
Archive for the ‘Svarshastra’ Category

To: am-global@earthlink.net
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2013 22:06:37
From: “Prabhakar”
Subject: Left & Right Nostrils: How to Utilise for Physical, Psychic, & Spiritual Health #2


“Eso prabhu a’ma’r ghare toma’y a’mi ceyechi…” (P.S. 946)


O’ Prabhu Baba, O’ Parama Purusa, please come in my home – with deep yearning & longing I am calling You. I want You – I want to have You close. Please listen to the longing of my heart which is grief-stricken in Your absence. Baba, only for You I am surviving, my life is for You.

O’ Divine Entity, You are the grand lighthouse on my dark path; and, You are the healing warmth of love for my broken heart. O’ Parama Purusa, You are the quintessence of the sandalwood paste of my forehead; O’ Lord You are pure and filled with the divine effulgence.

You are that type of pure joy & happiness which one feels after recovering something very precious that was lost long ago. O’ Lord, by Your grace I have understood You – Your essence. O’ Parama Purusa, please come close in my heart. You are my most dear. For You I have kept nectar filled in my heart.

O’ Divine Entity, O’ Baba, please grace me by coming close…


~ Part 2 ~

(Note: This is the second letter in this series; a link to the initial letter has been appended below. – Eds)

In Ananda Marga, we know that proper breath control and the correct use of nostrils plays a vital role in our physical well-being, mental health, and spiritual growth. From proper digestion to the sublime aspect of our spiritual practices, the science of svarshastra (breath control / science of brearthing) has a significant effect. And this follow-up letter on this important topic explores more about all of this.


In the general society, little is said about the science of svarshastra (i.e. science of breathing). Common members of society just go on with their days unaware about the flow of the air in their body. But we know in His Ananda Marga philosophy Baba places much importance on right breathing, and He gives particular instruction as to what types of actions correspond with each of the nostrils.

In quick review, as a basic rule, we know that when the body is engaged in physical works – such as running, walking, digging a well, and cooking, etc – then the right nostril should be the dominant nostril. That means the air should be flowing predominantly through the right nostril.

Included within this category is the process of eating. Food should also be taken when the air is flowing freely and predominantly through the right nostril. And for proper digestion half-an-hour prior to taking food, during the meal itself, and for the first hour after eating, during all these times the right nostril should be clear and managing most of the air flow into and out of the body. Only in this way will the body will be able to digest the food properly.

Hence, on the whole, all physical works are done using the right nostril.

In contrast during more psychic or mental types of activities like studying, reading, memorizing, doing svadhyaya etc, then the left nostril should be dominant. That means the air should be flowing primarily through the left nostril during these engagements. Included in this is the drinking of fluids. During that time also, i.e. while drinking, the left nostril should be controlling most or all of the air flow.

And when both the nostrils are open then this is very good for sadhana and allowing the kundalini to rise up.

Although it should also be understood that many lessons of meditation can also be done when the left nostril is dominant.


Most of the time this switching over of the nostrils happens quite naturally – that is to say the body does this automatically, most of the time. So generally we will find that this is all going on properly. Even then it is extremely important for us to be aware about what is happening because due to a change in routine or for any reason it can happen that the correct nostril is not working. In which case we will have to switch the nostrils ourselves otherwise that will only invite more problems. And below this technique will be discussed.

First however is a quick look at the inner science of the functioning of the nostrils.


Within our bodies there are three nadiis or subtle nerve channels: (a) Ida, (b) Piungala, and (c) Susumna.

And these three nadiis run from the muladhara cakra to the ajina cakra. And where they all cross is known as the cakra.

Ananda Marga Philosophy says, “The cakras are situated at the intersecting point of ida, sus’umna’ and piungala.” (1)

Thus these nadiis are deeply linked with the inner functioning of the body, the human psyche, and with our spiritual lives.

And, in addition, each nadii is intrinsically related with a particular type of breath control.

For example when ida nadii is dominant or active then the breath flows through the left nostril; when the piungala is active then the air is flowing primarily through the right nostril; when the susumna is active, then both nostrils are open.

Thus when one nadii is dominating then that corresponding nostril is open. So the whole inner science of breath control is based on the dominance of the nadiis – when one or another or both have an active role.

Thus accordingly – depending on the nadii – that type of work or activity can be done.


Here then are some of Baba’s important guidelines about what can be done:

Baba says, “Take solid food when the right nostril (Piungala Na’d’ii) is predominant.” (2)

So the right nostril is used for taking solid food and doing physical work.

Baba says, “When your left nostril (Ida’ Na’d’ii) is active you should take liquid food.” (3)

Hence the left nostril is used when drinking and for doing mental work.

Baba says, “When your Id’a’ Na’d’ii is working predominantly, you should utilize the time for your sadhana.” (4)

And sadhana is to be done when the ida nadii alone is open or when it is functioning in cooperation with the right nostril.

In that manner Baba specifically guides us that our actions must correspond with the dominance of a particular nadii.


So our awareness about all this is highly needed and useful in our practical lives. Because the entire theory svarshastra is one grand science and not just some dream or menagerie.

When our left nostril is dominating then our thinking will be optimal. And when the right nostril is open then digestion will be proper and our body will be ready to do work. And when the left nostril or both nostrils are open then that is especially advantageous for sadhana.

But if due to a change in routine, sickness, or for whatever reason, if the proper nadii is not dominating for the appropriate activity, then that will create serious problems.

If the right nostril is not open while eating food then it is sure that digestion will not be proper. And that will invite the diseases like acidity, indigestion (dyspepsia) etc.

And when reading or reflecting, if the left nostril is not dominating, then one’s whole thinking pattern and mental processes will be sporadic and imbalanced etc.

Hence our awareness of breath control and which nostril is open is very important to know about.

Because if ever the wrong nostril is dominating and one realises it, then that person can do something to switch over to the dominance of the other nostril. And thus effect positive change in the life – either physically, psychically, or spiritually.


Basically there are three techniques for switching over the nostril.

First Technique: If one wants to open the right nostril then first lie down on the left side of your body. Then gently extend the left arm straight along the floor past the head. And then bend the left elbow such that the left hand can be used to prop up the head off the ground. Or keep the left arm lengthened and lie parallel to the earth by resting your left ear and that side of the head on your left arm. By remaining in this lying position for a few minutes the right nostril will open and become the dominant nostril. Similarly the left nostril can be activated by lying down on the right side.

Second Technique: If there is no room on the floor or if one prefers not to lie down then this next technique is helpful. First sit down on the floor with the legs extended and bend the left leg such that the left foot is flat on the ground and the left knee is pointed up toward the sky. Then press the left toes into the earth and lift the left heel slightly in the air. Once this position is attained, then lean the upper body forward towards the left side and place the left armpit on top left knee and apply pressure by pressing down on the left shoulder with the right hand. Strong pressure must be applied so the left armpit is being firmly pushed into the left knee. Remain here a few minutes. By this technique of touching the left armpit onto the left knee and applying pressure, the right nostril will surely open and become the dominant nostril. One of the keys to this is to remember that by applying pressure to one of the armpits in this manner will then open up the nostril of the opposite side of the body.

Third Technique: This is performed from a stand position. Start in an erect stance. Raise the right arm into the air and lean the body to the left. The bending of the body should begin at the naval region and the upper torso bends accordingly. It is a deep bend to the left side with the right arm up in the air and sloped over the head and leaning to the left. The left arm will just hang limply along the left side of the body. The position resembles one of the aspect of padahastasana. Remain here for a few minutes. By leaning to the left in this manner – with the left arm along the side of the body and the right arm arching of the head to the left – the left nostril will open, or become dominant. To make the right nostril dominant perform the entire sequence to the right side.

Final note: The body has particular needs and if you aim to open the nostril that is most conducive to the action the body must perform, then the nostril will switch quite easily. For instance, suppose you have just eaten and the right nostril is not open, yet it should be open for proper digestion. Then lying on the left side will easily open the right nostril as the body recognises that that is the nostril that should be open. However, if you have just eaten and already the right nostril is dominant and you try to switch it to the left nostril, it may not go because the body has a strong inclination to keep the right nostril open.

If it is not clear or you have more questions, then please write.


In brief it is always best to sleep on the left side because in general sleep slows down the digestion process, in which case it is important to keep the right nostril open by lying down on the left side. Doing so will help with digestion. Hence, even our sleep cycle is linked with the system of nadiis.

To continue, a bad position for sleeping is is to lie flat on one’s back. Even worse is to sleep lying on the right side. The absolute worst position for sleeping is sleeping on the stomach; that should be completely avoided – it is unhealthy. All this was told by Baba Himself in various reporting sessions. But in particular one time He told all these points concerning sleep when publicly correcting the way one Wt was sleeping.

With regards the science of svarshastra (i.e. science of breathing), sleeping on the left side is most helpful as it opens the right nostril for better digestion.


Overall then being familiar with the science of svarshastra (i.e. science of breathing) and following Baba’s special guidelines in this regard will lead to the all-round development in all the spheres of life. Because this science of breath control has a deep seeded effect and is one essential factor happening in each and every moment of our lives. So although this science is basically ignored by the common society, in the life of a sadhaka it is extremely important and meaningful.


Here is a summary of Baba’s dynamic and diverse guidelines on svsharshastra (i.e. science of breath control). The below points have been organised according to the nature of human activity and engagement.


“Moreover, the process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils, influences people in various ways. It was Shiva who determined what kind of activity should be performed, depending on which nostril the breath was flowing through, and depending on whether the id́á or piungalá or suśumná channel was active. He set down specific rules and regulations as to when one should undertake physical, psychic or spiritual activities. He further instructed when and in what circumstances one should do ásanas, práńáyáma, dhárańá, dhyána, etc. This science, which Shiva invented and developed, was known as svara shástra or svarodaya [science of breath control]. Prior to Him, the world was not aware of this science. Shiva also gave clear instructions how this science could be applied by people in the practical field of action. In fact, this svara shástra did help the people later to solve many problems in their mundane as well as spiritual lives.” (5)


“When your Id’a’ Na’d’ii is working predominantly, you should utilize the time for your sadhana.” (6)

And sadhana is to be done when the ida nadii alone is open or when it is functioning in cooperation with the right nostril.


“When doing a heavy job while breathing normally, a person might have serious difficulties – perhaps one’s limbs might be broken – but in a state of baddha kumbhaka or purna kumbhaka (with the lungs full), one can easily do the same work. While doing some over-strenuous activity in a state of shunya kumbhaka (with the lungs empty) one might even die.” (7)

“Suppose you are climbing to a high place or lifting a very heavy load. If you do not follow the system of breathing while lifting the load, your hands may become painful or your bones dislocated. If you do the same work in a state of shunya kumbhaka (lungs empty), you will have great difficulty – you may even collapse. If on the contrary, you perform any strenuous activity in purna kumbhaka, taking a deep breath, you can easily do it. All this comes within the scope of that svaravijinana.” (8)

“You might have read in the Ramayana that Hanuman, by taking a deep breath, made his body swell and lifted a whole mountain. Although it is a mythological story, it refers to the science of svaravijinana.” (9)


“Take solid food when the right nostril (Piungala Na’d’ii) is predominant.” (10)

“When your left nostril (Ida’ Na’d’ii) is active you should take liquid food.” (11)

“It is good to take food when the main flow of breath is through the right nostril. Even after food, it is good if the flow of breath mainly through the right nostril continues for some time. Because that is the time when the digestive glands start secreting a sufficient quantity of fluids to help digestion.” (12)

“During mealtime and for an hour thereafter the breath should be flowing through the right nostril.” (13)

“It is desirable to take food or to defecate when the main flow of breath is through the right nostril. Even after food, it is desirable if the flow of breath mainly through the right nostril continues for some time. Because that is the time when the digestive glands start secreting a sufficient quantity of fluids to help digestion.” (14)


“As with dyspepsia, during mealtime and for an hour thereafter breath should be flowing through the patient’s right nostril. At the time of severe colic pain, the dominant flow of breath should be changed from the nostril through which it was flowing at the time the pain started to the other nostril. Allowing the bile to accumulate by not taking something when one is hungry should never be permitted, because in that event the undigested bile itself will become the cause of acidity.” (15)


“Practise Asanas only while breath is flowing through the left nostril or both nostrils; do not practise asanas when the breath flows only through the right nostril.” (16)

“There is no restriction of nostrils for the following asanas: Padmasana (lotus posture), Siddhasana (Siddha posture), Ardhasiddhasana (half Siddha posture), Bhojanasana (‘cross-legged sitting posture’), Viirasana (Viira posture), Diirgha Pranama (long bowing posture), Yogasana (Yoga posture) and Bhujaungasana (snake posture).” (17)

“For all those asanas where there is no restriction of nostrils, there is no restriction on food either.” (18)


“[Sadashiva] also invented sha’stras; that is, He found the link between the exhalation and inhalation of breath…This is called svarashastra.” (19)

In Him,


“This entire science of svarashastra is highly significant and occurs deep within the subtle processes of the body. All this occurs within the internal workings of the human structure. Rather it all happens automatically– deep within all this is going on.

Because when the body is in a state of balance and health then automatically the proper nostril will be working according to the type of activity one is involved in. If anyone is not accustomed to or less aware about this, then at any given time they can test which nostril is working by placing their finger(s) just below the two nostrils while exhaling. Then one can feel the air flow and it becomes quite evident which nostril is dominating.

So again, this all happens quite naturally when the body is healthy.

The purpose of letter is to bring awareness to times when the body is not functioning properly and empower one with the ability to make the body healthy and balanced by changing the dominant nostril. This is one very helpful and practical technique.

And this applies not just to physical health but psycho-spiritual well-being also. For instance, if sadhana is not pointed and the mind is running hither and thither, then check to see if the left nostril is dominant. If not, then make it dominant by lying on the right side for a few minutes. Once the left nostril becomes dominant or both nostrils are active, return to your sadhana and most likely you will experience a dramatic shift in the quality of your meditation.

So this is quite practical on many fronts.”



1. Tattva Kaoumudi -2
2. Carycarya-2
3. Carycarya-2
4. Carycarya-2
5. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, 95 Edn, p. 25-6
6. Caryacarya-2
7. Namah Shivaya Shantaya
8. Namah Shivaya Shantaya
9. Namah Shivaya Shantaya
10. Caryacarya-2
11. Caryacarya-2
12. Caryacarya-3
13. Yogic Treatment, p. 8
14. Yogic Treatment – Dyspepsia (Indigestion)
15. Yogic Treatments, Acidity
16. Caryacarya Part III, chapter 8, pt #6
17. Caryacarya Part III, chapter 8, pt #19
18. Caryacarya Part III, chapter 8, pt #20
19. Song Dance And Instrumental Music

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above letter. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Can You Forgive Those Who Altered Baba’s Discourses

Baba says, “What is forgiveness? It means to remain free from vindictive attitudes towards anyone. Suppose someone has done something inimical to you, you, in turn, need not be revengeful or vindictive towards him or her. It is of course quite natural for an ordinary person to take revenge against someone who has done an inimical action: there’s nothing wrong if an ordinary person does that. But one who is virtuous, that is, one who has risen slightly above the rest, cannot act in this way. He or she should behave otherwise. How should a virtuous person behave? If one is satisfied that the wrong-doer’s habit has been rectified, one may pardon him or her. If someone is perpetrating atrocities on thousands of Ananda Margiis, however, one has no individual right to excuse the wrongdoer because he or she has harmed thousands of innocent people. But if a person commits atrocities on me alone, and if I am satisfied that his or her nature has been transformed, it would be proper for me as a dhármika to show forgiveness. However, if his or her nature has not been rectified, my forgiveness may result in that person becoming even more of a reckless scoundrel and in such a case forgiveness would be considered as a sign of my weakness. This is the dhármik interpretation of kśamá. That is, neither is it proper for me to blindly forgive a wrongdoer, nor is it proper for me to blindly punish a wrongdoer. We should think properly before we act. If someone goes against the collective interest of the society, a collective decision should be made whether the wrong-doer should be forgiven or not, keeping in mind whether he or she has already rectified the bad habit. No individual can take a decision in this regard arbitrarily” (Ananda Vacanamrtam – 4, The Ten Characteristics of a Dhármika)

Note: We cannot forgive those who manipulated Ananda Marga scripture. We cannot forgive those who imposed the dogma that all discourses and books were translated from the original Bengali. We cannot forgive those who curtailed and eradicated margii rights. We cannot forgive those who committed these very atrocities yet do not show any signs of remorse or repentance. The reason is that these are social crimes – they harmed Ananda Marga society – so no one has the right to forgive them.

We all know who these people are – everyone is aware about who committed these acts. But no single individual can forgive them because their sinful activities harmed the society.

Forgiveness is only for individual life. If someone harmed you then and you see they have rectified their ways – then you can forgive them. But if they did not change their ways, do not forgive them. Otherwise wrongdoers will gain greater incentive to do wrong.

Those who forgive such unrepentant culprits are, unfortunately, ignorant and committing sin.

If someone commits an act that goes against society and collective interest, then no one person can forgive them. Rather an assigned body of leaders or representatives of the collective must review the case.

Those who manipulated Ananda Marga scripture and tore down margii rights have done irreparable damage to society. Those who committed these heinous acts are now suffering from diseases and they are now out of power. But that is not cause to forgive them. Baba’s teachings of forgiveness are very clear and these people are not worthy of forgiveness, not even close.

There are ten wonts of dharma – right use of forgiveness (ks’ama) is the second.

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To: am-global@earthlink.net
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2013 21:34:14
From: “Prabhakar”
Subject: Left & Right Nostrils: How to Utilise for Physical & Psychic Health



In their day to day life, mostly the common people do not have much awareness about the practical process of breathing – or, more specifically, the proper use of nostrils. They are not aware how the nostrils function and how the nostrils can be utilized to enhance their life.


In the teachings of tantra, however, one special science is entirely dedicated to the proper and correct use of the nostrils. And this teaching is highly advantageous and helpful for us – as it details how we can best do the various works and activities of our daily life.

Whether these activities & duties are physical, psychic, or spiritual – each is highly linked with breathing, and in particular with the nostrils. So within the practice of breathing and breath control, there is a particular science which explains, outlines, and describes which nostril should be used for physical work, mental activities, or spiritual practices.

In Ananda Marga, most are well aware of this ancient science first propounded by Lord Shiva.


When Lord Shiva first introduced this science of breath control He named it svarashastra. And this science clarifies which nostril is to be used when; how to change the nostrils, and all the related points about breath control and nostrils.

Tantra Yoga says, “Moreover, the process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils, influences people in various ways. It was Shiva who determined what kind of activity should be performed, depending on which nostril the breath was flowing through, and depending on whether the id́á or piungalá or suśumná channel was active. He set down specific rules and regulations as to when one should undertake physical, psychic or spiritual activities. He further instructed when and in what circumstances one should do ásanas, práńáyáma, dhárańá, dhyána, etc. This science, which Shiva invented and developed, was known as svara shástra or svarodaya [science of breath control]. Prior to Him, the world was not aware of this science. Shiva also gave clear instructions how this science could be applied by people in the practical field of action. In fact, this svara shástra did help the people later to solve many problems in their mundane as well as spiritual lives.” (Namah Shivaya Shantaya, 95 Edn, p. 25-6)

So Shiva was the first to propound the theory of breathing and use of nostrils. And Baba has revealed all the practical aspects of this in Ananda Marga books and discourses – including a special chapter in the Acarya diary.

Because the point is that using the proper nostril has a big effect on the entire body.

So whether doing arduous physical labour, or when taking food, or while doing asanas, or when involved in school examinations & study, or while doing sadhana, and even when experiencing samadhi, in each and every one of these activities, proper breathing through the nostrils has a keen role to play. Sometimes a particular nostril should be dominant or used exclusively and other times it is best to have both working simultaneously. Naturally then, being aware about this science is most helpful and beneficial.


This svarashastra, or science of breath control, plays a tremendous role in each and every life activity. As a case in point we can look at the process of eating.

The ingestion and digestion systems play a very significant role in maintaining human health. Because if a person’s physical health is good then one is able to move ahead in the psychic and spiritual realms. If the food is digested properly then the mind can think clearly and it is also highly beneficial for sadhana. So digestion is very important. And this entire process of digestion is intrinsically linked with breathing through the proper nostril at the right time.

For example, if one is drinking water or taking any type of fruit juice etc, then the left nostril must be working. But if anyone is eating solid food, then prior to, during, and after the meal the right nostril must be dominant. Otherwise food will never be digested properly.

Here are Baba’s guidelines about this:

“Take solid food when the right nostril (Piungala Na’d’ii) is predominant.” (Caryacarya-2)

“When your left nostril (Ida’ Na’d’ii) is active you should take liquid food.” (Caryacarya-2)

“It is good to take food when the main flow of breath is through the right nostril. Even after food, it is good if the flow of breath mainly through the right nostril continues for some time. Because that is the time when the digestive glands start secreting a sufficient quantity of fluids to help digestion.” (Caryacarya – 3)

“During mealtime and for an hour thereafter the breath should be flowing through the right nostril.” (Yogic Treatment, p. 8)

According to Baba, the system is to have the right side nostril active or dominant before and after food. When that right nostril is active the stomach will secrete digestive enzymes etc. If one has yet to eat, the secretion will cause hunger; and, if one has eaten, that secretion will help digest the food in the stomach. Thus, it is very important to have the right nostril dominant prior to, during, and after taking food.

If one is experiencing indigestion, then they should not take any food and take steps to make the right nostril dominant. Then their digestion will improve dramatically. On a related manner, if anyone begins to feel hungry but they are involved in pressing work or for any reason they are unable to eat at the moment, then they should switch their nostrils and make the left side dominant. More about this is written in the next subheading.

Part and parcel of eating is elimination. To clear the bowels properly, the right nostril must be dominant, otherwise one will suffer from constipation and elimination problems.

“It is desirable to take food or to defecate when the main flow of breath is through the right nostril. Even after food, it is desirable if the flow of breath mainly through the right nostril continues for some time. Because that is the time when the digestive glands start secreting a sufficient quantity of fluids to help digestion.” (Yogic Treatment – Dyspepsia (Indigestion))


There are essentially three ways by which one may switch the nostrils: From a lying position, a seated stance, and a standing position. Future letters will address all three techniques. Since the lying down technique may be the easiest, that I will describe here. If you wish to make the right nostril active, then simply lie on your left side. By remaining in that position for a short while (just a few minutes) then then you will notice that the right nostril has become dominant. You can make the left dominant by doing just opposite.

This is discussed in Caryacarya and in Senior Acarya Diary. Perhaps the easiest way is to ask an acarya. But, if they avoid your query or give a vague reply, then it means they do not understand the importance of this or they do not know the technique. In that case, better to ask someone else.

As mentioned, there are two more techniques for changing the nostril, and those will be written about in future letters on this topic; in addition, viirasana will facilitate making the left nostril dominant.


Some non-margiis may be thinking that all this is very strange because they never paid any attention to the use of nostrils, yet their food was digested nicely. But if they look carefully, they will see that within their unit structure, automatically, the whole science of the use of nostrils is happening – unbeknownst to them.

Ultimately it is just like how breathing goes on when one is sleeping or how the heart works even if one is not aware about its functioning. Similarly the same thing happens with respect to the nostrils. That’s why right nostril starts functioning and the digestive juices are released, then automatically one starts feeling hungry. So during the time of food only their right nostril is working. In that case their digestion will be alright.

The problem comes for those without good digestion. Then they will see that when they eat, their right nostril is closed – or working less. In that case, they should apply one or more of the techniques of positioning the body whereby the proper nostril can be activated. Those with poor digestion will be greatly benefited.


Not just with eating and digesting food, but in all the spheres of life, the nostrils have a big role to play. When reading or studying, the left nostril needs to be dominant. But if while reading the right nostril is being used more, the mind will be fickle and less focused. Whereas having the left nostril open will enable the mind to be more concentrated. During sadhana it is best if both nostrils are working equally – yet if one is a little stronger then it should be the left nostril, not the right one.

Verily, in all the spheres of existence, the use of the proper nostril is key and highly beneficial. It yields a positive result.

Baba says, “This svarashastra did help the people later to solve many problems in their mundane as well as spiritual lives.” (Namah Shiva Shantaya, ’95 Edn, p.26)


Some naive people may be wondering if using superficial measures to control the nostrils are needed, or not. But the answer is no. One need not do things like stick cotton up the nose to try and block the left nostril in order to make the right one dominant, or vice versa. This is not the way – rather that will be harmful.


This entire science of svarashastra is highly significant and occurs deep within the subtle processes of the body. All this occurs within the internal workings of the human structure. Rather it all happens automatically– deep within all this is going on.

Because when the body is in a state of balance and health then automatically the proper nostril will be working according to the type of activity one is involved in. If anyone is not accustomed to or less aware about this, then at any given time they can test which nostril is working by placing their finger(s) just below the two nostrils while exhaling. Then one can feel the air flow and it becomes quite evident which nostril is dominating.

So again, this all happens quite naturally when the body is healthy.

The purpose of letter is to bring awareness to times when the body is not functioning properly and empower one with the ability to make the body healthy and balanced by changing the dominant nostril. This is one very helpful and practical technique.

And this applies not just to physical health but psycho-spiritual well-being also. For instance, if sadhana is not pointed and the mind is running hither and thither, then check to see if the left nostril is dominant. If not, then make it dominant by lying on the right side for a few minutes. Once the left nostril becomes more active, return to your sadhana and most likely you will experience a dramatic shift in the quality of your meditation.

So this is quite practical on many fronts.


The next letter on this topic will talk more about the inner science behind the use of nostrils. Such as the three nadis, i.e. ida, susumna, piungala; how they are related with the cakras; how they are linked with higher sadhana. Plus how, in general, all this transforms our life practices and duties. As well as what techniques to employ to prompt the needed nostril to open.


Our life is three-fold and we are fortunate Baba has told us all the key points for each and every aspect of human life. By following them we the have the best opportunity to develop and grow – in all the realms of life. Accordingly the use of nostrils also has a big effect. Some few may naively think this is an insignificant point, but in our practical life this science of nostrils has a grand role to play.



“When your Id’a’ Na’d’ii is working predominantly, you should utilize the time for your sadhana.” (Caryacarya-2)

And sadhana is to be done when the ida nadii alone is open or when it is functioning in cooperation with the right nostril.


“When doing a heavy job while breathing normally, a person might have serious difficulties – perhaps one’s limbs might be broken – but in a state of baddha kumbhaka or purna kumbhaka (with the lungs full), one can easily do the same work. While doing some over-strenuous activity in a state of shunya kumbhaka (with the lungs empty) one might even die.” (Namah Shivaya Shantaya)

“Suppose you are climbing to a high place or lifting a very heavy load. If you do not follow the system of breathing while lifting the load, your hands may become painful or your bones dislocated. If you do the same work in a state of shunya kumbhaka (lungs empty), you will have great difficulty – you may even collapse. If on the contrary, you perform any strenuous activity in purna kumbhaka, taking a deep breath, you can easily do it. All this comes within the scope of that svaravijinana.” (Namah Shivaya Shantaya)

“You might have read in the Ramayana that Hanuman, by taking a deep breath, made his body swell and lifted a whole mountain. Although it is a mythological story, it refers to the science of svaravijinana.” (Namah Shivaya Shantaya)


“As with dyspepsia, during mealtime and for an hour thereafter breath should be flowing through the patient’s right nostril. At the time of severe colic pain, the dominant flow of breath should be changed from the nostril through which it was flowing at the time the pain started to the other nostril. Allowing the bile to accumulate by not taking something when one is hungry should never be permitted, because in that event the undigested bile itself will become the cause of acidity.” (Yogic Treatments, Acidity)


“Practise Asanas only while breath is flowing through the left nostril or both nostrils; do not practise asanas when the breath flows only through the right nostril.” (Caryacarya Part III, chapter 8, pt #6)

“There is no restriction of nostrils for the following asanas: Padmasana (lotus posture), Siddhasana (Siddha posture), Ardhasiddhasana (half Siddha posture), Bhojanasana (‘cross-legged sitting posture’), Viirasana (Viira posture), Diirgha Pranama (long bowing posture), Yogasana (Yoga posture) and Bhujaungasana (snake posture).” (Caryacarya Part III, chapter 8, pt #19)

“For all those asanas where there is no restriction of nostrils, there is no restriction on food either.” (Caryacarya Part III, chapter 8, pt #20)


“[Sadashiva] also invented sha’stras; that is, He found the link between the exhalation and inhalation of breath…This is called svarashastra.” (Song Dance And Instrumental Music)

in Him,


“He Prabhu tom’ar caran’e a’j a’mi ya’ciya’ cali…” (P.S. 4473)


O’ my Lord, at Your lotus feet today I am requesting only one thing. Please grace me so that I can fight against all sorts of obstacles. Even if clouds roll in and overcast the eastern horizon, even if hopelessness comes and covers the effulgence by submerging it into blackness, in those very moments please grace me so that I should always realise that You are along with me – side by side. Please grant me this wee-bit of Your cosmic grace. So all the moments I should go on having faith and surrender unto You. If in my journey, some dilemma comes and tries to break my rhythm of forward movement, Baba, at that very moment, please shower Your fathomless grace. Then certainly I will be able to overcome that situation. O’ my Dearmost, please allow me to go on moving forward unto You, the Path of Bliss. Baba, You are my Saviour, I surrender again and again unto You. I want the dust of Your feet – except this I do not want anything…

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Date: Tue 13 Mar 2012 22:54:28
From: Lokesh J. Deva
Subject: M.N. Roy was a Student of Baba



Note: As we all know Baba is the Taraka Brahma and His teachings are wholly unique, original and perfect for humanity. Lately there has been discussion on email wherein someone made the accusation that Baba’s teachings of neo-humanism were “borrowed” from M.N. Roy’s writings. Obviously this is wholly incorrect and what follows below is a string of emails that neatly portray this truth: That all Baba’s teachings are original and that M.N. Roy was in fact a student of Baba’s.

The thread began when one person made the accusation:

“The original Prout policy borrowed from the Book “New Humanism” by M.N.Roy.”

The original response to the above accusation was forwarded to the net by Deveshji and that letter is appended below.

Clearly though the one who levied such an accusation suffers from serious doubt about Guru. Because when Baba is the Sadguru who can think that Baba took ideas from M.N. Roy.

Those who suffer from the psychic disease of shaunka (doubt) they doubt everything, even who is their own biological father. They are suspicious of their biological mother that she is telling a lie; such persons ask their mother to substantiate her claim about who is their father.

The matter is quite simple.

It is quite obvious that since His childhood Baba was living in Jamalpur and Bengal and long before the creation of AM people used to meet Him. Just because there was no AM does not mean that He did nothing. If anyone thinks like this they are naive. In that pre-AM period so many came for guidance, among them MN Roy and Subhash also came to Baba.



The one making the false accusation that Baba’s Prout teachings were borrowed or lifted from M.N. Roy is Dada Krstashivananda. Before saying more about this Dada, simply read Ac Bhaskarananda’s comments directly following.


Dear Devesh,
Krtshivanand has gone out of mind and it is well known to margiis of Germany. He is also not a well versed person on Baba’s philosophy. MN Roy learnt from Baba but later distorted Baba’s Neo-Humanism in to Radical Humanism.

The theme of radical humanism is negative and that of NH is positive. According to radical humanism faith in God stops man’s effort of inquiry and so progress is also stopped. This argument is fallacious as it is faith that gives strength to inquire further. So there should not be any comparison with NH…



—–Original Message—–
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 11:44:51 +0100
Subject: Reply to Krtashivananda dada- MN Roy matter- Please Do Read
From: Devesh Kumar
To: “dadakrta@t-online.de”

There is a lot of misunderstanding surrounding MN Roy and Baba. Some very confused persons seem to think that Baba got His ideas from MN Roy, such as the idea of neo-humanism. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Early on, before the creation of AMPS, both MN Roy and Subhash Chandra Bose came to Baba for spiritual initiation and regularly thereafter. They became His disciples. And there are accounts from those very close to Baba during the Jamalpur years wherein Baba explains that He was teaching both Subhash Chandra Bose and MN Roy about neo-humanism.

Indeed the very senior margii Sushil Dharji presents a very key account. As many may know Sushil Dhar took dictation regularly from Baba for 10 years. Sushilji worked in the railway office and took 1 hour dictation from Baba during lunchtime and he would also work with Baba outside of their office hours as well. Sushilji took dictation for Ananda Sutram
and worked with Baba on the final edits of the notes to His DMC discourses that were printed in Subhasita Samgraha parts 1 – 8. Those early DMC discourses were not recorded – rather disciples would take notes and then those notes would be correlated and reviewed with Baba before publishing them.

And it is this same Sushil Dhar who recounts an important a key interaction with Baba about His time with MN Roy. And this shows that Baba was the teacher of MN Roy, not vice-versa.

As is commonly known, MN Roy published a famous book on humanism. And one time Sushil Jhar asked Baba about this. Sushil Dada was in the Jamalpur ashram taking dictation from Baba and Ramtanukji was also present.

Baba told him that soon He will give dictation on neo-humanism.

And Sushil ji asked Baba if that is different from MN Roy’s teachings humanism. Sushilji asked that because at the time he was reading MN Roy’s book.

Baba then recounted how He Himself told that topic of neo-humanism to MN Roy and that then there was no Prout so now there is a need to link neo-humanism with Prout.

Then Baba added, MN Roy could not keep connection. All this shows that Baba is the propounder of neo-humanism, not MN Roy.

Furthermore, in those earlier days two margiis – Ram Kumar and Vivekananda Singh would write and publish Baba’s ideas in their own pen names and print their writings in Ananda Doota and certain Bangla magazines. This sets the precedent that people were writing about Baba’s teachings in their own articles before Baba started writing and publishing His own AM books in His name. And indeed that is what MN Roy did. This also demonstrates that Baba was MN Roy’s teacher and not the
other way around.

Plus there are so many other points which prove that Baba is the real Propounder of neo-humanism and that His teachings are entirely original.

By this entire account, it is obvious that Dada K has no truth in what he said. All his points are off the mark and concocted. Anyone even a little familiar with AM ideals will understand this.


“E ga’n a’ma’r jiivaner a’nandadha’ra’…” (P.S. 4505)


Baba, You are so gracious; Your divine song is the flow of my life. This song has been coming since eternity and will go on up to infinity. It is beginningless and endless. It goes on and on giving me strength to play my instrument – the ekta’ra’ [1]. Baba, by this song, my pin-pointed mind is moving from beginninglessness up to infinity after getting inspiration from You.

Baba, this very divine song will not bow down to any types of difficulties, obstacles or hindrances. This song does not hurt anyone’s mental feeling. This song loves everyone; it helps everyone. Indeed this song satiates the heart and has infinite inspiration. This song is so divinely intoxicated that the mind becomes one with that most beautiful Entity– Parama Purusa.

Baba, this song never surrenders at the alter of crudity & dogma. This song never praises mortal beings. It nevers bows down to superficial things or materialistic values. Just it moves ahead along the path of Your perfect ideology. This song is full of divine effulgence. This song only accepts that singular Polestar; it accepts only His greatness, His glory.

Baba, by Your grace, this divine song of Prabhat Samgiita is the ocean of bliss. It saturates my whole being with that blissful, divine flow…


[1] Ekta’ra’: Although it literally means a single string musical instrument, this term also symbolizes the grand idea how the sadhaka’s mind is one-pointed towards Ista – Baba. Indeed no other ideas are coming in the sadhaka’s mind. The devotee is completely focused on Baba’s thoughts & His ideation. Baba, is the goal of life. In this way the Ekta’ra’ term is moving.

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Date: 13 Feb 2012 22:09:48 -0000
From: “Manjit S Deva”
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: Baba Story: Are You Reading Ananda Marga Books?



Note: The following is the first-hand account of Shrii Vrajvasi Lal from Bhopal (MP) whereby he recounts his PC with Baba.

By Baba’s grace I was initiated in 1963. A few years later in 1966, DMC was held in Nagpur. At the time, due to His devotional pull, I had a very strong desire to have Baba’s personal contact.

Numerous margiis had told me that Baba knows everything but I wanted to have my own first-hand experience about this. So this is what I planned to do: I decided that when Baba asks me anything I will not answer, until He asks me the question in my mother tongue. That was my plan. And I did not tell anybody about this.

By that way I will be confirmed that Baba knows my thoughts and mother tongue.


As per the system, I waited in line for PC (personal contact). When my turn came, I entered Baba’s room and immediately did sastaunga pranam. After a short while, I heard Baba say in a soft voice, “Get up, get up.”

I got up and stood before Baba.

Baba asked me, “What is your name?”

I kept quiet because He spoke in English, not my mother tongue. That was my plan so I did not say anything. I just stood there.

Although I understood English, I was waiting for Baba to speak to me in my mother tongue. That is why I was not responding.

Then Baba asked me other questions – all in English. Still I did not respond. I continued to remain quiet.

Baba started smiling. Then in a very gracious and sweet way He began asking me those same questions in my mother tongue (Bundel Khandi). We talked together for a few minutes. I was so happy.

While in His presence, I was thinking, “Yes, Baba indeed knows everything. He spoke in my mother tongue which is not widely known; and, He understood my desire without my saying anything.”



On that same occasion of PC, Baba pointed out many of my mistakes, i.e. times I failed to adhere to 16 Points.

In follow-up, Baba inquired, “Are you reading Ananda Marga books?”

I replied, “No, Baba.”

Then Baba told, “It is very important to read our Ananda Marga books and study the discourses in order to practice those points on a day-to-day basis. Otherwise you will not know about those things, in which case how will you follow them in your practical life.”

Previously, I was thinking just the opposite. I had heard from many sadhakas that devotion is everything. So I had formed a very negative opinion about jinana (knowledge) and thought that there was no need to review and study Ananda Marga books.

Because of this defective mentality, I had no idea about those conduct rules and teachings; thus Baba had to point out my mistakes.

Baba then explained, “It takes a lot of effort to bring these books in printed form. So much time and energy are invested, yet you are not reading them. That is why you do not even know the basic do’s and don’ts of life.”

At that point I realised that reading AM books is highly important and mentally I took the firm determination to study all of the Ananda Marga literature. Due to my lack of knowledge of Ananda Marga ideals and conduct, I was not aware about right and wrong, virtue and vice, as described in 16 Points. I was not following those codes properly and thus committed sin and acquired negative samsakaras.

For the requital of my sins, Baba punished me, and I accepted. I felt completely light and blissful, by His grace.


Baba then asked me, “Who is your father?”

I replied accordingly.

Baba told me, “That is your laokik father. I am your Father – not only for this life but up to eternity.”

Then Baba blessed me and I felt His sweet touch in every cell and pore of my existence.

Still today I cannot forget His proximity, guidance, and love. Even now when I think about this it gives me goosebumps. Since that time I became very regular in studying Baba’s books so I could best adhere to and propagate the principles of Ananda Marga.

I also realised that those things which I knew and no one else knew, Baba also knew. Indeed Baba knows everything and He loves me very much.

Note: That concludes Shrii Vrajvasi Lalji’s first-hand account of his PC with Baba.


The above story recounted by Shrii Vrajvasi Lalji has three fundamental teachings:

1. The first teaching from the above story is that until one has complete faith one cannot surrender fully. It is just like if one is not sure that a plane can fly then that person is not going to put their life in danger by boarding that airplane. A person first wants confirmation or proof that the plane is safe and operable. Similarly, people do not like to put their life in Guru’s hands unless they think that Guru is very powerful.

People develop faith in various ways. Some realise that Baba is Parama Purusa in their sadhana or dreams. With their inherent devotion, their past life penance, sincere sadhana, or the causeless grace of Parama Purusa, some realise in their heart without any effort that, “Baba is myGuru and He is all-powerful.”

But not all fall in this category.

Thus other sadhakas try to test Baba in their own way in order erase their doubts, get proof of His greatness, and gain more faith. That is what Lalji did in the above story. He tested Baba to see if Baba could understand His desire and speak in his mother tongue. Seeing this, Lalji became fully convinced and could surrender to Guru.

Those who do not have full faith should test Him and Baba will surely respond. By this way they will develop full surrender. Remember this is between you and your Guru. If you have proper determination and a sincere desire then Guru must reply. That happens in 100% of the cases. By this way people develop faith and then surrender comes. This can happen in various ways.

2. The second teaching from the above story is that one must read and study AM books otherwise one may fall into dogma. If an aspirant has devotion but not that very high amount of devotion to become realised, then there is the distinct possibility of falling into dogma.

We see this unfold in regular life. Due to a lack of proper knowledge, some naive Wts and margiis think that they can remain in one group and also follow neo-humanism, as if groupism and neo-humanism can co-exist. Or due to a lack of proper knowledge they think their group is not a group. A few simple, uninformed persons come in this category.

That is why Baba has given His teachings and included svadhyaya in 16 Points. Once one is aware about the dharmic teachings of AM ideology, one will not fall into dogma, but rather fight against it.

3. The third teaching from the above story is that there must be a close and intimate relation between a devotee and Parama Purusa, otherwise one cannot go close nor become one with Him. So having a relation is critical.

Although the Guru-disciple relation is one relation;that is not what I am talking about.

Baba has outlined 4 types of relations which bring feelings of closeness: Father-son, Friend, Master-servant, and Beloved. It depends upon one’s own samskara – some prefer one and some prefer another.

But one thing is certain: A sadhaka can only have one relation at one particular moment. In life that relation may change and progress with sincere sadhana. But at one time one will only have one of the aforesaid relations. So one will select the one that is most suited to their feelings.

This third point then is that devotees must have an intimate relation with Parama Purusa in order to reach penultimate goal of spirituality. In the above story the sadhaka has a Father-son relationship with Parama Purusa. That is what Baba is reminding.

These types of bhavas (relation) are needed for having His proximity. When one is not close then an aspirant cannot express their intimate feeling with Parama Purusa. There will be distance and that is very detrimental for one’s spiritual progress. It is just like how you cannot express the deep inner feelings of your heart with a distant person. An intimate relation is needed.

Mundane relations are very temporary and cannot fulfill all the longings of the mind. That is why one’s relationship with Parama Purusa is very meaningful. For those who lack such a relation with Parama Purusa, devotion is but a theoretical concept.

About all these bhavas and their importance in devotional life, Baba has written beautifully in Namami Krsnasundaram. If you want to know more please write.



A few people think that Baba is the subject of history and believe they lost their opportunity to communicate with Him directly or personally. They think that the opportunity to be with Baba has passed. Indeed such persons feel that the privilege is gone and Baba is no longer accessible. They think that they cannot have His proximity and can only talk about His greatness. Thinking thus they feel sad. Those who think in such a manner are completely ignorant about Baba.

Baba is Parama Purusa – His existence is beyond time. Now even in this very moment you can have His grace and serve Him. You can do anything that devotees have done in the past.

So one should not feel and say with a deep sigh that, “Those days are gone and it is now impossible to have His close proximity.” Instead you are to remember that Baba is always with you – now, in the future, always.

Devotees realise this divine truth and others do not. If you want to say something to Him then say it mentally – there is no need even for vocal chords. If you say or ask mentally, He listens. His ears are ready to listen. If you want to offer something, His hand is ready to receive. If you want to do pranam – go ahead. He will receive your pranam.

In all the ways, Baba is present with you. Because Baba is that eternal Divine Entity, Parama Purusa.

Baba says, “Brahma, the author of this vast cosmic imagination moves everywhere within the universe, His vast Macropsychic arena, with His mental feet. He catches all the objects of this universe with His all-pervasive mental hands. He is the intellect, the intuition and the witnessing faculty of the innumerable created objects and hence we can say that He has His all-pervasive mental heads. Similarly, as the witness of all the macropsychic entities, He has innumerable mental eyes; and to hear their words, spoken or secret, and every loud or soft sound, He has His all-pervasive ears. He exists surrounding all objects with His own identity. You can keep nothing secret or private from Him – He knows more about you than you know about yourself. Behind all His pervasive faculties of knowing, understanding and hearing lies His Macropsychic stance.” (Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life – 6, Microcosm and Macrocosm)


“(Tumi) a’lo jhalmal u’s’a’y ele, a’ndha’rer ja’l chinrile…” (PS #3983)


Baba, You have come in my heart while the blissful dawn was glittering in effulgence. By Your grace, You have wiped away the net of staticity and crude darkness from my mind. In a flash You have also removed the dogma which had accumulated since ages. Baba, You are so beautiful.

O’ my Dearmost, You know how to make such a divine magical display. By Your grace You have created a heavenly panorama – complete with the beauty and grandeur of colour, by Your divine play. Baba, in the blink of the eye, You bring lowly and depraved persons close to Your bosom, without making any differentiation or disparity about who is virtuous and who is sinful.

Baba, You are my beginning as well as my end, my Goal, my everything. Baba, my whereabouts, my name, my place, my address – everything has become one with You, by Your grace. Baba I offer You my heartfelt surrender and sastaunga pranam thousands, millions, crores, & an infinite number of times – again & again.

Baba, by Your divine grace You have come in my heart and showered me in Your supreme effulgence. You are my own; You are my everything…

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Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 20:33:27 -0000
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: Can we call it Dharmashastra




Throughout the course of history, in various religions, dogma has been injected by selfish people. In most cases those selfish people were senior priests of that very religion. Take the case of Buddhism: After Buddha passed away senior Buddhist priests injected various dogmas into Buddhism. And now it is full of dogma.

In their own way Catholic Priests, Muslim Maolbis (priest), and Hindu Pandits (Hindu priests) did the same thing. In order to establish their own supremacy they manipulated the teachings according to their own view. And for hundreds of years, religious followers practiced those dogmas.

Indeed even the teachings of Lord Krsna were gradually adulterated by the priests. And the resulting degeneration that came and was not small, but rather huge. So many false things got propagated; and various dogmas took root.

The sense is that dogma most often gets started from within that religion itself– by those very people, i.e. priests, who are in charge of preaching that religion. So that is the tragic irony.


Thus in our Marga we have to be extra-cautious & vigilant on this point. Because Baba has given countless divine teachings that cover all the spectrums of life. And it is our duty to carry those things in untainted manner to all the four corners.

But unfortunately what to speak of spreading Baba’s gospel of neo-humanism and wiping out the existing religious dogmas, some Dadas have infused their own dogma(s) in order put themselves on top and reserve some special status for themselves. That has happened in the so many ways including the way in which they manipulated Baba’s sacred concept of dharmashastra.

Some have done this knowingly and some very innocently.


Most understand that dharmashastra is something very important and should be followed. Indeed Baba Himself has told this.

Baba says: “Dharmashastra is to establish the human beings in the stable, exalted position of spiritual ideation; it must be practical, rational, infallible, and universal. It must be based on deep eternal truth. It must be aptavakya. A scripture is a guiding entity. The Subhasita Samgraha series of books are the scripture of Ananda Marga ideology.” (APH-4, ‘Our Spiritual Treatise’)

Thus dharmashastra is comprised of Baba’s divine teachings, edicts and guidelines. Only Guru can give dharmashastra, not anyone else.


But to capitalise on the situation some Dadas have misguided a few innocent overseas margiis into thinking that their own words are dharmashastra and therefore should be followed. In that way some Dadas are getting their own talk accepted as being dharmashastra and unsuspecting margiis are believing that and following those things. In my sector and in our other overseas sectors this negative practice is going. Specifically some are labeling the talks they give at dharmacakra to be dharmashastra. That is the wrong that is happening.


To clarify this matter we should again reference Baba’s guideline about dharmashastra. Certainly most senior Margiis have read the book Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell part 4, Chapter 10, “Our Spiritual Treatise”. In that chapter, in first paragraph Baba has beautifully described the meaning of dharmashastra.

Baba says: “Dharmashastra is to establish the human beings in the stable, exalted position of spiritual ideation; it must be practical, rational, infallible, and universal. It must be based on deep eternal truth. It must be aptavakya. A scripture is a guiding entity. The Subhasita Samgraha series of books are the scripture of Ananda Marga ideology.” (APH-4, ‘Our Spiritual Treatise’)

Hence, according to Baba, dharmashastra means aptavakya, eternal truth– His direct discourses. In particular Baba expresses that our dharmashastra is His Subhasita Samgraha series of books etc which contain His DMC discourses. So the English equivalent term of “dharmashastra” is spiritual scripture.

By this it is clear that dharmashastra is one very high thing of deep import that is sacred and should be followed. And top of all dharmashastra is purely related with Guru’s teachings only. It is not the direction, talk, or gossip of any a,b,c,x,y,z human.


But what way certain Dadas have falsely instituted the word ‘dharmashastra’ in our day to day life is completely dogma. Because in overseas sectors the term dharmashastra means a Dadas’ lectures or stories etc. Such as a particular Dada’s travel story which he speaks after dharmacakra, that story session may be 10 minutes, 20 minutes 30 minutes or one hour, where in our overseas areas this entire session is called as “dharma sha’stra”.

Indeed it is the common practice that just after dharmacakra, usually a Dada comes forward and tells his travel stories /journey, or some simple or crafty gossip he will do. In this way some Dadas created the false aura that this is dharmashastra. So this is their thing. And by this way they infuse all sorts of false tales and reassert their dominance over margiis.

Again, some do this knowingly and some innocently.


Whatever may be, multiple inaccuracies are going on. The first thing is that dharmashastra is not just the regular gossip or travel story of one or two Dadas. The real meaning of dharmashastra is spiritual scripture, which Baba has given in ‘Our Spiritual Treatise’ chapter– and many other discourses also. So dharmashastra means Baba’s perfect scripture, not just the gossip of a certain Dada.

And the next thing is that in our weekly dharmacakra Baba’s books must be read– otherwise that dharmacakra is treated as incomplete. And the talk or discussion about Baba’s words is to be known as svadhyaya, not dharmashastra. Only Guru gives dharmashastra and our review of His divine teachings is the practice of svadhyaya.


In place of reading Baba’s books though, a few or one Dada’s gossip and travel stories will not do. Rather with all due respect those Dadas should tell their tales during some leisure time not during one of our dharma gatherings. But a couple of Dadas are are doing things in inopportune time– As if Baba’s dharmic words can be left aside and the vacuum can be filled with any…

Not only that but in the holy name of dharmashastra a few Dadas use that as a platform to gather funds for their groupist agenda. That recently happened at our local retreat. So this cannot be tolerated.

The idea being that the dharmashastra term itself carries a sanctified meaning. As that is the word of Guru. So the misuse of the term dharmashastra and telling travel tale gossip is not appreciable. It is just like if one person starts selling alcohol and calling it as ‘Avadhuta’ brand liquour. That is just degrading the term: Avadhuta. Similar is the case of dharmashatra when in the name of that they just tell their mundane travel tales. Or if in the name of using the term ‘turban’, instead we say pajama. But we cannot then justify by saying that Dada has pajamas on his head. This cannot be supported.


So step by step these various dogmas have taken root in the name of dharmashastra. And in this way some Dadas try to infuse their voice as being the same as Baba’s grand teachings. But this is just their hypocrisy. So those few Dadas who are doing like this, their lectures should not be treated and followed as a dharmashastra. Because what they are giving is something from the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Indeed the worst part is that some few Dadas use this as a way to place themselves on the same scale as Baba. And in that way gain supremacy over the margiis and get their own selfish agenda implemented, just like those dogmatic religious priests of old.

But if we all become alert and vigilant about this then surely this dogma can be smashed because nothing should be permitted to stand in the way of Guru’s sacred and blemishless teachings.

In this regard we should pay heed to Baba’s following mandate.

Baba says, “We should also remember that in the realm of dharma there must be clear-cut injunctions in the form of dharma sha’stra [scriptural treatises] and simultaneously there must be strict guardians who during their lifetime guide themselves as well as others according to those scriptural injunctions.” (NSS, 95 Edn, p.200)



In our book Caryacarya, Baba has explained that dharma sha’stra means ‘scripture’. And scripture means Subhasita Samgraha etc. That means, Baba’s discourses on a dharmic stand. Only dharmic discourses of Baba will be called as “Dharma Sha’stra”. So, naming certain Dadas’ travel tales or their own dreams as “Dharma Sha’stra” is not good, rather blasphemous. But some of those Dadas who are conducting dharmacakra don’t like to give up their negative dogma.

That is to say, this dogma of using the wrong term is going on since decades. And a few Dadas are thinking that, “Let it be like that, in this way I can keep the top chair in the eyes of margiis. And what I say they will follow.”

So overall this wrong use of dharmashastra is not good, rather damaging and unholy. Because Baba’s divine & dharmic discourses are incomparable. And those doing trickery in the name of that are doing…

Unfortunately this is going on in overseas countries where dharma sha’stra means Dadas’ travel stories or whatever else they may tell in that time.

And in that way they push their own agenda and place themselves on the same pedestal as Baba.


This term “dharma sha’stra” refers to Baba’s spiritual scriptures only.

Because in our Marg, there are three types of Sha’stra: (A) Dharma Sha’stra/Spiritual Treatise (B) Darshan Sha’stra /
Philosophical Treatise (C) Samaj Sha’stra/Social Treatise.’

So Dharmshastra refers to those spiritual, dharmic discourses only. And the reading out and discussion of those discourses after dharmacakra comes within the practice of svadhyaya.


If any Dada wishes to tell about their travel experiences then that is highly appreciated. After all we are all family members and hearing about each others exciting and humorous experiences is part and parcel of human life. This type of sharing is good. The main problem is that it should not be done directly after sadhana during our dharmacakra program. Means it should not be done in the name of dharmashastra– nor in the name of svadhyaya. Such story telling can be done during or after the collective meal or perhaps during other times of leisure. Because after collective meditation a few paragraphs or minimum 1 paragraph from Baba’s books should read aloud to everyone present. This is the minimum system, and this reading and the explanation thereafter is known as svadhyaya.


Baba says, “In the realm of dharma the only true guide and controller and protector of the people is an excellent and comprehensive ideology which provides definite, clear-cut, and bold directions.” (NSS, ’95 Edn, Shivapodesha-4)


Baba’s following lines are infused with a feeling of upliftment and cosmic fraternity.

Baba says, “No entity in this universe exists individually. Ours is a universal family. Each and every entity — living and non-living, moving and non-moving — helps others in maintaining not only their equilibrium, but also the equipoise of the entire universe, not only of this small planet Earth. We are to move together with all.” (SS-18, p. 40)


“Saba’r priya tumi saba’r a’pan…” (P.S. 4723)


Baba, You are everyone’s most loving and closest One – everyone feels that You are their own. Baba, because You are, I am; And because of You this whole universe also exists.

Baba, from the peak of the snow-covered, sky-kissing mountain to the deep, serene ocean, from the sun of the crimson dawn to the colourful evening sunset – everything in this universe is Your divine creation. The flowers, fruits, shrubs, forest, and garden – all are Your expressions. Baba, You are the divine Lord of everything and everyone.

Baba, with Your compassion You are looking after one and all; You never hate anyone. Baba, You reside in the mind & You are in the heart. Even then I do not see You, but I feel You. Baba, You are so great: I am always asking for Your forgiveness and for Your grace. By Your divine krpa, with full surrender I always do sastaunga pranam to You – each & every moment.

Baba, You are the most loving One, the most dear Entity of one and all. Baba, You have created this entire vast universe. Baba, You are so gracious, Baba I love You…

Most Noble Work

Baba says, “Soon after Alarka became king, his kingdom was attacked by a neigboring king. Alarka was defeated in battle and forced to leave his kingdom…Alarka decided to give up everything and go out in search of eternal truth…When Alarka’s reputation as a great yogi had spread far and wide, the conquering king requested him to take back his kingdom…’Alarka, come and take back your throne,’ said the king. ‘No’, replied Alarka, ‘I’m too busy now as I have to propagate dharma in the world. I am bound to serve the society and thus have no time to look after the affairs of the
royal administration’.” (AV-7, p.47-8)

Note: After ’90, some power hungry monks of our AM went astray from Baba’s above noble teaching. And instead they made the attainment of power and post as the be-all and end-all of life. That is why various serious crises have come; because those hovering around the helm forgot Baba’s above golden guideline and just began chasing after power and post. When in fact Baba’s timeless teaching is that propagating dharma is the greatest and most noble pursuit in life and the best way for building up a vibrant, healthy society.

Note 2: We can also see by His practical example that when Mahasambhuti takes advent on this earth then He propagates dharma and also goads others in this same endeavour. Lord Shiva, Lord Krsna, and Sadguru Baba have given all the dharmic teachings and their each and every moment on this earth was used in the propagation and teachings of dharma.

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From: “Seshagiri Das”
Subject: Svarshastra III
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 07:46:16 +0000
To: am-global@earthlink.net


“Adrira ma’jhe tumi himagiri, pus’per ma’jhe pa’rija’ta…” (P.S. 1685)


Baba, You are the Greatest among the great, the Sweetest among the
sweet. Amongst all the mountains, Your status is like the towering
Himalayas. Amongst all the flowers, You are like the most brilliant
parijata flower.

Baba, with Your own hand You are touching and playing the strings of the
viina of my inner core– which is situated in the depths of my heart. With
Your soft, loving touch You are arousing the divine ecstasy in my mind.

Baba, by Your grace You have brought me on this earth again and again.
And You have inspired me to love You in infinite ways. My whole existence
has always revolved around You; but even then I could never be satiated to
my heart’s full content.

Now You have brought me again on this earth. And by Your grace I have
brought a basketful of love for You. It is in my heart. O’ my Lord, please
remain along with me always– day and night, always.

Among all the things which are dear, You are the Dearest. You are my
Priyatama, the innermost One of my heart. Of all the things which I love,
You are the most dear. You always reside inside my heart.

Baba, the way You are, it is impossible to explain through language. I
do not have any words to express Your glory. So I do sastaunga pranam to
You– thousands of times, infinite times, again and again.

Baba, please keep me at Your lotus feet..


It is well known all around that in order to live and maintain a healthy
existence then at minimum proper air, clean water, and sufficient food is
needed. And in that order also. Because one can survive for days even weeks
without food. And one can live for a couple days without water. But without
air, one can hardly live a few minutes. Hence air is an indispensable
feature of human life. And in the general society each and every community
and civilization readily accepts this fact.

And for them the main response is to live where the air is clean. Or not to
pollute the air where they are living. How far they are successful in this
endeavour is another matter, but they believe and understand that that air
quality of their local living environment is important. That goes without

What they are not aware about though is the most effective or proper way
that air should be exchanged between the human body and the outside
environment. They do not know which orifice to draw in air or which nasal
passage way to use for which activity. Nor do they understand the
significance of air flow within the body. These things are all a mystery to


In our approach of Tantra, however, all this is a well-documented science
and clearly understood. Indeed it was first propounded 7000 years ago by
Lord Shiva and titled as svarshastra– the science of breath control. That
time Lord Shiva put down numerous guidelines about breathing. Such as which
nostril to use when and how to lift heavy items etc. And Baba has added
many new points which relate to our everyday practices from sadhana and
asanas to eating & more. Hence by being aware about this science, the human
body and mind can develop exponentially in all the realms of life:
physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Baba says, “The number of such inhalations and exhalations – on an average,
from 21,000 to 25,000 per day – varies from person to person. The process
of breathing has a great influence on the human mind and self, or soul.”


In the last few weeks others have written about numerous aspects of this
science of breath control known as svarshastra. So a some of those points
may be reviewed in this email plus there are some new points to share with
our general Marga society.

As we know, the flow of air through the right nostril should be dominant
for physical types of activities like playing sports, involving in manual
labor, and also eating.

And the left nostril is for psychic pursuits and psycho-spiritual practices
like sadhana.

And when both nostrils are open then that is also quite good for sadhana.
And of course for lessons like pranayama it is absolutely necessary.


Specifically with regards to eating, if one normally eats dinner at 7:00 pm
then by 6:30 p.m. the right nostril should be the dominant nostril. And all
through the course of eating dinner and then for minimum one hour after
dinner the right nostril must be the dominant nostril and the left should
basically be closed. Hence if one finishes their meal at 8:00 p.m. then the
right nostril must be dominant at least until 9:00 p.m. otherwise one’s
digestion and the system on the whole will be imbalanced– thus inviting
constipation and an uneasy stomach.


Similarly in the morning it is imperative for the right nostril to be open
in order to properly clean the stomach and clear the bowels. Without having
the right nostril open in the morning then surely one will suffer from
constipation. This is a common ailment all around the globe. And if this
happens to any of us, then in that case one will have to activate the right
nostril by using one of the techniques listed in the note section.

In addition there are some asanas to help with the clearing of the
digestive system. One asana that is particularly helpful is bhastrikasana
(bellows pose). That can be done in the morning before attending one’s
personal duties. So this will help.


Of course one need not feel overwhelmed thinking how are they going to live
their life, manage their duties, care for their family, and– on the top–
take time to ensure that the correct nostril is always working. One need
not worry excessively about this because in most cases, the human body
naturally switches dominance between the nostrils, based on one’s daily
routine and what activity one is doing.

Yet at the same time if the body is out of adjustment we should be ready to
intercede– yet to do so takes some awareness.

And as we were beginning to talk about asanas and how some help in aiding
digestion, then we should also be familiar with and remind ourselves about
Baba’s guidelines on this point.


Here are some of Baba’s important guidelines with respect to the science of
svarshastra and the practice of asanas.

The sense is that most of the general asanas and certainly the advanced
asanas can only be if the left nostril is dominating or working in
cooperation with the right nostril.

Baba says, “Practise Asanas only while breath is flowing through the left
nostril or both nostrils; do not practise Asanas when the breath flows only
through the right nostril.” (CC-3, Asana Chapter)

However Baba has listed that certain asanas do not apply to this rule.

Baba says, “There is no restriction of nostrils for the following Asanas:
Padmasana (lotus posture), Siddhasana (Siddha posture), Ardhasiddhasana
(half Siddha posture), Bhojanasana (‘cross-legged sitting posture’),
Viirasana (Viira posture), Diirgha Pranama (long bowing posture), Yogasana
(Yoga posture) and Bhujaungasana (cobra posture).” (CC-3, Asana Chapter)


As sadhakas we should develop the basic habit of checking to see which
nostril is dominating or working exclusively– because checking only takes
a second or two. Simply when breathing the places the fingers underneath
the nostrils and feel which nostril is releasing more air. So checking is
easy to do and can be done anywhere, anytime.

Plus it helps give that special boost in life because how we breath has a
tremendous effect on how we feel and how deeply we are able to engage in
sadhana and how much energy we have for our daily pursuits.\


Baba says, “You are the blessed travelers on that effulgent path. Let the
unique blending of your profound wisdom and intense urge for action rend
asunder the mists…” (Ananda Vanii #71)


Here are the other postings in this series



Baba says, “When doing a heavy job while breathing normally, a person might
have serious difficulties – perhaps one’s limbs might be broken – but in a
state of baddha kumbhaka or purna kumbhaka (with the lungs full), one can
easily do the same work. While doing some over-strenuous activity in a
state of shunya kumbhaka (with the lungs empty) one might even die.” (NSS)

Baba says, “Suppose you are climbing to a high place or lifting a very
heavy load. If you do not follow the system of breathing while lifting the
load, your hands may become painful or your bones dislocated. If you do the
same work in a state of shunya kumbhaka (lungs empty), you will have great
difficulty – you may even collapse. If on the contrary, you perform any
strenuous activity in purna kumbhaka, taking a deep breath, you can easily
do it. All this comes within the scope of that svaravijinana.” (NSS)

Baba says, “You might have read in the Ramayana that Hanuman, by taking a
deep breath, made his body swell and lifted a whole mountain. Although it
is a mythological story, it refers to the science of svaravijinana.” (NSS)


Baba says, “The process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is
flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils,
influences people in various ways. It was Shiva who determined what kind of
activity should be performed, depending on which nostril the breath was
flowing through, and depending on whether the ida or piungala or susumna
channel was active. He set down specific rules and regulations as to when
one should undertake physical, psychic or spiritual activities. He further
instructed when and in what circumstances one should do asanas, pranayama,
dharana, dhyana, etc. This science, which Shiva invented and developed, was
known as svarashastra or svarodaya (science of breath control).” (NSS, 95
Edn, p.25-6)



Basically there are two techniques for switching over the nostril.
First Technique: If one wants to open the right nostril then first lie down
on the left side of your body. Then gently extend the left arm straight
along the floor past the head. And then bend the left elbow such that the
left hand can be used to prop up the head off the ground. By remaining in
this lying position for a few minutes the right nostril will open and
become the dominant nostril. Similarly the left nostril can be activated by
lying down on the right side.

Second Technique: If there is no room on the floor or if one prefers not to
lie down then this next technique is helpful. First sit down on the floor
with the legs extended and bend the left leg such that the left foot is
flat on the ground and the left knee is pointed up toward the sky. Then
lean the upper body forward and place the left armpit on top left knee and
apply pressure by pressing down on the left shoulder with the right hand.
By this technique of touching the left armpit onto the left knee and
applying pressure, then the right nostril will surely open and become the
dominant nostril. One of the keys to this is to remember that by applying
pressure to one of the armpits in this manner will then open up the nostril
of the opposite side of the body.

Treatment For Hunch-Back and Stiffness

Baba says:
“When calcium builds up and gets deposited in the back it becomes hard.
That is why when people are very young then their backbone is quite
flexible but due to an accumulation of calcium over just a few years then
by the time they are teen-agers already their spinal column has become
stiff and rigid.” (SC-8)

“Doing noakasana, utkata paschimottanasana, and shalabasana etc eliminates
the possibility of developing a hunched back. So those doing hard manual
labor that demands bending the back for extended periods of time should do
these aforementioned asanas on a regular basis. That will prevent them from
suffering from hunch-back in the future.” (SC-8)


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Date: 13 Nov 23 2003 07:22:17 -0000
From: “Liiladhar Karn”
To: am-global@earthlink.net
Subject: Svarshastra II


“Saba’re kari a’hva’n saba’i a’ma’r pra’n’…” – P.S. 2945


Here goes the clarion call to one and all. Everyone is my own; everyone is my
pra’n’a; everyone is close to my heart. We are all collectively singing the
song in unison and moving towards the Goal– Parama Purus’a. Nobody should
remain left behind. We should carefully see that nobody should cry in the
society, remaining as downtrodden or as neglected one. We are all singing
the marching song of life collectively, with one tune and one melody. There
is no difference between one human being and another. Everyone’s desires,
hopes, and inspirations are the same. We are all moving on one path with
the inspiration of the great ideology, which will lead towards greatness…


Proper breath control and the correct use of nostrils plays a vital role in
our physical well-being, mental health, and spiritual growth. From proper
digestion to the sublime aspect of our spiritual practices, the science of
svarshastra (breath control) has a significant effect. And this follow-up
letter on this important topic explores more about all of this.


Outside the Marga, little is said about the science of svarshastra. Common
members of society just go on with their days unaware about the flow of the
air in their body. But we know Baba places much importance on this– and He
gives particular instruction as to what types of actions correspond with
each of the nostrils.

In quick review, as a basic rule, we know that when the body is engaged in
physical works– such as running, walking, digging a well, and cooking,
etc– then the right nostril should be the dominant nostril. That means the
air should be flowing predominantly through the right nostril.
Included within this category is the process of eating. Food should also be
taken when the air is flowing freely and predominantly through the right
nostril. And for proper digestion half-an-hour prior to taking food, during
the meal itself, and for the first hour after eating, during all these
times the right nostril should be clear and managing most of the air flow
into and out of the body. Only in this way will the body will be able to
digest the food properly.

Hence, on the whole, all physical works are done using the right nostril.

In contrast during more psychic or mental types of activities like
studying, reading, memorizing, working at the computer, doing svadhyaya
etc, then the left nostril should be dominant. That means the air should be
flowing primarily through the left nostril during these engagements. Plus
included in this is the drinking of fluids. During that time also, i.e.
while drinking, the left nostril should be controlling most or all of the
air flow.

And when both the nostrils are open then this is very good for sadhana and
allowing the kundalini to rise up.

Although it should also be understood that many lessons of meditation can
also be done when the left nostril is dominant.


And most of the time this switching over of the nostrils happens quite
naturally– that is to say the body does this automatically…most of the
time. So generally we will find that this is all going on properly. Even
then it is extremely important for us to be aware about what is happening
because due to a change in routine or for any reason it can happen that the
correct nostril is not working. In which case we will have to switch the
nostrils ourselves otherwise that will only invite more problems. And below
this technique will be discussed.

First however is a quick look at the inner science of the functioning of
the nostrils.


Within our bodies there are three nadiis or subtle nerve channels: (1) Ida,
(2) Piungala, and (3) Susumna.

And these three nadiis run through the entire body. And where they all
cross is known as the cakra.

Baba says, “The cakras are situated at the intersecting point of ida,
sus’umna’ and piungala.” (TK-2)

Thus these nadiis are deeply linked with the inner functioning of the body,
the human psyche, and with our spiritual lives.

And, in addition, each nadii is intrinsically related with a particular
type of breath control.

For example when ida nadii is dominant or active then breath flows through
the left nostril; when the piungala is active then the air is flowing
primarily through the right nostril; when both nostrils are open, the
susumna is active.

Thus when one nadii is dominating then that corresponding nostril is open.
So the whole inner science of breath control is based on the dominance of
the nadiis– when one or another or both have an active role.

Thus accordingly– depending on the nadii– that type of work or activity
can be done.


Here then are some of Baba’S important guidelines about what can be done:

Baba says, “Take solid food when the right nostril (Piungala Na’d’ii) is
predominant.” (CC-2)
So the right nostril is used for taking solid food and doing physical work.

Baba says, “When your left nostril (Ida’ Na’d’ii) is active you should take
liquid food.” (CC-2)
Hence the left nostril is used when drinking and for doing mental work.

Baba says, “When your Id’a’ Na’d’ii is working predominantly, you should
utilize the time for your sadhana.” (CC-2)

And sadhana is to be done when the ida nadii alone is open or when it is
functioning in cooperation with the right nostril.

In that manner Baba specifically guides us that our actions must correspond
with the dominance of a particular nadii.


So our awareness about all this is highly needed and useful in our
practical lives. Because the entire theory svarshastra is one grand science
and not just some dream or menagerie.

When our left nostril is dominating then our thinking will be optimal. And
when the right nostril is open then digestion will be proper and our body
will be ready to do work. And when the left nostril or both nostrils are
open then that is especially advantageous for sadhana.

But if due to a change in routine, sickness, or for whatever reason, if the
proper nadii is not dominating for the appropriate activity, then that will
create serious problems.

If the right nostril is not open while eating food then it is sure that
digestion will not be proper. And that will invite the diseases like
acidity, indigestion (dyspepsia) etc.

And when reading or reflecting, if the left nostril is not dominating, then
one’s whole thinking pattern and mental processes will be sporadic and
imbalanced etc.

Hence our awareness of all this– ie breath control and which nostril is
open– is very important to know about.

Because if ever the wrong nostril is dominating and one realises it, then
that person can do something to switch over to the dominance of the other
nostril. And thus effect positive change in the life– either physically,
psychically, or spiritually.


Basically there are two techniques for switching over the nostril.

First Technique: If one wants to open the right nostril then first lie down
on the left side of your body. Then gently extend the left arm straight
along the floor past the head. And then bend the left elbow such that the
left hand can be used to prop up the head off the ground. By remaining in
this lying position for a few minutes the right nostril will open and
become the dominant nostril. Similarly the left nostril can be activated by
lying down on the right side.

Second Technique: If there is no room on the floor or if one prefers not to
lie down then this next technique is helpful. First sit down on the floor
with the legs extended and bend the left leg such that the left foot is
flat on the ground and the left knee is pointed up toward the sky. Then
lean the upper body forward and place the left armpit on top left knee and
apply pressure by pressing down on the left shoulder with the right hand.
By this technique of touching the left armpit onto the left knee and
applying pressure, then the right nostril will surely open and become the
dominant nostril. One of the keys to this is to remember that by applying
pressure to one of the armpits in this manner will then open up the nostril
of the opposite side of the body.


Overall then being familiar with the science of svarshastra and following
Baba’s special guidelines in this regard will lead to the all around
development in all the spheres of life. Because this science of breath
control has a deep seeded effect and is one essential factor that is
happening in each and every moment of our lives. So although this science
is basically ignored by the common society, in the life of a sadhaka it is
extremely important and meaningful.


Here following is Baba’s special blessing.

Baba says, “Changes are fast coming in the psychic arena and in all realms
of human expression. They are not only coming, they have just come. We have
crossed the threshold of a new era.” (PNS-17, p.56)



In brief it is always best to sleep on the left side because in general
sleep slows down the digestion process, in which case it is important to
keep the right nostril open by lying down on the left side. Doing so will
help with digestion. Hence even our sleep cycle is linked with the system
of nadiis.

To continue then, the second best position for sleeping is by lying down on
the right side. Then the 3rd best way is to lie flat on one’s back. And
here then is the final way. Actually this last way, i.e. sleeping on the
stomach should be completely avoided– as it is unhealthy. All this was
told by Baba Himself in various reporting sessions. But in particular one
time He told all these points concerning sleep when publicly correcting the
way one Didi was sleeping.


Some basic asanas can be done irregardless which nadii is dominating or
which nostril is carrying most of the airflow. But there are some more
advanced asanas which must be done with a particular nostril being
dominant. So it is important to refer to Baba’s guidelines in Caryacarya
about this.


Baba says, “The process of breathing, depending upon whether the breath is
flowing through the right nostril or the left nostril or both nostrils,
influences people in various ways. It was Shiva who determined what kind of
activity should be performed, depending on which nostril the breath was
flowing through, and depending on whether the ida or piungala or susumna
channel was active. He set down specific rules and regulations as to when
one should undertake physical, psychic or spiritual activities. He further
instructed when and in what circumstances one should do asanas, pranayama,
dharana, dhyana, etc. This science, which Shiva invented and developed, was
known as svarashastra or svarodaya (science of breath control).” (NSS)


I hope other margiis will also write their personal realisations and
understanding of Baba’s unique teachings on the science of breath control,
or svarshastra.

Kiirtan and Gandharva Loka

Baba says, “The following describes how and to what degree human beings are
aware about their own unit consciousness (Shiva’tma). As well as how they
come in contact with their shiva’tma.”

“For example, it is just like when one looks in the mirror then one does
not see their real self, but rather a reflection of that. Or it is similar
to when one awakens from a deep sleep then they can recall only part of
their dream, and some aspects of their dream they cannot remember. Or
perhaps, more precisely, they can only remember a reflection of their
dream– and not the dream itself.”
“In contrast, there are other occasions where one looks at their own
reflection in the water and they can clearly see their reflected image. But
still that is not one’s entire being. It remains but a reflection. Just
like if one sees a reflection of a mango in the water then that is just a
reflection and not the real mango.”

“In reality only we come in contact with our unit consciousness when we
sing kiirtan and some bliss comes. Then we come in contact with our
“So in the spiritual field one comes in contact with their own unit
consciousness after singing spiritually vibrated music like kiirtan or
bhajans. For this reason, such type of devotional chanting or singing is
highly essential in the life of a sadhaka. And when one comes in momentary
contact with their own unit consciousness while singing kiirtan this is
known as Ghandharva loka. One can only feel the bliss of kiirtan when their
mind reaches into Ghandharva loka.” (SC-26)


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