by withdrawing the mind from any other object and completely adopt the feeling that Parama Purusa alone is my everything.”
“Up to the time when any person is thinking that they are working with their own strength, then we should understand that the feeling of sharanagati has not yet come in them. And when human beings think that, ‘I am doing the work only with His strength’, it means the feeling of sharanagati has come in their mind. So when living beings start thinking that, ‘Whatever work I am doing, I am doing with His strength’, then they have the feeling of sharanagati.” (General Darshan, Patna DMC, 1970, [from audio tape])
Note: In general parlance people think, “I have done this or that”, but whatever may be, according to this quote such persons do not have sharanagati. In various meetings, sadhakas might brag, “I did this, or this was done by me.” They may think they are a devotee but they do not have sharanagati. All should measure their spiritual status by their inner feeling.

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Subject: Re: Domestic Issue: What Will You Do In This Situation?
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 12:46:10 +1100
From: Marika and George Baumann



~ Part 2 ~

(Note: This is the second letter in this series; as it is very short, the first appears in its entirety below. – Eds)

Of course what the girls did was wrong from both Ananda Marga and ordinary moral perspective. They cheated when they spiked the drinks, which is a form of lying. This is against Satya. Not only that, but they showed disrespect to the parents of one of them, and went against their wishes.

And not only that, but they secretly administered medication to them, which might have caused them real harm had they drank all of it. Where was their love for all creation, not to speak of their love for the parents of one of them?

So there is no doubt that the girls acted in an unethical way when average girls of that age would have been aware that what they did was wrong. Therefore, assuming that these girls are of average social and emotional intelligence, some form of negative consequence for them should flow from this.

In our family, and families we know, if something like this occurred, some significant privilege would certainly be withdrawn, like an exciting holiday cancelled or no computer access for a year. But much more important is to talk to one-another. If the girls did this out of unthinking teenage silliness or naughtiness, they should be given a stern lecture about thinking before they act, then forgiven if genuine contrition is shown. If there was malice in it, it is much more difficult. It may even involve therapy or mediation (not to be confused with meditation, though that is always good too!). Ideally, direct communication, involving really listening to each other should come first.

Reporting the incident to the police, and what is more, apparently pressing charges against them is something which I, as the often unsatisfactory father of three daughters and a son have never contemplated or had to contemplate. Nor has my wife. Nor have any of our friends. On the other hand, they never put drugs in our drinks or any equally immature or malicious acts like that.

Thinking about this particular situation, I would speculate that there must have been a great distance (lack of real connection and communication) between parents and children. Unfortunately being the grown-ups, parents are usually more responsible for this than their children.

The ten o’clock curfew for internet use seems reasonable, but this should normally be relaxed on some occasions, e.g. weekends and school holidays. Maybe the parents were fearful that while they were not watching, the girls might access inappropriate material on the internet. Whether this was a reasonable fear or not in this case, I don’t know.

But the fact that the parents went to the police and had the girls charged is immediately disturbing. Was this the last straw, were the parents at their wits’ end trying to discipline or control these unruly children? Reporting children to police often happens if parents feel physically threatened by their children, which in this case may be justifiable.

Or did they decide to take this action because they either couldn’t (consciously or unconsciously) or didn’t want to approach the children and try to have a deeper relationship with them? Many parents are busy and tired, and because they have no time or energy to develop a really loving relationship with their children, they might see the police as another service, like a school or a doctor.

I believe this is a mistake. Being arrested by the police must be a traumatizing experience for young people. Also, these girls, if charged and convicted, may get a criminal record. This would affect their work and other prospects for the rest of their lives.

So my conclusion is that, unless some of the parties are below average intelligence, or affected by drugs including of course alcohol, or the parents felt for some other reason that the relationship with their children had irretrievably broken down, reporting this matter to the police and pressing charges would not be advisable.

All the best,

From: “Sushiila” s.u.bhakti@lab…edu
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: Domestic Issue: What Will You Do In This Situation?
Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2013 11:21:48



Please read the following short article where parents had their teen-aged daughter arrested: “A daughter and her friend allegedly put sleeping pills in the drinks so they could break a rule and use the Internet past 10 p.m.”

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, what is our perspective on this matter? As an Ananda Margii, what you you think should be done in such a circumstance – should the daughter have been arrested?

Awaiting your reply,
Yours in Him,

Girls accused of spiking parents’ milkshakes

A daughter and her friend allegedly put sleeping pills in the drinks so they could break a rule and use the Internet past 10 p.m.

Kate Mather, Los Angeles Times
January 4, 2013

Two teenage girls were arrested in Northern California this week after they used sleeping pill-laced milkshakes to drug one girl’s parents because they wouldn’t let her use the Internet past 10 p.m., police said.

The incident unfolded in Rocklin — about 20 miles northeast of Sacramento — the night of Dec. 28, when the parents fell asleep about an hour after drinking milkshakes their 16-year-old daughter and her 15-year-old friend brought them from a fast food restaurant, Rocklin Police Lt. Lon Milka said Thursday. The parents woke up in the middle of the night feeling “really groggy” with “hangover symptoms,” Milka said, but had not been drinking.

When they woke up again the next morning, they still felt “really odd,” Milka said, and “figured that something was wrong.”

The couple went to the Rocklin police station and picked up $5 drug kits typically used by parents to test their children for drugs, Milka said. After the tests picked up traces of drugs, the parents contacted authorities and took their daughter to the police station.

Investigators later learned that the girls crushed prescription sleeping pills and put them in the milkshakes so the parents would fall asleep and they could use the Internet past the 10 p.m. curfew.

“Mom and Dad had the Internet cut off nightly at 10 p.m.,” Milka said. “The daughter wanted to use it past 10 because I guess they’re like most teenagers and the Internet is their life.”

The parents didn’t end up drinking all of the milkshakes because they were “kind of gritty” and “really funny tasting,” Milka said.

The girls, whose names were not released because of their ages, were booked on Dec. 31 in Placer County Juvenile Hall on suspicion of conspiracy and willfully mingling a pharmaceutical into food. Milka said it would be up to prosecutors to decide whether charges would be filed.

Milka said it was unclear what websites the girls accessed while the parents were asleep.

“It’s the first I’ve ever heard of it,” he said. “Kids are crazy these days.”


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From: “Liila / Leslie”
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: What Do You Think of These Universal Issues
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2013 21:31:28 (00:00)



~ Part 1 ~

Note: Please understand this letter is related with our human emotions and sense of rationality. So do not read this in an emotive or sentimental manner. Read the following with a rational mind.

Humans are emotional, yet this tendency of sentimentality is not a great quality. It has its demerits. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, humans should be rational; the intellect should be guided by rationality. Keeping this in mind, here are some examples to consider.


(A) Across India, people look upon and revere cows as mothers. There are organisations, welfare institutions, NGOs, and various plans and programs wholly dedicated to protecting the sanctity and status of cows. They associate and worship cows with Gopal, i.e. Lord Krsna (see note 1). In India, cows are held in special regard. Side by side, other animals like buffaloes and street dogs are not given the same care; rather people abuse them. In particular, Indian street dogs are just kicked around and ill-treated. yet, these are all animals: Cows, buffaloes, and street dogs. The rational approach would be to respect the lives of each as living beings. But due to their deep emotional attachment with cows, they regard cows as divine beings and harass and mistreat street dogs. This is the work of human emotion, not rationality.

Unfortunately the general populace is not rational and that is why this dichotomy is occurring. If they had been rational the situation would have been different.


Here Baba point out how those who revere cows – but not other animals like buffaloes – are caught in the net of their own hypocrisy.

Baba says, “So blind were their sentiments that they refused to listen to rationality. Take the case of cows: Hindus worship cows as something holy, apparently because they give us milk. But if cows are revered as mothers for giving us milk, shouldn’t buffaloes be given a similar status? Actually, buffaloes give more milk than cows. Unfortunately, the blind religious followers refuse to listed to logic as their religious sentiment for cows has taken root deep in their minds.” (A Few Problems Solved – 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2)


(B) In the United States, people are enamoured with dogs. They pamper their dogs by giving them special cow meat and bones, fancy beds, toys, dog houses, and pay a lot of money for doggie massages, dog walks, and upscale therapies to keep their dog happy and well. They also spend tens of thousands of dollars on surgical procedures for their pets. Moreover, there are many laws that protect dogs from abuse and maltreatment. Yet, the US is primarily a meat-eating population. They slaughter and butcher cows on a mass-level to fill their bellies with the meat of those cows. Here again we see a dichotomy; both are animals yet they are treated much differently. With their emotion, humans treat their dogs as family members; that is positive as all animals should be treated well. That same regard should be extended to cows also. That would be rational.

Unfortunately the general populace is not rational; that is why this scene is taking place. If they had been rational the situation would have been different.

Baba’s following teaching is related with both points A and B:

“If you have great compassion for the world of living creatures (this is a very good quality and is indicative of tenderness of heart, it is very positive), then you can take a firm stand for the non-killing of every creature, ábramhastamba from the elephant to the ant. In this way you can encourage and inspire your fellow human beings. But if you persuade and exert pressure on people by saying that only cows should not be killed, then you will be guilty of one-sidedness. It means there is partiality in you. Why should you invite the criticism that you do not have as much love for the buffalo and goat, as you have for cows? This is certainly not correct.” (Ananda Vacanamrtam – 10, Chapter 10)

In India the cows are treated well while other animals are left to suffer whereas in the US dogs are treated lavishly while other animals are abused, tortured and butchered. So Baba’s teaching is applicable to both the US and India as both express favouritism towards a particular animal due to their emotional attachment.

The rational approach is to respect and honour the existential value of all beings, including all animals, not just dogs etc.

Most of the population, however, follows their own emotions, i.e. whim. See how one wealthy woman even bequeathed her entire estate – i.e. billions of dollars – to agencies caring for dogs, http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/02/us/02gift.html?_r=1& ; She did not leave even one dollar for suffering humanity.


(C) Recently in the US, there was a ghastly massacre in Newtown, CT. A gunman entered a school and killed 26 people – kids and school officials. The whole country mourned this horrific tragedy for days. Flags were put to half-mast, President Obama visited and spoke with families, and huge attention and energy was directed towards Newtown. And that was most appropriate for the nation and world to rally around the Newtown tragedy.

Yet side by side, in the US, upwards of 520+ people (reference Slate magazine) have been gunned down since the Newtown tragedy on 14 Dec 2012. In the US, the population is 310 million (three hundred and ten million), and there are 350 million (three hundred and fifty million) registered guns, including military assault rifles like the AK-47, in the hands of common citizens. Plus there are countless other unregistered guns floating around the US population. (Note: here we are not counting guns owned and operated by police and military personnel.) And with this vast number of guns, innocent people are killed everyday.

Here the point is that so many nameless, faceless persons are gunned down on daily basis, yet those incidents often go unreported, flags are not dropped to half-mast, there are no presidential visits, and people never hear of such events. Hundreds have been gunned down in the US since the Newtown tragedy. It would be rational to extend the same supportive and respectful measures to all homicide victims of gunfire, and other crimes.

Unfortunately the general populace is not rational and that is why such dichotomies are in vogue. If the people were guided by rationality the situation would be much different.


(D) If one gender enters an official public building like a government office, then they are allowed to wear clothing that puts them in compromised positions, both on the upper and middle portions of their body. It may be that when they wear a sleeveless dress or skirt their underwear and / or undergarment is showing when they sit or stand in a particular way. Or, when they have a lower-than-usual neckline, then aspects of their xxxxx are visible when they lean this way or that. It has become common for their arms, and even armpit, to be completely bare for show. With this gender, it is fully accepted, and even encouraged and applauded to wear such attire.

In stark contrast, if the other gender enters those same offices with a sleeveless shirt, their armpits exposed, or part of their underwear showing, then they will be ostracized, and maybe even arrested and put in jail for indecent exposure and disorderly conduct. Such is the stark double-standard that exists across gender with regards to dress. That is not rational. The rational approach is that one’s dress in public spaces and official places should reflect a sense of decency and dignity – irrespective of one’s gender.

Again, let me emphasize that here we are not talking about how one dresses while walking casually down the street or in their own backyard; but, rather, how one presents oneself in important meetings, formal and official settings, and even on serious news broadcasts via TV and internet. In these venues, there is a wide gap of acceptable dress between genders.

Unfortunately the general populace is not rational and that is why such dichotomies are going on. If they had been rational the situation would have been different.

This same issue is expressed in this article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-13362586


In day to day life, many incidents happen and numerous decisions are made based on sentiment / emotional manner. That approach is not at all laudable. Rather, it is an open invitation for inequality and dogma. In contrast, if we apply our sense of rationality then we can make heaven come on this earth.



“If someone moves along the path of sentiment instead of the path of rationality, there is a hundred percent probability of great danger. Those who move along the path of sentiment do not discriminate between the proper and the improper, but merely silently accept all superstitions surrounding the goal towards which they have been running. Even the least question regarding propriety or impropriety does not arise in their minds, because they are moving along the path of sentiment.” (The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism)

“When it [the mind] does not follow a particular method, when it moves haphazardly, swept away by whim, it is called “emotion”.” (Yoga Psychology)

“Sentimentality based on rationality is the strongest force in the universe. And sentimentality without rationality takes the form of, or rather the distortion of, dogma.” (Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 12)

About supporting communal ideas: “Those who are motivated by sentiment may earn temporary applause, but ultimately people realize, “No, they committed a mistake, they did not follow the path of rationality. They themselves were caught in the current of sentiment, and they drifted the society also in that current. As a result society has been destroyed.” (The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism)

“Dogma is fast being replaced by rationality and reason. Human beings with their developed brains, developed nerve systems and developed nerve-cells started thinking that we are not to do something for a particular tribe or a particular clan or a particular nationality; we are to do whatever we are to do, whatever we must do, for the entire humanity of the Cosmos.” (Humanity Is at the Threshold of a New Era)

“As a human being, what should one do? One should follow the path of rationality. Rationality is a treasure of humanity that no animal possesses. And those who possess the inner asset of devotion within their hearts and follow the path of rationality in dealing with the external world, must be victorious. They alone can accomplish worthy deeds in this world.” (The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism)


“In the case of developed animals, sentiment exceeds inborn instinct. And more-developed beings, such as human beings, possess sentiment and rationality and the faculty of discrimination as well.” (The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism)

Before the division of India: “The policy was divide and rule. One party said “Jai Hind” and another party said “Takasime Hind.” One party said “Victory to India;” another party said “Divide India.” These were the slogans of the time. It was not a healthy atmosphere. This sentiment was not even geo-sentiment. It was based on emotion and mean selfishness.” (The Dangers of Communalism)

“To counteract the malevolent effect of dogma-centred philosophies, the two most important factors are the development of rationality and the spread of education. Merely attending school and university classes will not necessarily have the desired effect. Stress should be placed on education which produces a high degree of rationality in the human mind, and this type of education should be spread amongst the people.” Prout in a Nutshell Part 18)

“What is required now is the elevation of human existence, the elevation of human mind and human spirit. We require no dogma – we require more reasoning, more rationality – rationality moving unto the terminus of Parama Puruśa; the Supreme Desideratum is that Universal Nave.” (Humanity Is at the Threshold of a New Era)

“As a human being, what should one do? One should follow the path of rationality. Rationality is a treasure of humanity which no animal possesses. And those who possess the inner asset of devotion within their hearts and follow the path of rationality in dealing with the external world, must be victorious. They alone can accomplish worthy deeds in this world.”(The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism)

“The speciality of human beings is rationality.” (The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism)

Surrender to Baba,


The term Gopal is one of the names of Parama Purusa which denotes that aspect of His personality which controls the mind. So Gopal is one of the appellations or names of Parama Purusa. It does not merely mean cowherd.

“What is gopála? There are so many tánmátrika [inferential] expressions, and the apparent controller of all these inferential expressions is the human mind. Suppose you hear something: it is an expression related to the sound tanmátra; suppose you touch something – touch is another tanmátra; you see something or you think something – these are all tanmátras. The apparent controller of all these inferential expressions is your mind. But there is another entity hidden behind your mind, not in front of your mind, but behind your mind. For instance, when you watch a puppet show, you feel delighted to see how the puppets move their hands and feet, but you do not see the person who manages the beautiful show by pulling the strings from behind. Similarly, we notice the inferential expressions of microcosms – we come to know how one person sings melodious songs, how another dances beautiful rhythmic dances, how another delivers wonderful discourses, etc. But we cannot see the entity who pulls the strings from behind and runs the show. And the funniest thing is this: the speaker, the singer, the dancer thinks that he or she is the agent, the doer, and takes the entire credit for the performance. People do not care to think of the entity that pulls the strings from behind, or if they are even more foolish, they think that others see them alone, not the entity who pulls the strings from behind, so the credit should come to them. There are people who think in this way. However, you move and dance under His control. He makes you dance from behind.”
“The perspective or background against which all the inferential expressions, as well as the expressions of sensory and motor organs, are perceived, is termed go in Sanskrit. And the entity that controls that go from behind is called gopála. So who is “Vrajagopála”? Vrajagopála is that Entity who takes people forward through joy, amidst various expressions of bliss. He is Vraja Krśńa.” (Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 21)

NOTE: The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic, completely unrelated to the above letter. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Physical Food and Future

Baba says, “Future generations will spend more of their time and energy on subtle psychic and psycho-spiritual activities, so their demand for physical food will decrease.” (Prout in a Nutshell – 13, p.47)


“Esecho, esecho, tumi esecho, mamata’ uja’r’ kore esecho…” (PS 1215)


Baba, You have blessed me by coming – with Your abundant love You have come close. It is Your grace. Baba, You have come, You have come, because of Your infinite love towards me You have come. Baba, Your divine Presence enhances everything. By Your august arrival the dry desert and dead trees have been transformed into a lush, green forest. Baba, Your smile is expressing through their happiness. This is all nothing but Your causeless grace.

O’ my Dearmost, You have graciously filled this earth with Your sweet & divine flow. You have brought smiles onto the faces of those who were depressed, sunken, and sad. Now, by Your grace, they are radiant with joy. And to those weeping hearts that were engulfed in sorrow, sadness, and misery, You have brought sweetness and bliss into their life. Now they are filled with optimism and humming in happiness. It is Your grace. Baba, the flowers which were filled with nectar, You blessed them with Your tender touch.

Baba, the whole entire creation is drenched in Your bliss. The heavenly aroma of the blossoming flowers from the bountiful garden is floating and permeating all around. The melodious chirping of the dancing birds is filling the air with song. The full moon’s smile is pouring its radiant light: It comes floating in all the directions. The whole universe is getting bathed in that effulgence. Baba, You have filled everything with Your love and inundated this entire cosmos with Your divine nectar.

Baba, You are ever merciful; Your beauty is beyond words. Baba, You have come to me – in my mind, in my heart…

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From: “Sanjay Deva”
Subject: Curse of Materialism: Not Having Joint Family
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 22:17:36 -0000





It is important to review this case incident that depicts how the US society is fundamentally broken. As you read and learn what happened, think how Ananda Marga can prevent and solve such problems. Why did such a tragedy occur, and how can it be prevented in the future.

Here is the the article.



San Diego Mother Pleads Guilty to Drowning Autistic Son
December 28, 2012

Just minutes after she drowned her 4-year-old autistic son in the family bathtub, Patricia Corby drove to the neighborhood police station in San Diego with his lifeless body wrapped in a blanket and admitted what she had done, police said.

On Thursday, sobbing uncontrollably, the 37-year-old Corby pleaded guilty to second-degree murder.

Corby was so overwhelmed by the task of caring for her son that she decided to kill him and then commit suicide, prosecutors said.

“She felt like she had no life,” a district attorney’s investigator said.

Her attempt to drown herself in the tub failed, according to prosecutors.

Corby faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in prison when sentenced Jan. 28 in San Diego County Superior Court. Under that sentence, she will not be eligible for a reduction due to “good time” conduct credits.

In a plea bargain, a second charge of assault on a child under age 8 causing death was dismissed.

The victim’s father, Duane Corby, was in the court when his wife pleaded guilty. He was working on March 31 when his wife killed their son, Daniel. He told investigators that he had seen no sign of mental illness from his wife and that the couple had spent $70,000 in diagnosis and treatment for their son. (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/12/mother-drowns-autistic-son.html)


The above tragedy is not an isolated incident in the US, nor in other grossly materialistic societies. It stands as a horrific representation of the ills of materialism. While there are many good people in the US, they are in the minority as the society becomes more disparate and self-centered – disconnected from one another. Neighbors do not know one another, often living side by side for 10 or 20 years, yet still they do not know each other’s name. This mentality breeds a sense of alienation and distrust from one human being to the next.

As we know, materialism itself is a grossly individualistic approach where selfishness reigns. So long as one is healthy, employed, and encounters no grave problems, a person can survive ok. But once a serious problem arrives, and people are forced into dire circumstances, they are apt to take extreme measures, as happened in the above incident. Why? Because there is no one to help them overcome their problems and help shoulder the burden of responsibility. In materialism, everyone must fend for himself / herself, even new moms. In this way, some end up destroying themselves and those around them. This is the common and tragic outcome.

Essentially – in a materialistic society – people feel isolated and alienated. Due to the greed and self-centeredness of individualism and materialism, they earn for themselves when they are healthy and refrain from helping others. It is their ingrained habit and even nature to only care for themselves, and no one else. Bear in mind, that there are many kind-hearted, compassionate people living in the US, but the trend amongst the population-at-large is towards extreme selfishness.

Naturally then, when they themselves face difficulties, they are forced to confront them alone. And that is too much for them to handle, so they often respond in outlandish and destructive ways.

That is the curse of materialism, where everyone lives alone, devoid of the support of a joint family and greater society.

This is an analytical approach to life where everything revolves around one’s own “I” – and nobody does anything to help others. This is the very real and unfortunate end of materialism. Everyone lives alone, devoid of the support, trust, and help of others.


Here below are a few of Baba’s teachings on this societal ailment from His discourse, The Spirit of Society.

“What is society like? It is like a group of people going on a pilgrimage. Try to imagine the scene! Suppose one of the pilgrims is struck down by cholera. Will the rest of them continue on their way, leaving the sick man behind? No, that would be inconceivable for them. Rather, they will break their journey for a day or two, and cure him of his disease. If he is still too weak to walk they will carry him on their shoulders. If some people run short of food, others share what they have with them. Together they share their possessions, and together they march ahead, singing in unison. In their eagerness to move ahead with others they forget their trifling differences which might have led to angry exchanges and court cases in their families, even down to three generations. It is because of the petitions of the complainant in a land dispute that some people go so far as to spend ten or twenty times more than the piece of land is worth. The essence of cooperation resulting from this collective movement aims at expanding a person’s mind by striking down the barriers of meanness. I repeat that a true society is like such a group of pilgrims who attain a deep psychic affinity while travelling together which helps them solve all the problems in their individual and social lives.”

“To what state has society effectively been reduced? I reaffirm the fact that human beings have still not been able to form a human society, and have still not learned to move with the spirit of a pilgrim. Although many small groups, motivated by self interest, work together in particular situations, not even a small fraction of their work is done with a broader social motive. By strict definition, shall we have to declare that each small family unit is a society in itself? If going ahead in mutual adjustment only out of narrow self interest or momentary self-seeking is called society, then in such a society, no provision can be made for the disabled, the diseased or the helpless, because in most cases nobody can benefit from them in any way. Hence it will not suffice to say that all people marching ahead is only a collective form of segregated psychic phenomena; for in that case there always remains the possibility of some people getting isolated from the collective. All human beings must attach themselves to others by the common bond of love, and march forward hand in hand, then only will I proclaim it a society.”

“You will hear many a vain and assuming person say, “I don’t need anyone’s help, I’m doing very well by myself. I don’t want to concern myself with anyone else’s affairs and I don’t expect anyone else to bother about mine.” Nothing could be more foolish than this statement. Medicine and nursing are necessary to cure diseases; the neighbours’ help is needed to cremate a dead body; and for the regular supply of food and cloth the cooperation of farmers and spinners is essential. Remember, no created being in this universe is independent. No one can exist alone, everyone has a supra-cosmic relationship with the whole, at times prominent, at times indistinguishable. In this scheme of mutual relationships, even the slightest mistake or discord will raise a furious furore in the universe. In this mighty creation, the brilliantly luminous sun and the tiny ant have the same existential value, having combined together to make the universal family. Similarly, in human society, the importance of a powerful and eminent person is no less than that of a disabled and dying patient. None can be ignored. The least injustice done to anyone will cause the break down of the entire social framework.”

“Society must ensure that proper care is taken of human babies who are totally dependent on the care and protection of their parents for their existence. These helpless children can only convey their pain and discomfort through tears. To raise children from infancy to maturity is an immensely important task. I have said before that the members of society must advance in unison. The newborn babe is another traveller on the path. To adopt a child as our companion, as one included in the society, is called the “Játakarma” of the child.”

“Living beings may be divided into two main groups based on intellect: those who want to share their wisdom, and those who do not. Those who favour the exchange of wisdom have a greater social awareness. But those who oppose it cannot develop a collective social mind due to a lack of mutual understanding. Human beings are basically beings of social inclination. They must always remember that those possessing little strength and ability, and those not provided with the means to survive the struggle for life by Nature, must be led along in companionship. Those who take great pains to assist the helpless are more civilized and endowed with greater awareness. They are the socially-minded beings who readily embrace the underprivileged, the downtrodden and the rejected people of society.”

“Ananda Marga keeps its gates open so that each and every man and woman may enter. Anybody may join, anybody may sing in chorus with the rest. The united march of the people is a march of victory. Ananda Marga states this in unequivocal language.”


Here is a link for the entire discourse, The Spirit of Society, for those who wish to read more but do not have access to the text.




The above is not an isolated occurrence. There are innumerable tragedies of this nature where people feel so alone, alienated, and disconnected, that they revert to extreme measures, such as drowning an autistic 4-years old son in the bathtub. The mother feels so isolated, unsupported, and desperate that she commits a heinous act.

In the following case, the mother goes against all maternal instincts and abandons her new-born to die outside just after giving birth. All because she feels there is no one to help her.

Oxnard Mother Suspected Of Leaving Newborn In Strawberry Field
December 27, 2012

An Oxnard, California woman who allegedly gave birth in a strawberry field and left the newborn to die has been booked on suspicion of murder, according to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department.

Authorities believe Rosalba Moran, 20, of Oxnard delivered the child on May 21, in a Camarillo-area field in the 3200 block of Central Avenue.

The infant’s body was later discovered by a farm worker, Gabriel Ortiz, 43, who told the Ventura County Star he found the body while checking a hose line near a row of poppies bordering the field. Ortiz told a supervisor, who called police.

Ortiz, the father of a 6-month-old daughter, told the newspaper he was shaken by the discovery.

Police took DNA samples from more than 100 fieldworkers in the area, and a swab eventually led to Moran, officials said. She was arrested Dec. 21 and is being held on $1-million bail at Todd Road Jail, according to a Sheriff’s Department release.

Detectives are still working to identify the baby’s father. Anyone with information about the case can contact Det. Lopez or Det. Worthy at (805) 383-8786.




In this next incident, the youth did not want to help anyone. Just he is enmeshed in his own pleasure-seeking and overlooked that his grandparents came forward to rescue and raise him. Yet he responded by killing in a gruesome manner. That was his extreme selfishness. His grandparents sacrificed to help him – to do what the child’s own parents could not do. But the grandson had no ability to appreciate his grandparents. To them, they were just a burden that should be eliminated.

Grandmother Apparently Killed With Barbecue Fork; Motive Sought
December 17, 2012

Police are trying to determine a motive after a 22-year-old man allegedly killed his grandmother Sunday using a barbecue fork.

Los Angeles Police Department Lt. Paul Vernon called the incident in Mission Hills “especially sad and tragic.”
The suspect, identified as Joe Calderon, was raised by his grandparents and stabbed his grandmother at their Mission Hills home Sunday morning, police said.

Investigators believe Calderon fought with his grandparents Saturday night and, after his grandfather went to work Sunday, again argued with his grandmother, Vernon said. This time, the suspect allegedly began beating his grandmother, who called her daughter for help.
When the daughter arrived at the home in the 11100 block of Rincon Avenue, Calderon “confronted her” outside the home “with a long metal stick,” Vernon said. She went around the corner and called police about 9 a.m.

Responding officers detained Calderon, whom Vernon said had blood on his hands.

The grandmother was found dead in the kitchen, Vernon said. Her name has not been released, though authorities described her as a woman in her 70s. It was unclear what relationship her daughter is to the suspect.

Vernon said investigators found several possible weapons at the scene, including the barbecue fork that “appeared to have blood on the prongs.” Forensic tests will be conducted to determine if the utensil was in fact the murder weapon, he added.




This next case study shockingly portrays how one man becomes so absorbed in his own personal desire that he could not at all understand the pain he was causing to an innocent human being.

L.A. Now Live: A Homeless Woman Is Set Ablaze In Van Nuys
December 28, 2012

A homeless woman known to many as Flo remained in critical condition Friday after being doused with a flammable liquid and set ablaze on a bus bench on Van Nuys Boulevard.

Times Staff Writers Richard Winton and Ashley Powers will join us at 9 a.m. to discuss Thursday’s horrific crime and how the community is reacting.

LAPD Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese official said it was unclear whether the suspect, Dennis Petillo, 24, even talked to the woman before he allegedly set her ablaze.

“There was no incident or dispute or clear motivation for this horrific attack. He did not know his victim. It defies explanation,” Albanese said. “He is not of sound mind. … The motive is mental illness.”

Police have not released the victim’s name, but area residents said she is Flo Parker. She was also known as Violet: a 5-foot-tall woman in her 60s with dirty blond hair and a time-worn face. But for much of Thursday, her identity was secondary. Violet had become a symbol to some residents of both the dangers that face the homeless and the depths of human cruelty.



Here is a link for the entire discourse, The Spirit of Society, for those who wish to read more but do not have access to the text.



Materialism does not hold any answers, just it breeds a desperate, harsh, and impersonal society where people are utterly dominated by selfishness and despair – wholly unable to connect with others. Such incidents as the ones above occur daily all across the US. They are so common that many go unreported – they are not even newsworthy. That is the gift of materialism.

Prout Philosophy says, “Materialism is the most dangerous – indeed, suicidal – philosophy…materialism is both defective and devoid of morality.” (Namah Shivaya Shantaya: Discourse 18)

At His feet,


“A’ma’y cha’r’iya’ kotha’ ja’o e nirajane…” (PS 665)


Baba, You are my closest One. O’ my Beloved, where are You going on this isolated, lonely dark night – leaving me all alone. O’ my dearmost Baba, please do not go away from me. Baba, why are You making me cry so profusely & letting me float in the tears of my devotional longing for You. Baba, please smile always in my mind, constantly radiating Your sweet, divine love.

Baba, by Your grace I have loved You so intimately in dhyana; You know it well. Baba, You are my dearest One. But if You were really a good person You would not play this heart-breaking liila with me each and every moment; You would not leave me in this dark hour. Baba, please be merciful; please remain here along with me.

Baba, there are countless devotees with great qualities & talents who love You very much. Indeed there are numerous persons with top-notch merits & virtues who have deep longing for You. Because of this, it seems there is no place for me in Your mind – neither during daytime nor nighttime, neither in dream nor in awake state: Never.

O’ Baba, please do not leave me alone. Please shower Your causeless grace on me by keeping me eternally in Your divine shelter…

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Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2012 20:54:42 -0400
To: am-global@earthlink.net
From: Satyadeva
Subject: One Can’t Hide



Baba’s following teaching is highly relevant to a recent and ironic downfall of one general who wrote the handbook on counter-terrorism.


Na antalikkhe na samuddamajjhe
Na pabbatanam vivaram pavissa
Na vijjati so jagatippadeso
Yatthatthitam nappasaheyya maccu.

Baba says, “Suppose a person commits a wrong by accepting a bribe. While receiving the bribe he thinks that no one is watching, but that is impossible. A third entity is watching everything. No one can do anything secretly in this universe. But the bribe-taker thinks the opposite because avidyá shakti has placed a veil between him and the Supreme Being. This is a very dangerous situation. It is just like a hare being chased by a hunter: the hare sits down and covers its eyes with its ears and, thinks, “I cannot see anything, so the hunter cannot see anything either. Hence he won’t be able to kill me.” This is a deadly mistake! Wherever one commits a wrong, be it in the depths of the ocean or in a high mountain cave, one cannot escape the consequences: one will certainly be detected one day or another.” (Subhasita Samgraha – 18)

In His above teaching, Baba guides us that no deed goes unseen in this universe. Some people mistakenly think that they can commit wrongful crimes and atrocities and keep those ills hidden. But, as Baba says, that is impossible. Parama Purusa sees everything. One will have to face the consequences – there is no way out, nowhere to hide. For every misdeed, there is a corresponding consequence. It is inevitable; there is no escape. That is Baba’s explicit warning.


Last month, General David Petraeus, the head of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), was taken down in scandal, the irony of which cannot be overlooked.

Over the course of his lengthy, multi-decade career as a military officer, strategist, and counter-terrorism leader, General Petraeus has engaged in numerous types of dealings. Here is a short bio of his career:

– He was the Director of the CIA from June 30, 2011 to December 2012.

– CIA carries out signature drone strikes that have killed countless, innocent citizens in various countries.

– Plus the CIA is arguably the most covert, clandestine organisation in the world that oversees countless operatives, secret alliances and investigations, undercover attacks, and a vast array of operations.

– And Petraeus is “in” on all of this, because he was the head of the CIA.


– As a top general in the military, Petraeus did so many operations, including arranging the sales of arms to various governments so big capitalists could profit.

– The US sells arms and weapons to those governments around the world which they want to keep in power. Even if the government is crushing their own people, such as in Bahrain, the US will continue to provide arms to those corrupt leaders in exchange for their loyalty and / or resources. The US has done this all over the world – they have supported debased, despotic leaders across the Middle & Far East to throughout Latin / Central America, and on every continent from Africa to Europe.

– In those areas where the US is not in favour of the regime, then the US military will arrange for the selling of arms to various combatants and militia groups in order to topple the regime such as in Iran. The US has been giving arms to various militants around the world and even drug lords like Manuel Noriega of Panama. Often the US supports militia groups and helps them gain power; once in power they embark in so many hostilities and the US often has to invade to bring them down. In this way, the US military creates so many problems. And General Petraeus has been part of all this for decades.

– There are many more tales to tell of power and corruption.


Here is how Petraeus was caught…

Through an unusual chain of events, an investigative team came across a secret email account that General Petraeus shared with one woman where they talked in detail of their illicit relationship etc. Both were already married. Their secret affair was further examined and ultimately exposed, thereby forcing General Petraeus to step down from his position as head of the CIA and retire. He lost his post and stature, after it was uncovered that he was involved with two females.

Interestingly, he was using the same email trick that terrorists use: Never send the actual email; just write a letter and place it in the ‘drafts’ folder, then the other person logs into that same account and reads the message in the drafts folder. That way there is no email transmission and everything is “secret.” This is what terrorists do and this is what Petraeus did.

Yet, he was exposed. How ironic is it that the one man who was hailed as the greatest expert in secret intelligence – and had all resources, technology, and techniques at his finger tips – was brought down by his own tactics.

Indeed, in this universe it is impossible to hide. Those involved in wrongdoing will be exposed.


While the events leading to the downfall of General Petraeus are quite dramatic, and depict how even the most sophisticated agent of secret intelligence can be caught and exposed, Baba’s teaching is not limited to such decorated leaders alone.

In each and every place, big or small, wherever people reside there are some who misuse their power. Blinded by ego they think, “nothing can harm me, I may do as I please.” In that way they cheat and harm others. It may be between husband and wife, boss and employee, neighbor to neighbor, group to group, or whomever. Wherever one person or group grabs the upper hand then they generally fall under the false notion that they are unbeatable.

But in all such circumstances, they will one day meet their fate and undergo the consequences of their misdeeds. There is nowhere to run or hide. Everyone must be accountable to their each and every action. That is divine law.

So none should think that only highly posted government agents are prone to being exposed. No one should think, “This does not apply to me.”

As Baba guides us, this rule applies universally for everyone. Where there is sin – where there is injustice – where there is corruption etc, there will be consequences to follow. The remarkable response is that one’s ego does not allow them to think that they too will meet their fate. No one thinks that they will be caught.

All should be alert and know that there is no place to hide – all one’s actions are seen by Parama Purusa.


We should all live by the tenets of yama and niyama and inspire others to do that same. In that way we can march forward onto the path of spirituality. Then our reactions will just be sweet and blissful.

We should be cent-per-cent vigilant that our actions are just. When, cent per cent of the time we can remember that Parama Purusa is watching us – and that there is no place to hide – then we will save ourselves from all kinds of troubles and hardship.

Baba says, “In an attempt to escape from one’s sins and misdeeds you may retire to the Himalayas from Kanpur, but you cannot go beyond that. So the question arises, where will you escape to? Suppose you commit some wrong, and to escape the evil outcome of those misdeeds and avoid punishment you try to hide yourself in the sky or in an unknown place or at the bottom of the sea or in a mountain cave. But can you really hide yourself anywhere? In fact in this universe there is not an inch of space where one can conceal oneself.” (Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 11)

at His feet,


Baba says, “Nothing is hidden from Him. Humans cannot conceal anything they do from Him. If you say to somebody, “Don’t tell anyone about this,” Parama Puruśa hears you saying privately not to tell anyone. Therefore it is said that He has a separate face for each unit being, with which He sees everyone. Na antariikśe na samudramajjhe – “Neither in the sky, nor in the ocean,” nor in a cave, can you hide yourself. Nowhere in the Cosmos can you hide from Him.” (Subhasita Samgraha – 21)
“Bhulo kare eso priyo a’ma’r ei kut’ire…” P.S. 1808


O’ my Dearmost Baba, it seems that knowingly You do not want to come in my hut. Please, at least, come once – if only by mistake. It is true that I do
not have any quality or attribution – nor do I have devotion. Then by which force can I call You. To call You and request You to come to my home, devotion is needed. And that I do not have. That is why I request You to please come by Your causeless grace. Baba, You know that I am not the ocean of knowledge; nor do I have a huge quantity of intellect. I am completely loaded with imperfections and impurities. Nobody likes to look toward me; everyone avoids me thinking that I am a most ordinary type of being. Baba, please grace me. Baba, I have full faith and trust. You are my hope – of my hopeless heart; You are my colourful dream. My entire longing and my entire thirst and whole love is revolving around You. Baba, You are my everything. Please keep me close or away, it is up to You…

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From: “Mamata & Satiish”
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: Children’s Problems: Who Is Responsible
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 21:27:36 +0530



Here Baba outlines the early education process and the development of children, as well as who is responsible.

Baba says, “The mental outlook of children has already been moulded in a particular fashion by the influence of their family environment before they start school. No matter what or how much they learn at school, it is extremely difficult for them to free themselves from the influence of their family. Drawing on what they have learned in the family, the immature minds of children begin to learn about the world and understand it, and to receive ideas and master language so that they can express those ideas. Unhesitatingly they adopt their elders’ way of looking at the world. Hence the primary responsibility for acquainting children with the world lies with their parents or guardians. Children will become assets of society in the future to the extent that their parents or guardians discharge their duties properly.”

“I have no hesitation in saying that today’s adults have not yet developed a scientific method of training children’s minds. Even most so-called educated and refined people, let alone average adults, are either ignorant about or indifferent to the education of their children. Their ignorance may be pardoned, but how can we forgive their indifference? The family into which a child has been born will naturally have to bear the primary responsibility for the physical, mental and spiritual development of that child.” (Human Society – 1, Education)


So Baba places tremendous emphasis on early childhood development. We all know that Baba wants us to have pre-schools and elementary schools in all towns and villages around the globe. So Teachers have a grand role to play; yet, as cited above and below, He also places great importance on the role of parents.

Baba says, “It must be the teachers’ responsibility to impart knowledge, teach restraint in social life, and give instruction about all the various aspects of collective endeavour, but the parents will have to take on most of the responsibility for the moral and spiritual education of the child.” (Human Society – 1)

Thus in our schools and in our homes, children are to be surrounded by loving, caring, responsible adults who are tuned in to the needs, problems and yearnings of our youths. And from an early age they are to be introduced to the ways of neo-humanism and a cosmic outlook.

If from the very beginning children feel a sense of connection to others around them and to the universe as a whole, they will feel they have a place in this world. They will feel loved and share love with others, seeing all as their family members. They will feel like they are a part of humanity – not alienated by it.

For these reasons, Baba places a grand emphasis on the early experiences of children, both inside and outside of school. If the child has this proper base, then bullying – and so many other childhood issues that abound today – will never be an issue in their life.


With the situation of bullying as serious as it is, the issue demands resolution.

Tragically, all too often, parents are too busy to even know that their children are going through such traumatic events. Parents work 10 or 12 hours days, see their kids for a few minutes at night, and hardly have time to eat dinner together let alone talk about meaningful matters. Besides, when there is a basic gap in parent-child communication, then things mostly go unnoticed and unaddressed.

If and when some parents do come to know that their kids are getting bullied, they often respond with a phrase like, “Don’t worry, just make some other friends.”

This is most harmful as it shoves the problem under the rug. This only worsens the situation and allows it to fester, causing lifelong problems like fear complexes, alienation, despair, nightmares, and depression.

As parents, our approach must be extremely pro-active when it comes to bullying.

1. Parents must tune in, come forward and pay concern to their child’s physical and emotional needs. For children, getting bullied is a frightening thing. Kids must feel that they are loved and that as parents we are concerned with their problem.

2. Parents must go to school and resolve the situation with the principal and / or teachers. This type of direct action is needed.

3. If needed, parents must place their kids in a different school or different learning environment.

4. Parents should also look into creating alternative social opportunities for their children by having their kids meet up with kids from a different neighborhood on the weekend. The kids should not be around those same children who bully them.

5. Parents must be very aware of what kinds of friends their children have. Friends are a huge component of a child’s life and can be a telltale sign of what direction your child’s life is progressing.

6. Again and again, parents must enforce the sentiment that “You are mine and I love you very much” within their child’s mind. This must start from Day 1 and be reinforced every day and every night by providing a safe environment for their kids where they are included, loved, and embraced.

We have to remember that school and friends are everything for children. Just as we work for a proper stature in society, our kids do the same. As devastating as it is for us to lose our place in the world, it is doubly scarring for children.

We must take their problems like bullying as monumental occurrences and not minimise the problem as being petty. Should we talk down or pooh-pooh the problem, our kids will never tell us anything again. It will block all communication and the problem will fester.

Tragically this is what we see happening again and again in today’s materialistic society. And the result is that we have children graduating from schools with a whole basket of psychic and emotional issues that hinder them for the rest of their life. And we have children who are grossly disconnected from their families and communities.

Thus, as parents, teachers, counselors, concerned neighbors and school administrators, we should address this problem of bullying in a very forthright and direct manner. Failing that, we are inviting a whole slew of issues for our children, as well as losing their trust.


Here below Baba points out the challenges of living in today’s world which is marred by imbalances and incongruities.

Baba says, “It can be said that ordinary people, like teachers, face many types of problem in their lives; in fact teachers’ problems are only a reflection of larger social problems. It is quite true that in the modern material world strenuous efforts to conquer the limitations of time, place and person are apparent everywhere. It is as if human beings are being forcibly dragged forward by the hair of their heads. Speed is the main consideration; whether any good is accomplished or not is a secondary factor. Thus different social trends are unable to maintain a harmonious pace in their forward movement. Some trends are far advanced in their development while others lag behind. This causes some parts of the social structure which were close together to move apart, and other parts which were once apart to come together, leading to the collapse of the entire structure. The thatched hut is still the same, but electrical wiring has been strung through it. The only food available is salt and boiled rice, but the ordinary old clay stove has been replaced by an electric “heater” [hotplate]. Such incongruities are now common in society.” (Human Society – 1, Education)

Next Baba outlines key points about parenting in this modern era: Pitfalls and answers.

“The views established in our psychic world regarding the different trends of life have so unnaturally diverged from one another that the naturalness of the human mind has been spoiled. Human beings have lost the capacity to think anything, but somehow pass their days with a lot of hollow, mechanical mental objects. The caravan of our social life thus rolls on.”

“So today parents may rightly say, “We have almost no vital energy left after exchanging blows and counter-blows with life. We have no chance to mould the minds of our children with the care and tenderness of our hearts. All the sweetness and finer sensibilities of our minds have been sucked dry by the harsh realities of life. How can we take care of our children? We cannot even provide them with proper food and clothing. How can we know what they are thinking? Do we have the time to understand anything properly at all? We know children should be taught through the medium of play and entertainment, both at home and outside, but is it possible for us to do that? We even have to disturb our talented son at his studies to send him to the grocer’s to buy salt, cooking oil, spices, etc. We know it is wrong, but there is no alternative, for keeping a servant is beyond our means.””

“There may be some truth in this, but it is not the point at issue here. In order to develop a healthy outlook, the most important thing children need is robust idealism. To impart this, parents require only two virtues: self-restraint and good judgement. Let us discuss good judgement first.”

“The method of extracting work by terrorizing the minds of children is not only made use of by a particular type of teacher, it is also often still more harmfully practised by parents. They frighten their children, tell them lies, engage in scurrilous brawls before them, and deceive and torment them; but they still expect that some day their children will become respectable members of society – that their children will bring glory to their family name. When their children are reluctant to drink milk or sleep, they terrify them by invoking imaginary goblins or frightful ghosts. Children initially have no fear, yet a fearful panorama is played out before them. Through this practice the parents may achieve some temporary gain, but even if the children wait a lifetime, they can never be compensated for the harm done to them. Even when these same children attain young adulthood, the thought of ghosts will not leave their minds – ghosts will become their permanent companions.”

“When the parents are about to go on a trip or go to a show, or when they are invited to a pleasant function or a social outing, the children may start whining or nattering to accompany them. At such times many parents tell lies without a qualm; somehow they dupe their children and leave. When the children realize what has happened, they also learn to tell lies; and to hide their intentions or their actions from their parents, they gradually start lying more and more.”

“Parents deceive their children in many ways. By calling sweet things bitter and pleasant things unpleasant, they prevent their children from enjoying them. But by disregarding parental injunctions and prying inquisitively, as is the wont of human nature, children discover the truth. Then they realize that their parents have been deceiving them. As a result they start deceiving not only their parents, but their friends and classmates as well. So it is abundantly clear that children are taught the first lessons in the arts of lying and deception by their own parents at home.”

“In a family it is natural that differences of opinion will arise among the adults; when they do, the adults should reconcile their differences considering each other’s opinions. Unfortunately they often lack the requisite mental make-up to reach an amicable agreement – each tries to convince everybody else of his or her viewpoint without caring about the opinions of others. The result is an outburst of unreasonable obstinacy – the adults lose all self-control and behave in a gross and vulgar manner. The effect on the minds of the children is disastrous. Children thus learn obstinacy from their elders. If the mother or those with whom the children spend most of their time is obstinate, the neglected children will, in most cases, become noticeably obstinate, and they will have to carry this psychic ailment around with them for a long time. If, on the other hand, as is sometimes the case, the wishes and desires (if they are not unreasonable) of children are fulfilled, the children will not have the opportunity to learn obstinacy.”

“In some families the parents have lost their peace of mind due to poverty or some other cause and oppress their children with or without reason. Naturally the children lose respect for their parents, which further aggravates family indiscipline. The parents have to put up with more unrest, adding to their lack of peace.”

“Parents who are middle- or high-level officials in the public works or police departments have to get work done through others or supervise manual labourers or subordinates, so they often forget to talk sweetly. Some become accustomed to using abusive language, and some to issuing commands. Due to this their children do not have an opportunity to learn to speak with restraint. Such children suffer from a superiority complex, even within their circle of friends. In their future lives it will be extremely difficult for them to love people and create a congenial social environment.”

“Some parents may claim that it is impossible to maintain a balanced life in an age full of problems, where they are extremely busy with numerous activities. I maintain, however, that it is possible for an intelligent parent to avoid the mistakes I have discussed. If parents fail to carry out their basic duties, I am compelled to say that, although they live in society, they are guilty of encouraging an antisocial mentality. By encouraging their children to develop a criminal psychology, they give unnecessary trouble to the police. The main point is this: for want of a little care, children are deprived of the opportunity to become complete human beings, even though they have a human structure.” (Discourses on Neohumanist Education)


By His grace, all have come into this world to flower, bloom, and blossom. That is the dharma of human beings. When society itself blocks this progress, problems abound. Many problems associated with child rearing and parenting are a direct result of materialism. From there, social ills abound. This entire situation demands our critical attention; otherwise, a neo-humanistic society will remain out of reach. I hope others will take up this important topic and share their thoughts – our kids deserve it, and our society needs it.

in Him,


“Toma’ya a’mi bhla’loba’si, a’mi toma’ra a’jina’ka’ri…” P.S. 4589


Baba, I love You. By Your grace always I feel blessed to obey or carry out Your divine order. By Your endless compassion, I spend all my days involved in shravan, manan, and nidhidhyasana. All my time is spent chanting and hearing Your blissful name and thinking of You. By Your unfathomable grace, I am always engaged in Your ideation.

Baba, in true sense I do not know whether I love You or not. I do not even want to know whether I am loving You or not. All I know is that my heart is yearning for You. Baba, please be gracious and compassionate and bless me with more and more devotion. This is the only thing I want – to remain close at Your lotus feet.

Baba, with my whole existence – my body, heart, & mind, I do sastaunga pranam at Your lotus feet. Baba, please grant me ragatmika devotion so I may serve and love You and remain in Your closest proximity.

Baba, You are the most gracious One…

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Date: 06 Dec 2012 21:09:56 -0000
From: “Pranatosh Deva”
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: Shopping Addiction



For those who may not know, just two weeks back, Nov 23, was “Black Friday” – the biggest shopping day of the year in the United States.

This year was marked by the tragic beating and death of one shoplifter, as well as the usual huge crowds, pushing, shoving, and all-night shopping etc. In years past, shoppers engaged in a heinous pepper-spraying incident & shootings, store employees were crushed to death by stampeding customers, and other violent acts – all done in the quest for discounted shopping. For those who wish to know more about these incidents and the Black Friday phenomenon, please read the addendum at the bottom of this letter.

Our chief duty here is to examine why all this is going on.


We can say with cent-per-cent certainty that the only reason such antics are occurring – and the only reason that Black Friday even exists – is because people are not aware about our Proutistic teachings.

If people had known about our Proutistic outlook, they would not have rushed out in the middle of the night to grab silly, useless products – which in most cases they do not even need. These shoppers are addicted to pseudo-culture and video games etc; in that way, they are spending their hard earned money on Black Friday.

We have to remember here that these shoppers are not starving, hungry people rushing for food as happens in so-called 3rd world countries where people run to grab the minimum necessities of life. That is just not the case in this scenario. People are harming others and risking death just to purchase video games, toys, x-tra gadgets, and other silly things that they do not need. They are purchasing these items with the false hope of gaining psychic satisfaction – happiness. This is the unfortunate mind-set in extremely materialistic societies like the USA. When people are sad they go shopping to “feel better”. In this way, they accumulate so much stuff that they will never ever use. Side by side, they remain depressed. Because shopping is no cure for melancholia or sadness. The teachings of Prout guide us that happiness and contentment come through spiritual practice, not materialistic pursuits.

On so many fronts, the common people in the US are victims of capitalism. It is our duty to educate them and heighten their awareness.

Here is Baba’s key teaching.

Baba says, “Psycho-economy has two branches. The first branch endeavours to eradicate exploitative and unjust economic practices, behaviours and structures. It will counter all economic and psycho-economic exploitation and make people aware of how capitalists, in their singular or collective roles, exploit society and create unhealthy, artificial demands which not only poison the mind but encourage dangerous habits detrimental to psychic sanctity and expansion. The first and foremost duty of psycho-economics is to wage a tireless fight against all degenerating and dehumanizing economic trends in society.” (A Few Problems Solved – 7, Quadri-Dimensional Economy)

The critical issue is that if the common people were educated about Prout and had a better idea of what it means to be a smart consumer, then they would not get caught in the sticky web spun by capitalists. Then they would not get caught up in the madness of Black Friday.

As noted above, Baba has given psycho-economy as one part of a healthy economy. A key aspect of psycho-economy is to fight exploitation and educate the public about the tricky and greedy ways of capitalists. So that is what we must do.

Indeed, if people were aware about how they are getting cheated by capitalists and that they do not need all this useless merchandise, they would not run in that direction, i.e. into a shopping frenzy. If people clearly understood the sham, senselessness, and destruction related with Black Friday, then it would be obliterated. Indeed Black Friday itself would be no more.


Here are some very simple, clear-cut guidelines which need to be conveyed to the public if they are to escape from the exploitation of capitalism.

1. Firstly, in day-to-day life people should not buy useless things and unneeded products. In essence, people must break the habit of shopping for shopping’s sake. This is not the proper outlook. People must be taught to critically analyse their shopping habits and not get lured into purchasing more things that they do not need.

In the US, it is quite common for people to purchase many things only to watch those items collect dust and never get used. Those purchases are placed in some closet and forgotten. Some people even collect so much stuff that their big house gets over-filled and they die when those items fall on them and suffocate them. They become absolutely inundated with piles of objects and items in all directions. This is the sad yet stark reality:



Typically speaking, one US family has enough possessions for an entire village in India. They buy something, keep it for a few months, and then put it in some closet or even the garbage – yet that item is unused. The whole world produces and the US consumers collect. Then one fine day they put their purchases in the garbage and that garbage is burned or buried in the US, placed in landfills or left to rot in poorer states of the US, and in some cases shipped to so-called 3rd world countries.

2. People must be able to easily recognise and rationally analyse the way capitalists dupe the public into buying those things they do not need. If they understand the cheating psychology and marketing schemes by capitalists then they are much less likely to be exploited.

3. When the general society is getting wholly submerged in the degenerating ways of Black Friday, then as Ananda Margiis we should take up the task of awakening and teaching the people able the ills and trappings of capitalism.

4. Essentially, everyone needs to understand the degenerating spiral of running after money, spending it senselessly, only to then again lust after more money. This negative cycle needs to be checked. This is the very harmful mind-set capitalists have infused on the people, and Black Friday is just one key evidence of this.

5. By seeing how kids and families are affected, we can understand the severity of the situation. The general populace, i.e. consumers, thinks that spending money is one of the main joys and thrills of life. That is all they know. In that case, when Black Friday rolls around – with so many “special deals” – the people literally lose their common sense and turn into shopping fiends. The irony is that often cases Black Friday “deals” are not good deals at all. Consumer experts have found that often those items were cheaper other times of the year. Plus, capitalists mark up prices 100 times the actual cost. They purchase things from China for pennies and then put a big price tag on it in the US. Even on Black Friday, capitalists are taking a 20-fold or 50-fold profit. Even then, the masses are whipped up into a frenzy to shop, shop, and shop.

6. The common citizens must be taught that shopping does not bring mental satiation. Limited objects cannot satisfy the mind; sadhana is needed. Under the prodding of capitalists, the common people are indoctrinated into the belief that physical objects and products will enable them to feel and be happy.

Such is how the top capitalists have impaired the common people. They have tainted their entire psyche and put them in eternal debt. People get into debt by buying things they do not need with the false hope of attaining happiness, and then borrow money or apply for credit at a 20% to 40% to even 100% interest rate. It is all one vicious cycle. That gets repeated again and again.

So the people need to be awakened to and introduced to the ideals of Prout. Then and only then will they be able to stand up remove the noose of this Black Friday mentality and capitalism.


The main conclusion is that in day to day life one must not purchase useless items or get duped by false propaganda telling them to buy, buy, buy via all kinds of psychological and tricky selling techniques. To do so is to merely become a pawn of capitalism.

As Ananda Margiis we are to awaken the masses and guide them on this key issue to bring about the struggle and fight against vaeshyan (capitalist) exploitation

Please report similar things in your area.

Pranatosh (Phillip) Deva



Basically Black Friday is a shopping frenzy where stores open in the wee hours of the morning or even the night before and offer huge discounts to attract shoppers. In turn, hoards of consumers line-up outside the store and wait for it to open. There is huge tension and angst to be the first one into the store. As soon as the doors open, customers engage in a “rat-race” type of stampede to get their items of choice. It is absolute chaos.

As mentioned above, one shopper this was beaten and killed by store employees. Here is that story:

“An alleged shoplifter died after being detained by store employees…The man was allegedly put into a choke hold as he attempted to fight employees, but the extreme methods used to subdue and detain the suspect ultimately caused his death. When police and the ambulance arrived, the man was unresponsive and bleeding from his nose and mouth. He was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.”


Here are details of past incidents on Black Friday:

(1) A shopper in California pepper-sprayed several other shoppers in an incident now described as “competitive shopping” wherein the the woman was trying to grab desired items and keep other shoppers from getting those same products.

(Note: Pepper spray, also known as OC spray (from “Oleoresin Capsicum”), OC gas, and capsicum spray, is a lachrymatory agent (a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even temporary blindness). Its inflammatory effects cause the eyes to close, taking away vision, creating temporary blindness. Although considered a less-than-lethal agent, it has been deadly in rare cases.)

Basically the aisles of the Walmart were jammed full of people and display stands of products had been knocked to the ground. People were just stepping on the merchandise in an attempt to get to other products. In that desperate, crowded situation, one woman used pepper-spray to ward off other shoppers. Those affected suffered rashes, burns, swollen faces and worse. It was a horrible scene – both young and old were harmed.

(2) A few shoppers were shot by gunmen as they left stores with bags in hand in incidents now thought to be robberies. Basically, thieves waited outside the store in dark parking lots and assaulted shoppers in order to steal all that they bought.

Such are the types of extreme incidents that are occurring. Each year these types of things happen, or worse. Sometimes store employees have been killed by a human stampede, and there have been other tragedies as well.

Two links below show some of the most horrific incidents from Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year.




Baba says, “Can human thirst be fully quenched? Can human hunger be fully satisfied? Why is it that human thirst knows no limitations? From PROUT we are moving to psycho-philosophy. In the relative world human thirst cannot be satisfied. Human beings are the progeny of the Supreme Progenitor, therefore human thirst is unlimited. All the properties of the Supreme are ensconced in human existence, and not only in human existence, but in each and every entity of the expressed universe. Can physical thirst, psychic thirst and spiritual thirst be quenched? Only spiritual thirst can be quenched. Unification of the unit with the Cosmic can quench the spiritual thirst. The physical body has certain limitations. It functions within very strict limitations. The mind has a far bigger jurisdiction, but it is also limited.” (Prout Nutshell – 17, Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities)

Baba says, “According to PROUT the mental pabulum of human beings is never ending. In this universe everything moves, thus our pabula are also moving and are never static. Human demands in the physical stratum can never reach the saturation point. Similarly, our psychic thirst will never be satisfied. It is ever changing.” (Prout in a Nutshell – 14)


“Marma mathiya’ hiya’ niuna’riya’ ele tumi a’j ogo manomaya…” – P.S. 377


O’ my dearmost Baba, after making me cry and breaking my heart, after such a long, long time You came close. Baba, by Your divine and charming arrival so much beauty has come in this world – everyone basks in Your glory.

Baba, in the beginning of this creation, there was no expression, You were unexpressed. You remained transcendental yet then You came in the form of the creation of these three worlds. And You graced everyone by showering them with Your sweet attraction.

So in the beginning there was nothing. There was not any existence of good or bad. Neither truth nor untruth. Neither meagre nor vast – nothing was there. There was not even the existence of day or night. Just You were alone. But then You graced everyone by expressing Yourself and creating this vast and colorful universe.

O’ Baba, the Parama Purusa Your liila is infinite…

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From: “Jaggadnath Deva” jgd@aurora…
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: Who Should Procreate & Who Should Not
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 01:02:18




Baba’s below teachings from His divine discourse “Population Growth & Control” are very important. We should keep them in mind. At present in this material world, across the planet leaders and thinkers are propagating ideas that are polar opposite.

The more we are able to put forth Baba’s ideals on this topic, all kinds of problems will be solved, especially as the common people are educated about the following:

1. Sterilization operations are detrimental to body and mind.
2. How the global population plateaus.
3. Food production & types of food.
4. No Dearth of wealth in the world.
5. Scaring others about overpopulation is a conspiracy of western interests.
6. Global Phenomenon: Why economically underprivileged produce more children at present.
7. Who should produce children and who should not.

These are very important points which Baba has uniquely given.

Today, the media, governmental bodies, big business people, community leaders, members of the public, and heads of state tell the exact opposite. So their understanding is far from the ideals of Ananda Marga. It is our duty to bring these ideas forward.

Here then is Baba’s divine discourse…

in Him,
Jaggadnath Deva

Population Growth and Control
date not known

The socio-economic environment of society today is extremely restless and disturbed. In this abnormal environment population growth has been projected as a menacing threat to the existence of human society, but in fact this sort of propaganda is nothing but an evil conspiracy engineered by vested interests. No problem is greater than the human capacity to solve it. Like all problems confronting humanity, the problem of population growth should be tackled and solved in a proper way.

In the natural course of evolution, birth and death maintain the continuity of the never ending flow of creation. Every day, with the birth of babies, the parents and the other family members naturally enjoy great happiness. But it is a matter of sorrow that there are some people in the government or other spheres of public life who consider the increase in the birth rate a curse on the society. This negative attitude is definitely a blot on the human race, which has achieved a degree of intellectual development and scientific knowledge.

Population Growth

Is the population problem really a natural problem? The population problem should be considered in the context of two vital factors – the availability of food and the availability of space. Today human beings have sufficient means to manage their food. The earth is abundant enough in food resources to feed many times more than the present population. Due to lack of coordinated cooperation, collective effort, a proper ideology and sound planning, society has been fragmented into many belligerent groups and sub-groups, and rich and poor nations have been created. As a result of this fissiparous tendency, society is presently incapable of producing enough food to meet human requirements. The tragedy is that even though there are enough resources to supply nutritious food to all the human beings on the planet, due to the defective socio-economic systems, an efficient method of distribution has not been developed.

Moreover, there is no shortage of living space on the planet if the existing space is properly utilized. Because the earth has been balkanized due to so many arbitrary social, economic and political restrictions and the pervasive influence of evil dogma, people are unable to tackle problems in a natural way. If there were maximum utilization and rational distribution of all natural resources, pressing socio-economic problems could be easily solved.

It is a law of nature that a mother is provided with sufficient breast milk to feed her newly born baby. In the same way nature has generously provided sufficient resources to meet the food and other essential requirements of all human beings. People need to utilize these natural resources in a proper way. Shortages of food or space cannot be blamed on nature. These problems are essentially the results of the mistakes made by human beings.

It is a fact that the population of the world is rapidly increasing, and consequently many people have become frightened. In capitalist countries there are sufficient reasons for such fear. In these countries an increase in the population means a corresponding increase in the poverty of the people. But there is no reason for such fear in a collective economic system. In the event of shortages in food and accommodation people will collectively convert barren land into arable land, increase agricultural production by scientific methods and produce food by chemical processes using the potentiality of earth, water and air. And if this earth loses its productivity, then human beings will migrate to other planets and satellites and settle there.

If people living in capitalist countries voluntarily adopt birth control methods to avoid economic hardship, perhaps we should not criticize them. But it should be mentioned here that using birth control methods which deform the bodies of men and women or destroy their reproductive powers forever cannot be supported, because this may cause a violent mental reaction at any moment.

PROUT’s Solution

Under the present socio-economic conditions, PROUT advocates a comprehensive, clear-cut policy to tackle the population problem. According to PROUT, population growth will automatically find a natural level if the following four factors exist in society.

First, there should be economic liberty in society so that people may get a nutritious diet. In Scandinavia, for example, the purchasing capacity of the people is high and they enjoy a good standard of living. Because of this they do not face the problem of overpopulation.

Secondly, everybody should have the right to enjoy sound health. If people have a healthy body and mind their glandular system will remain balanced, and they can easily transform their physical energy into psychic energy and their psychic energy into spiritual energy. Through this effort of channelizing the mind in a spiritual direction, the baser mental propensities are easily controlled.

Thirdly, people should be free from unnecessary mental worries and anxieties. When one suffers from mental agonies continually, the mind naturally indulges in baser physical enjoyment to get rid of that unwanted condition. When mental agonies disappear, human beings will enjoy peace of mind and be able to assimilate subtle ideas.

Fourthly, the intellectual standard of humanity will have to be elevated. With intellectual advancement human beings will develop their all-round psychic potentiality and can easily evolve their psycho-spiritual potentiality. Through continuous effort human beings will be able to attain the supreme stance, merging their individual unit existence into Cosmic existence.

Thus, the population problem is not just an economic problem – it includes economic, biological, psychological and intellectual aspects.

Today people give more importance to the political than to the bio-psychological and economic aspects of population growth.

The theory that population increases at a geometric rate while food production increases at an arithmetic rate is completely defective. Such a situation can only occur in an imbalanced economic system. In a progressive and balanced economic system no such problem will exist.

Collective Economy

It is completely wrong to propagate the idea that a rapidly increasing population will affect the collective economic structure. Today capitalists are trying to check population growth by propagating birth control because an increasing population is detrimental to capitalism. In a collective economic structure there will be no need to support birth control. Rather, an increasing population will help in the production of the essential commodities.

Good varieties of seed, fertile land, adequate nourishment, light, air and water are all essential for good reproduction in both the plant and animal kingdoms. In this respect human beings are no different from other creatures. In human society the selection of suitable males and females is desirable for reproduction of a high order. Until human beings are produced in scientific laboratories, it will be detrimental to society if this matter is neglected.

If people of sublime intelligence and brilliance reproduce more offspring, it will be very beneficial for society. The responsibility for nurturing and bringing up these children will have to be taken by the society or the government. Similarly, it will be harmful for society if mentally deficient, naturally delinquent or insane persons produce many children. In fact, society will be benefited by the permanent destruction of their reproductive capacity, providing this does not cause any harmful reaction.

Science has reached such a stage that it can usher in a new era. It can produce synthetic food in the form of tablets to help solve the food problems of the world. A single food tablet can be sufficient to provide sustenance for a whole day, so we need not fear population increases. Future generations will spend more of their time and energy on subtle psychic and spiritual activities, so their demand for physical food will decrease.

Through oceanographic research abundant food resources have been discovered within the ocean and on the sea bed. With the application of science and technology we can harness these resources to meet the challenge of the food problem. The crisis faced by society today indicates that humanity is not encouraging the maximum utilization and rational distribution of the world’s potentialities. Science today is being used to develop increasingly destructive weapons of war rather than for benevolent and constructive purposes.

Society will have to adopt a collective economic system for maximum production and economic security in order to control accumulation; ensure the rational distribution of collective wealth through a well-knit cooperative system; implement decentralized socio-economic planning; and secure the maximum utilization of all types of mundane, supramundane and spiritual potentialities. So far society has not adopted such an approach so it has been unable to solve the food problem.

Instead, certain inhuman birth control practices have been forcibly promoted. Not only are such practices detrimental to a healthy human body and mind, they cause physical deformity, disturbances and misunderstandings in family life, and mental derangement and debility. Those inflicted with such psychic ailments lose the courage to face adversity in life and the power to fight for social justice.

Imposing a fear of population growth is nothing but a cunning conspiracy by vested interests to misguide people and exploit society. Optimistic people throughout the world will have to unite and raise their voices against such a heinous conspiracy, and work together to construct a just and benevolent society.

date not known

A Few Problems Solved Part 9
Prout in a Nutshell Volume 3 Part 13 [a compilation]
Proutist Economics [a compilation]


“Toma’re khunjechi tiirthe marute…bujechi rayecho manete.” (P.S. 2203)


Oh Lord, because of my blindness, in the past I was searching You in various tiirthas, religious places, and in the caves of treacherous mountains – but unfortunately, I could not find You anywhere. In return, I only got frustration, pain and agony. You remained still further. In this way, I wasted so much time and money, and invited only frustration.

I did not understand that You are very close and intimate to one and all. So in my ignorance I was searching You in various places. This was my

Baba, by Your grace today samvit [1] has come in my mind. Now my eyes are open. By Your grace, I realise that You are remaining and smiling
always in my heart, in my mind…


[1] samvit = force of awakening (by vidya maya / positive maya)

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